Progress Report

This week has started out with a productive bang. Yesterday I completed my neutrals/red heart quilt top. Today I finished up our taxes (never a fun task). Wow. If I don’t do anything else this week, I’m ok with that!

I got on a roll with the neutrals quilt and it all came together so quickly.

IMG_20150309_2952The fence wasn’t quite tall enough to photograph the whole thing but this is most of it. Pretend I ironed it – the wrinkles are really showing in these pictures!

IMG_20150309_2954I pieced one little random block. When I was trimming the HST’s to be used in making the big heart, I had little bits and pieces leftover. I used a few of them to make this little guy.

IMG_20150309_2953Tomorrow I will get the backing assembled and pin baste the layers together. I haven’t quite  decided how to quilt it. I know I want to use straight line quilting but not positive of the pattern.  Also thinking about quilting the heart separately or different somehow so it stands out more.

Making good progress on my March goal! Also got started on the yellow scrappy blocks for RSC15 and they are going to be adorable. They are a double star block – finished the first of ten blocks today . At least all of the pieces are cut though so they will go together quickly.

Linking to Sew Cute Tuesday, Linky Tuesday and Let’s Bee Social. Links to all of these great sites are located at the top of this page under Link Ups.





17 thoughts on “Progress Report

  1. Mari

    It looks terrific Bernie! I went on a little scavenger hunt for that little pinwheel block, but I finally found it. And I’m all for a taller fence, too, as long as it comes with your green grass and sunshine. The recipient of this lovely quilt is sure to be thrilled!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Mari. It is a fun project – now on to my knees to crawl around the table and get it pin basted! Hope your week continues to be warm and springlike. 🙂

  2. Sandra

    What a terrific quilt!! I would definitely quilt the heart something different to make it pop. Angela Walters has a great post today on quilting designs.

  3. Cassandra

    Wow, this looks huge — and great! I love the idea of quilting a different pattern in the heart. That will look stunning. Congrats on a productive week!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi –
      The squares are only 3 inches so it is 60 x 66 inches. Lap size I would suppose. Any ideas for how to quilt the heart as opposed to the patchwork? I’m open to suggestions!!! (Always welcome ideas.)

      Thanks for stopping by,

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Rachel. How to quilt something is always the hardest part to figure out! But I do want the heart to be different than the patchwork. Any ideas??

      Take care,

  4. France Nadeau

    I find your heart quilt gorgeous! I love how the red heart stand out among the neutral squares. And I agree with you: quilting it differently is a great idea.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Janine. I still haven’t decided how to quilt it. I’m kinda stuck for the moment….. I’ll figure it out tho.

      Hope you had a great time with your grands!!



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