It is that time of year. College acceptances and declinations are being emailed out to all sorts of college seniors. Julia and her friends have been texting like mad, announcing what universities they did or didn’t get into. It is a very competitive process these days. I remember back in the day; you know, when I was walking five miles to school (up-hill) each way in the snow, it wasn’t such a huge deal to apply for college. I went to our local community college for two years and when I finished up the general education classes, I chose a four year university and picked a major. My main decision point was, in all honesty, where was my boyfriend going to attend? Sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. I also remember that in 1980 when I started college, the tuition fee each quarter was $69 ($207/year). I applied and just assumed I would get in. It wasn’t thought to be a big deal. I took the SAT’s but didn’t do anything amazing with those. My grades were reasonable but certainly not more than a 3.4 (or so?) GPA.
Oh how things have changed! The tuition at my alma mater is now up to approximately $3,200 per quarter ($9,600/year). Last year of the 55,000 applicants about 16,000 were accepted. There were 10,000 applicants with GPA’s of 4.0 or more who were turned down. The competition is fierce. College juniors and seniors take the SAT and ACT tests multiple times and when they aren’t satisfied with their scores, they work with SAT prep tutors. GPA’s of 4.0 and higher are prevalent and these kids are fighting for their spot.
Julia was fortunate in that she applied to four universities and was accepted at each one. We have done tours, walked campuses and, of course, talked and talked and talked. Julia had several decision points when choosing where to go but the most important was….. the swine unit! Once we got to this one, I knew her decision was made!

The swine unit at this particular university is gigantic. There are approximately ten litters born each month. We saw the nursery area and drooled over these tiny piglets.

We had toured the swine unit at other universities last year and while they were nice, they just didn’t compare.

We went home from this particular tour and my daughter thought and thought about her choices. We called and cancelled our flights and the campus tours which were scheduled for next weekend.

Last Saturday she committed and is officially going off to college in September! This is such a milestone in her life. (Mine too! She is the last kiddo at home – the chicks will have all flown the coop!!) Here she is accepting the offer and of course, you know what the next step was. “Mom, what credit card should I use for the deposit?” Here we go!
I thought I would make a little something to surprise her – to celebrate this important decision. Looking through my stash, I remembered a piece of fabric Julia picked up last fall during a trip to Ben Franklin. It was a Riley Blake piece with piggies wallowing in mud and it made her smile.

Pigs truly have a love of mud. Julia usually keeps a nice sized mud puddle in the pen for her piggies to play in and cool off with.

Anyway, my thought was to make a couple of pillow cases. They are simple and so fun to make. It had been a while since I had made these so I looked at the tutorial at the Seasoned Homemaker to refresh my memory. These are super easy to make and look so nice when complete. Using French seams creates a lovely finish on the inside.

These took very little time to whip up. I used a white on white fabric called Fool’s Gold from my shop. It is by Libs Elliot and the white is absolutely crisp. I think it dresses up the look just a bit (if that can happen with pigs playing in mud?!?) The soft pink trim was a scrap I had (always nice to use those up!)

