RSC14 Win!


Orange Block for September

What a fun surprise! When I got up this morning and checked email I found a note from Angela over at So Scrappy. Each month she has a giveaway for the participants working on RSC14, the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2014.  This month I won!  The sponsor for the giveaway is Vicki Welsh over at Field Trips in Fiber. Vicki hand dyes fabrics and they are gorgeous.  After just doing my first project with batiks and loving it, I am so excited to receive such a treasure from Vicki.  Her fabric appears to glow. Check out her Etsy shop here.  Thank you to both Vicki and Angela! Actually, thanks also to Mari at Academic Quilter since that is how I first heard of this fun challenge in the first place!

For RSC14 I have been working on 25 patch blocks in all of the colors of the rainbow.  I am almost caught up to September.  Two months more (green and yellow) and I will be current.  Hopefully I will get those done by the end of this month. I plan to sash the blocks with white and add  bright corner blocks with the sashing.

Here is what I have thus far:

20140902_1661Linking to Angela over at So Scrappy.

14 thoughts on “RSC14 Win!

  1. Carla

    Oh I so agree Vicki’s hand dyes are scrumtous! Your orange block looks terrific and looks great with all the other month’s colors!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Carla. I am really having fun with these postage stamp blocks. So fun to have all of these colorful blocks coming together. Even more fun to win this fabric! Yay!!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you! I had started out making two of each color but have now realized that will be too big- with 24 blocks. I think I will make only one of each color over the next several months. So I will have 18 (or so) blocks. Even at that, I may use some on the backing. Thanks for hosting this. It seems like a fun group. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for 2015!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks! Nothing like winning some gorgeous fabric to start the day off right. 🙂

      Take care and thanks for stopping by.


    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks! I am excited to put them all together for the quilt top. Only a few more months until all colors are made for 2014’s challenge!

      Glad you stopped by!

    1. Bernie Post author

      It was a great surprise. The funny thing is that when I was at my quilt guild meeting earlier the same week, I won the Fat Quarter giveaway and won 10 FQ’s. So it was totally my week for winning fabric!! Have a good week Deb!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Sheila. I am soooo excited to see the fabric. The pictures on her website look gorgeous. Yay!

      Thanks for coming by.



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