If you have read this blog for a bit, you probably noticed I like looking at the numbers. They don’t mean much, if anything at all, but I find it interesting. For instance, in 2023 I wrote 47 posts. The post show the most hits was Comfort Quilts, Who Really Benefits. The stats show this post was read (or at least opened) 6,769 times. For my posts this is crazy. So much so, I am not sure it is ‘real’. When I saw it was getting that many hits, I tried to figure out where they were coming from. Sometimes if a more popular blog links back to a post, it will drive a lot of traffic but not this much. So – I am attributing this to some sort of robot activity and don’t honestly believe it was regular blog readers. (I did like this post though as well as the comments many of you left on it). Let’s look at a few more numbers to see what the year was like for me!

I made or finished 11 quilts. Of the 11, I would say my favorite is the modern, circular wall quilt you see in the center, made with solids. I love seeing the quilt hanging above our bed. It is just what I wanted it to be when I started and this doesn’t always happen!

Other than quilts, I made a number of fun projects. Doll clothes, hospital gowns for A Doll Like Me, doll quilts for Carole’s holiday project, and tree skirt for Julia to name a few. There were four pair of pants (joggers, pjs and more) as well as a dress and two shirts for me. I didn’t post about all of these garments because it is a pain to take pictures of me wearing them and sometimes something looks weird just hanging on a hanger. I suppose I should work on this going forward so I can share more of this sort of thing.
Let’s dig a little deeper here and talk about project fails. There were a few!

For instance, I was making this cute dress for A and I lost the sleeves. What??? How did this even happen. The worst part is not only did the sleeves go missing but the pattern piece attached to the sleeve also disappeared. I have to think I threw them away accidentally. I really annoyed when this happened and tore the sewing room apart. Now I think I will try to make the dress sleeveless because it could be so cute – or – I will leave it sit on the shelf forever, find it in ten years and toss it. (hmmmm, which is most likely??)

The dress I mentioned above isn’t a total fail but it fits weird. I am fairly certain I can modify it but haven’t done so yet. It has be be in the fail category until I can actually wear it! Look at the fabric though – it is so pretty. I feel very motivated to get this one fixed so I can use it.

Also included in this category are the pjs I made for my grand daughters. Both were too small and thus didn’t get worn. To me, that’s a fail. I see these girls all the time! I should have a better bead on their measurements. (Except those measurements do change on a daily basis so ….. it isn’t easy!)
This number is pretty fun – I worked on three new-to-me quilt skills. With the assistance of my friend Sophia I re-learned how to paper piece. She also helped me figure out spray basting. That was such a win! Spray basting takes the yuk out of preparing a quilt. It is so quick compared to pins and my backings look much nicer. Finally, ruler quilting! I splurged and got a ruler foot plus two sets of rulers. It has been so fun to practice with these. Sure it feels awkward at first, but I think I am getting the hang of it.
Quilt tops – here is another number I try to track. Currently I have three quilt tops I need to finish. Two were made by me and another was given to me to finish for Mercyful Quilts. I feel like this number is not terribly unreasonable. I will be able to get these finished up (2024 goal!)