I know the match isn’t perfect for the quilt she has on her bed but they are cute nonetheless. Julia is excited these days because there is so much going on with the last semester of high school! Next weekend she will select her piglet for this year. Photos to come!
If you haven’t tried making these ‘burrito style pillowcases’, I encourage you to give it a try. They look so pretty and are not at all difficult. Is it time to personalize your bed with some nice new pillowcases?
Congratulations to your daughter. Growing up I spent my summers at my Grandparents farm. Wonderful experience for a city kid. They had pigs , cows, chickens, etc. Thanks for bringing back memories.
Congrats to your daughter in her college decision! And on getting accepted to all of the ones she applied at! I am amazed to hear how a much things have changed. I was in college about the same time as you and I think with room and board my yearly cost was under $2500. That was for a state college, though. Not sure how !ugh a private school would have been!
I am excited for Julia and for you as well! Big changes ahead, but I think Julia made a wise choice! You are certainly right about how different the whole college process is now. Love those pillow cases, and the burrito version is so easy to make and finishes so much nicer! That fabric is so fun, and perfect for her!
Hi Bernie! At first I thought this was a picking out of a new piglet, which I think would be difficult. But even more so, and more exciting is deciding which college to go to. I am so excited for Julia – big huge congrats to her. Oh the places she’ll go now – the world is just opening for her to pursue her dreams. {{Hugs}} to you both, and I look forward to seeing her new little piglet. ~smile~ Roseanne
Congratulations to Julia! Is she going into animal husbandry?
Had to laugh at this: “My main decision point was, in all honesty, where was my boyfriend going to attend ?” Well, that was my motivation too! My “steady” (who I married!) and I went to a small state college, and I remember the tuition was around $5/hour, less than that of the two large universities at $7/hour. My parents were willing to pay the extra $2/hour but his folks weren’t, so that’s where we went!
Did you make the quilt on Julia’s bed? It all looks so pretty.
Isn’t it funny to think of those prices?? It has gotten out of hand (at least here in California) and way too expensive!!
Yes, I did make the quilt on Julia’s bed. That was quite a project!
Cute pillowcases, and what a fun thing to have in her dorm room. For me, it was the other way around, I picked a college as far from home as I could get and still be in-state, and my future husband changed his plans and followed me, LOL!! It is hard to believe the changes in college admissions!!
Haha, that is a cute twist on the story! Thanks for sharing Carole. 🙂
Love the pig fabric. I grew up a farm girl (still live on the family land but just have chickens)–wheat, milo etc were the focus but we did raise animals for our own eating so I was able to enjoy pigs. The babies are adorable, so fun! I miss those little grunts. I have memories of having to take care of new ones (at ALL hours!) after their mom died in giving birth. There are still farmers in my family and I’m always amazed at the progress in the science of farming has come, and the technology–like using drones etc. I hope she enjoys it all! We just finished all of this with our youngest who’s entering West Point this summer. What a relief to be DONE with ACT’s, essays, etc. (though we’re still doing health exams, police records, etc)! It just seemed like it would never end (maybe because our last two are only a grade apart)!
Oh, I bet that has been hectic!! Two of mine are two years apart and I remember when they were both in college wondering why on earth I planned for them to be so close together! When you are starting a family it seems perfect but when they are both away at college, it gets darn expensive!! Good luck to your youngest. West Point!! How exciting. 🙂
Congratulations to both you and your daughter! How exciting — love the pillow cases!
Thank you Karla. She was quite happy to see them on her bed yesterday when she got home. Especially since she had picked up the fabric months ago!! Have a great weekend.
This post brought such a big smile to my face. Thank you for sharing. Those pillowcases are fun and easy to make and the ones you make look great with the quilt on Julia’s bed. Congratulations to Julia on her acceptance and kudos on all the she has done (and will do) to pursue her dreams. Best wishes to her as she enters this new phase of her life. Hugs to her proud Mama who is seeing her last baby preparing to leave the next. I know this feeling. It was when I started to make quilty hugs for my babies to take with them into their new world … 🙂 Pat
Hi Pat – so nice to hear you liked this post. I keep thinking I want to make more pillowcases even though I don’t truly have a need for them. But it is was a fun project. Mindless sewing can be really satisfying at times. I will pass along your congrats to Julia! Thank you. 🙂
What a happy post! Congratulations to Julia! I had to laugh at the tuition cost. When I started college, it cost $88 a credit, which was horribly expensive at the time, but that made tuition less than about $1500 a semester. The tuition where I teach is now about $45,000. I don’t think I could afford to go now. The pillowcases will be a great reminder of home for Julia. Perhaps she will be a large animal vet? Oh, all of the exciting things to learn!
She is considering large animal vet science. But you know how it goes, college is such a time of exploration. I am excited to see what path she ends up taking.
$88 per credit?? That was expensive.
Private universities are out of the question. Just way too expensive!
Congratulations, Julia! I grew up on a farm and my friend/neighbor showed hogs for 4-H. My parents raised a few hogs each year, like all farmers back then. Bernie, I was a year ahead of you, and those are my memories of the “college search.” I feel sorry for teenagers having to compete for spots and scholarships now. It wasn’t a big deal for me to go to a private school; I easily paid off my student loans in about five years.
Oh my gosh, so true. I am grateful that I didn’t have student loans because I went to a state college. Now many kids are coming out of college saddled with tremendous debt. It is crazy when they are trying to get started on a career, house, etc. Nice to hear from you Tracie!
Congratulations for your daughter having choices for accepted colleges, and finding just the right one for her. It is so tough, and many kids don’t realize until it’s too late what it takes to be accepted theses days, nor the costs. I had two pot belly pigs (one for 14 years and her brother for 18), and when small children would visit, they loved feeding them. Mine didn’t particularly like mud, so I got them a kiddy pool to cool off in – that they loved. Your pillowcases turned out so cute. The timing of your post helps me because for our QOV quilts we make pillowcases (aka presentation cases)), and I needed a refresher on the construction. Thanks
Using nice pillowcases as presentation cases for your QOV quilts is a wonderful idea. Especially if the fabric coordinates because they could be used on a bed together. Very nice!!
Such a special and memorable time and decision. Good for Julia for pursuing her love. God bless her, and you and Hubby as you join us empty- nesters.
I love the pillowcases. So adorably cute.
Thank you Beth. Exciting times, that’s for sure!!
Now you have a perfect match excuse to purchase novelty fabric and make pajama pants for college. Congrats and best wishes
I actually just saw this same piggie fabric in a flannel and was thinking the same thing. Maybe pj pants!? That would be fun.
Is that a UC Davis hat I see? Hope it is! My son is a grad from there and just loved his four years as an Aggie. Congrats to both of you!
You have a good eye Alice!! What did your son study? Are you from this area? She is very excited to wear her Aggie hat!
Congratulations to you and Julie! It is wonderful to be accepted to where you really want to go and to have a happy daughter. I do have some pig fabric, I’ll dig it out and send it to you. Well stashed, but there is always more fabric, and I am enjoying gifting others when its needed.
You are so sweet!! Thank you. I will use it on something or other for my pig loving daughter!
How exciting and what a wonderful personal choice she has made. Yes, times, have changed so much though I’m optimistic based on her experience that the college process can get our kids to where they want and need to be. The pillowcases are adorable – and I think they match that beautiful quilt nicely. Time will pass quickly before she leaves – will be a fun spring and summer for you all.
My husband and I were just saying that yesterday – these next months will pass all too quickly. But it is a good thing for Julia. She is going to have a wonderful experience, I am sure of it. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you will be in this very same place in life. It goes so quick.
You. Are. Amazing!!! Julia is too! I wish we lived closer!!
You are so sweet. I also wish we lived closer – that would be so awesome. 🙂
Oh wow, Bernie, congratulations to Julia. What a huge milestone! The pillowcases seem like a perfect way to commemorate and celebrate. 🙂
Thank you Yvonne. It has always been so exciting to see our kids go off to college. What a big step in their lives. She is thrilled so I am very happy for her.
I love the pig pillowcases as a celebration!!! What cute fabric, and hooray and congratulations to Julia!
Oh, Bernie, it’s been wonderful following Julia’s high school career with you and now seeing the culmination of all of her hard work. You must be so very proud of her—and pleased that she’ll be at a great college far enough away from home to be “away” but close enough to touch base easily. It really looks like she has found her fit. Over the next few months you can bet there will be a whole quilt community watching and cheering her on with more piggy tales.