Shorts Part 2 – The Spoonflower Version

Hoping you read yesterday’s post as it will help make sense of this one. If you haven’t seen it yet, click here and take a minute to read it.

The tale continues….. It was sometime just after the cute cow fabric debacle I decided I wanted to try printing a special fabric on Spoonflower.

I need to back up just a bit. In March I wrote a post about a very special t-shirt my son made for me for my 60th birthday. He replicated a t-shirt I had back in my college days that I dearly loved.

Three Cow Poly T-Shirts!

When Kyle recreated the graphic, he also ordered shirts for two Cal Poly alums in the family as well as Julia, our newest Cal Poly student. I love these shirts so much. Talking to Kyle when he was visiting here in May, I asked him for the file for the graphic. He deleted the text saying “class of 1982” to make it more generic. I knew it would be fun to get some fabric printed with the graphic as some point.

In July I decided to work on getting fabric made. Spoonflower came to mind and I was just hoping it would be a user friendly website. They did not disappoint. I was able to upload the file in its original size which is approximately 9″ x 11″. Then there was a tool to reduce the size of the graphic and another tool to show how the picture should lay on the fabric and to help decide if the picture should be off set or in columns and rows.

Easy peasy, right? Well, yes, for the most part. I wanted to try making a knit fabric and a woven fabric. I didn’t really have a plan for how I was going to use them at this point. Spoonflower is not a bargain but I think it is great application for something special. The two yards of fabric (one woven cotton and one jersey knit) came to just over $40.00, including the shipping. I placed the order and then waited.

An original design!

When the order arrived, just a few weeks later, I opened the knit fabric first. It was perfect. I wanted the graphic to be large; it is just about 3″ tall and 4″ wide. Take a look at the bottom where it says “Designed by Needle and Foot”. I love that. No one in the world has this bit of fabric. That gives me a tiny thrill. The quality of the knit is very nice. It is thick and soft. I pre-washed it and it laundered beautifully.

OK – then I opened the woven cotton version. I had intended for the graphic to be smaller than the knit version. I (thought I) sized it to be 2″ tall by 3″ wide. Ooops..

This picture shows my son (one of my Cal Poly Alumni) and I holding the fabric I received. These graphics are enormous with only four pictures fitting on a one yard piece. I went back to my order, thinking surely it was a mistake of the part of Spoonflower, but no, this is the size I actually ordered. It is so big that two of the graphics are cut off so the oval frame is not intact. I had no idea what to do with it.

At first I thought I would make a pillow case for Julia. But the size of the graphic doesn’t work for that. Then I thought of making her a banner for her dorm room. She really liked this idea. I used a fusible woven interfacing on the back of the print to stiffen it and then sewed a backing to it. After turning it right side out, I slip-stitched the opening, give it a good press and put a hanging sleeve on on the back.

Here it is on the wall of her dorm room. It looks great!

Moving on to the knit fabric. I really wanted to make shorts for her. I also wanted the shorts to fit!! Once I was finally successful with the last pair of shorts I made her (see previous post) I felt confident enough to cut into my $22.00 per yard knit fabric.

I think these are so cute – certainly no one on campus will have these pajama shorts. Well I assume so – I doubt she will see many kids wandering around campus in their pajamas. I just put them in the mail to her yesterday. She hasn’t tried them on but I think they will be fine. Once she has them, I will ask for a picture so I can update the post.

Thus ends the tale of the many pair of shorts I made over the last 5 weeks or so. I ended up with three pair and Julia has two. It all worked out, even if I am still a bit bruised from banging my head against the same wall for several days. Will this whole experience teach me not to be quite so stubborn? I hope so, oh how I hope so.

34 thoughts on “Shorts Part 2 – The Spoonflower Version

  1. Wendy Tuma

    Had to chuckle (okay, I may have snort-laughed) when I saw the pic of the cotton fabric, but the banner turned out to be pretty darn clever! The shorts are so cute, I’m sure Julia will love them! Hope the bruising heals quickly (wink). If you’re like me, you’ll forget about this whole experience until the next time stubbornness kicks in πŸ™‚

    1. Bernie Post author

      Yea – Julia and I laughed quite a bit when we saw that oversized print. Oh my gosh. I played with the dimensions of the print for a long time before deciding what I wanted. I suspect I didn’t save my final version in the correct way? Who knows. But she does like the banner so that is a good thing. Julia hasn’t yet received the shorts but I am anxious to see how they fit.

  2. Kathy

    I think your posts show you are human just like those of us who enjoy to read your adventures now in retirement world! The shorts are very cute and the banner was a great idea so thank goodness banging your head didn’t ruin your creativity to think what to make – ha!

  3. Carol

    I was thinking that you could make a quilt from the larger image fabric — like cutting a panel into sections and laying it out with contrasting fabrics (i.e., solid brown and white or cream). I’ve seen a variety of quilts created like this. I don’t know about the knit but you could possibly put a stabilizer on the back. Just a thought… Love the shorts!