Other numbers I keep track of are my exercise stats. This is to keep me honest and motivated to be healthy. All year long I kept this printout on the fridge. For each day I exercised a minimum of 30 minutes, I colored in the day. So the blank days mean I didn’t exercise or it was less than 30 minutes. Turns out I exercised for 242 days in 2023. Not too bad but I hope to improve this in 2024. The 2024 sheet is on the fridge and will motivate me going forward. (I didn’t make the sheet and cannot give credit because I can’t remember where I got it. If anyone knows who made this, please let me know so I can update this).
UPDATE: Thank you Kathleen!! She pointed out that right near the July section there is a notation. I was able to enlarge the photo on my phone and find the maker of this habit tracker. If you are interested in something like this, it was sold at The Lost Button on Etsy. I feel so much better! I ordered a digital copy of the 2024 sheet because this is a leap year (which I didn’t know).
I also like to track my miles walked – this year the total is 328! Not too shabby. I started to run back in June. The total miles ran is 133. This makes me happy and I am positive I will increase this number because I am just getting started here. By the way, if you wear an Apple watch to track your fitness, there is a fun app called Fitness Stats available. I just bought it to be able to see my totals. So if you are wanting a way to see what your activity levels are, this is helpful.
All in all, it was a good year! Busy with family activities, friends and family visiting, playing with grand daughters and more. The start of a new year feels good – it is fun to think of what the year will bring. It is my hope it brings all of you good health, much joy and many, many hours of creativity!!
Linking up with Cheryl at Meadow Mist for her annual Best of 2023 party.
I read your comfort quilt post, and then joined Mercy Quilters here in Sacramento. I was looking for a place to donate the quilts I was making that would be put to good use. This has been a perfect fit. At Mercy Quilters we make quilts for end of life patients. It really does my heart good to bring comfort.
Thank you for writing about the need for donated quilts.
Hi Suzy – thank you for letting me know about the Mercy Quilters in Sacramento. I would love to know more about this group. Do they provide any quilts for Mercy Hospital in Sacramento? I work with that hospital trying to gather quilts for their end of life patients. I wonder if we could talk about this further. Let me know if that is possible.
Thanks so much, Bernie
Mercy quilters is on Facebook.
We provide end of life quilts to patients at Mercy San Juan Hospital.
Pm me or direct email.
Regarding your exercise sheet, it looks like there is a website in the upper right corner next to the Y in July. I can’t read it myself, but maybe it’s clearer on your sheet.
Kathleen – how did I look at that sheet nearly every day for a year and not see that little notation??? Thank you so much. I was able to find the original person who made it, bought a copy and also updated the post. I sure appreciate you letting me know.
You definitely had a great year in fabric – quilts, clothing – all fun things! Maybe you could find a sleeve pattern from another pattern that would work for the dress, or using those cute ruffled caps from the PJ pattern might be cute on the dress? Anyway, congrats on the nice wrap up of 2023! Will be fun to see what you work on this year!
Hey Wendy – I love the idea of using the ruffled cap sleeve to finish the dress. Thank you so much!
I am eager to start the SAHRR. That will be a fun event to begin the year with!
What a fun year you had! Lots of great and interesting quilts made, a few fails, but I bet you turn them into lemonade! Just downloaded the fitness app..754 miles which was close to what I did in 2021, and more than in 2022 (516) when I broke my ankle. More next year is my goal! Happy New Year to you and here’s to lots of quilting and sewing fun in 2024 and a healthy and active year!
Wow Kathleen!! 754 miles walked??? That is amazing – what an accomplishment. Plus you get some wintry weather that must make it a challenge. Well done!!
Oh, I love looking at statistics. You had a great year, and it was fun to see all your projects and the new things you tried. I love that daily tracker you used to track your exercise; what a fun and visual tool.
Me too Yvonne. For some reason all of the statistics are really satisfying to review. Also, a reader showed me there is a blurry notation on the habit tracker and I found out who made it! So I feel better about that – I went to her Etsy site and bought the file which is the way it should be. Not expensive but it is her work, right??
I so enjoy your blog. Yes you were a busy lady and also enjoyed every bit of your days, congratas.
Thank you Bobbie!
What a fun making-year you have had. Even your failures look like successes to me. I like your calendar on the fridge. I think? Iβm not sure how I feel about visual accountability. You seem to have struck the right note of keeping track without making it a chore.
Happy New Year Janine! It was a good year for making.