      1. Bernie Post author

        That would be so cute – except the cotton is a poplin and is a little to heavy weight for a shirt. I don’t think it would be very comfortable. But the idea is a good one. πŸ™‚

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Alycia. Spoonflower was a fun tool. I am sure I will use it again in the future. Even with the sizing goof, this has been enjoyable. Just made me think a bit on using the (huge) cotton print!

  4. Emily Leachman

    I love the banner for the dorm room! So cool, and what a great piece with family history for Julia to have in her room. The shorts look fabulous! Sometime crafting adventures don’t end up exactly how we think they will, but you still get great items in the end.

  5. ELana

    I smiled throughout reading your blog post. How fun to order that fabric. My nephew graduated there and is now working on a Masters in Engineering there too. I love the humorous cow and the repeat fabric is terrific. You are clever for coming up with the wall hanging for Julia’s dorm room. I see that talent runs throughout your family. Thanks so much for sharing. I’ve never ordered on spoon flower but it has been tempting. Perhaps I’ll have a good project for it one day. All the best, Elana

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Elana – Cal Poly is a great place – the location, the quality of their academics and the vibe of the campus – we have had so many great experiences there. Julia is thrilled with the smaller class sizes (as compared to UC Davis)
      Anyway – she is happy with the banner on her wall. My kids are quite creative – each in their own way. It is fun to watch them use those talents! Take care. πŸ™‚

  6. Mari

    The shorts are terrific, all of them. And thankfully, you get a few pair out of the deal, too. The mistake with the fabric is totally something I would do. Nice save with the banner for Julia’s room. The other three can be pieced into a quilt back, I think. Maybe a graduation quilt? Thanks for the fun post to brighten up the morning.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Mari – thanks for the note. I actually love the banner in her room – it looks really unique. She is so happy with her change in universities – makes me happy to see her so happy. Love your suggestion on the quilt backing possibility. Hmmm…….

  7. Susie

    Bernie, the shorts and the banner are perfect. You are so talented. I show off the beautiful quilt you made me whenever I get a chance. Hugs from me

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Susie – I hope you are feeling better. I read your last post and saw you’ve been down for the count. No fun!! Take care and get healthy. πŸ™‚

  8. Preeti Harris

    This was certainly worth the wait. Love the story and the cows. The banner is just moovelous!!! But you know my favorite is the picture of you with your kids. Such a gorgeous family!!!

  9. JanineMarie

    What a fun story. (And, hey, you did get several pairs of shorts out of all that work.) The cow fabric is fabulous. I’m sure Julia’s college mates will be jealous of the wall hanging and the shorts. You just might find yourself going back into business churning out items for the whole Cal Poly campus!

    1. Bernie Post author

      No more business, at least not for now. I am liking my ‘retirement’. But it does give her some unique Cal Poly things which I think she enjoys. We are loving the beginnings of fall – it was only 40* out when I got up this morning! And, we got a drizzle of rain two nights ago which was lovely. Hurray for the change of seasons!

  10. Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts

    I enjoyed your posts about the pajama shorts and making the cow poly fabric! The banner is perfect for the great big logo, too. I was also thinking you could make a tote bag out of that size. Anyway, way to keep trying, Bernie!

  11. Gloria Herrera

    What a cute idea and the fabric is fabulous. My son graduated from Cal Poly Pomona. I would love to buy one of the big cows for a banner for him. Would you consider giving one up? lol Its ok if you don’t. Love them.

  12. Cindy B

    Your blog made me smile and brightened my day. Thank you for sharing your story and the great projects that evolved from the entire experience! Loved the photos as well!

  13. Dawn Lunn

    Great head banging story!! Love love love the tiny cows on the knit fabric and the terrific banner! I just completed my first ever purchase from Spoonflower yesterday for a nephews wedding gift pillow cases! Wish I had read your post first as I was totally lost in the sizing and positioning arena of Spoonflower! I used the engagement announcement, wedding invitation and photo of the bride and groom as one file and wanted it scattered over the fabric randomly but could only find straight on positioning. The photo I received with the confirmation of the order appears to show the photo collage about six inches lined up in straight rows on the fabric. I surely hope I don’t get six big pictures on my three yards!!! Pillow cases will be fun project however the print arrives! Can’t wait to see photo of your daughters jammie shorts…she will be hit of the dorm!!

  14. Kathleen McCormick

    I love part 2! What fun and I am sure you will come up with a fabulous plan for the remaining pieces. I have wanted to try Spoonflower and now I feel like I have a little more knowledge of what to do or not do. I love your persistence and that you had fun with making fabric.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Kathleen. You won’t have any trouble with Spoonflower. I have just barely delved into it. They have quite the powerful tool – I did use customer service one time and they were super helpful as well. πŸ™‚


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