I love having the visual in front of me daily. Too much white makes me crazy and it motivates me to exercise. In November I pulled a muscle in my leg and couldn’t really exercise for about 3 weeks. That made me nuts! Anyway, it works for me. Hope all is well with you!
Ever since I read your post, Iβve been researching indoor walking workout videos. Down the rabbit hole I go. If I find one, Iβll have you to thank for upping my winter exercise. Now I might have to copy that calendar page.
Hey Janine – I use a few YouTube video channels when the weather isn’t conducive to being outside. (Like today – it rained non-stop today!) One account I really like is this one – https://www.youtube.com/@SeniorShapeFitness. She does great classes and it really shouldn’t be called ‘senior shape’. She is a good teacher. Try it and let me know what you think.
I had a post do that this year too -the number was high like yours and I couldn’t figure out why or where they came from- keep up the exercise you will be doing more before you know it.
Isn’t it odd when that happens? I really poked around to see what was driving it but couldn’t figure it out. The numbers were high for three or four days and then it was overwith. Really strange!!
A great numbers post – if you are a numbers person! Great job on the quilt finishes and the assorted projects. How awesome that you posted about the fails! I would just put a simple binding on the little girls dress. Ugh I hate sewing for myself and then it doesn’t fit — it sucks. As to the little pj’s not fitting — been there done that and I see my 2 more often than you see yours! Or the mom ends up not liking what I made. But they are gifts from the heart and once we gift them we just have to accept that they are what they are.
As to the fitness goal sheet I am wondering why you only count 30 minutes as exercise? I do a 12 minute HIIT twice a week and while it’s not long it’s intense. My weight routine goes between 24 to 34 minutes and yet I wouldn’t not count them. I do need to up my walking game. I wonder if I should go back to using a fitness app for walking. I haven’t used one for a few years. Hm… great post. Bernie
Hi – another commenter suggested making a little ruffled cap (like on the pajamas) for the sleeve and I think that is a good solution. It will be cute. For fitting the girls, I think I will stick to knits – they are more forgiving since they stretch. I was happy with the leggings I made for them and they seem to wear them often.
For exercise – I keep reading I should get a good hart rate going and sustain it for 30 minutes. I don’t do anything too intense – even my running is at a slow-ish pace. But I do get a great cardio workout. I try to add some weight work outs in here and there but I sure don’t like it as well as running. I am not overly concerned. If I did a 25 minute walk or jog, it ‘counts’. Mostly it is just a guideline.
The dress would look cute with ruffle sleeves. Isn’t it crazy that you lost them? I can’t find my 4 little beanbag pattern holding tiny things (they are bright pink) and it drives me nuts so I use my old antique irons which are so heavy!
As to exercise I think it all counts. I do feel like I need to walk longer, at least some of the time, and it will be easier now that the old dog is gone. Funny — I dislike jogging but I don’t mind weights. I can feel the difference it makes that I do them. I love triathlons but the run is the hardest part for sure. Bernie
Fun to see your finished quilts and other items, altogether, Bernie! I can just imagine admiring your round quilt there on the wall! As for sewing clothes, fit seems to be where we all get hung up and discouraged. I know it is for me, also. Great job exercising!
You’re right Nancy – the fit is the challenge. I am working on it though because I do like sewing different things (or I get a little bored). Hope you are having a lovely day!
I love seeing your finishes and your goals (and your fails – thank you!) and most impressive are those exercise stats! We are encouraging each other here to use the treadmill and stationary bike more in 2024. I look forward to reading your blog and seeing all you accomplish in 2024!
Good morning Linda – Fails – they happen…. It mostly makes me mad if I spent a lot of time on something – eg those cute pjs. They didn’t fit at all. Ugh. The dress can and will be fixed. Wendy gave me a great idea for fixing the dress with the missing sleeves. It will be cute.
Good luck with the exercising this year. It is really important for us old ladies – gotta keep ourselves healthy!
Between playing grandma and moving, I am stunned that you accomplished so much. The little turquoise dress doesn’t need sleeves, a bit of lace will do just fine. I have seen that over the top blog visits activity. Paul said it was probably some bot trying to find vulnerabilities to hack. Enjoy the stats, he added.
I wish you lots of creativity, sewing time and get togethers with grandchildren. You know I love those pictures π
Hi Preeti – I am sure Paul is accurate with the weird blog post numbers. Technology is strange.
All the best to you – another year with Island Batik. You are going to be busy, busy, busy!!!
I have 19 hospital gowns for βA Doll Like Meβ. An earlier post you did about this group prompted these gowns. Touched my heartstrings. Would you please send me the mailing address where I can direct them? I seem to have missplaced it. Thank you so much!