41 thoughts on “Spread the Love, Quilting for Kids – Wrap Up

  1. Sue Greene

    Absolutely loved reading this! I mailed a quilt to Amy yesterday, and I plan to make more. Thank you for this opportunity. 😊😍

  2. Louise

    I’m so happy to hear about what a great response Amy has received! Thank you SO MUCH for being the spark that started this bonfire of kindness, Bernie. I’m grateful that I found your blog through Spread the Love 🙂

  3. Linda

    This is all so very impressive Bernie. And those tiny quilts WILL change the world. When they make a difference in even one person’s life, the world is changed for the better. Thank you for all that you and Amy and all the other quilters did to make that difference. 🙂

  4. Beth Stanfield

    This project has been such a blessing to me personally, on many levels. I plan to share it with my Stitching Sisters quilting group from church at our April meeting. I hope to have at least one more little Quilt and hospital gown ready for show and tell. I’m hoping Amy will receive lots more quilts after I inspire and encourage my friends.
    Thank you Bernie, Mari and others from the quilting blog world, for keeping this wonderful balloon up in the air.
    I serve a kind and generous Lord Jesus and You have provided opportunity for me to be a little more like Him. Beth

    1. Amy Jandrisevits

      I don’t even have words except to say – yes. I feel like it has restored my faith in humanity at a time when I need it most.

  5. shirley bruner

    I had fun for days on end….making several quilts every day. it’s an addiction…to be able to complete a quilt in a day….even if it’s tiny. i mailed a box off to Amy yesterday with 24 quilts. and i have 5 more in the works. wonder if i can make 100. i challenge you……how many can you make? let’s flood Amy with quilts.

  6. Nikki

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I enjoyed making the quilts and thinking about the joy they will bring to a child. I still hope to make some hospital gowns!

  7. Stephanie

    Such a beautiful post and event… I knew when you first posted that the response would be big. Thank you for this opportunity to help Amy. Kindness generates kindness.

  8. kaholly

    Bernie, you’ve done a wonderful, funderful thing! Can you believe the response? Truly amazing! Thank you for initiating this ‘movement’ and for following it through! I had fun making my two quilts to contribute. Although my daughter is not a quilter, she has had lots of fun keeping up with the momentum and watching it grow into something so fabulous.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Val- don’t think of it like you missed it. For one thing, as a teacher you probably encounter situations where a child could be helped by something like this- so. Ow it is a resource to keep in your back pocket. Goin forward, Amy now has a lot of doll quilts- but the tiny pajamas and hospital gowns are super easy to make and can use mainly scraps so not costly to make them. She would welcome your contribution- even if it is next summer while you are off from teaching. ☺️❤️ Finally, wouldn’t talking about these doll with your kindergarteners be a really interesting thing for the kids? All sorts of ways to be involved.

  9. Elana Goldberg

    Good deeds lead to more good deeds. Thank you so much for the shout out yes, it is incredible how you just happened upon my blog and took it too an incredible next level!! Amy has become a very special friend of mine and I am so grateful you have helped share her with the rest of the community! Bernie…you rock!!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Also- I was made aware (thank you Amy😉) that i have been misspelling your name!! Off to make the corrections- I am sorry Elana!

  10. Lisa

    I loved reading this post, even though I didn’t get involved. this time. Maybe I will at a later date. Great work everyone.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Lisa, The timing isn’t always going to work for people. Thank you for reading along though! Have a nice Sunday afternoon. 🙂

  11. Caroline Kalvaitis

    Such a wonderful response! Congrats and I’ll watch with some envy as winners of the beautiful Art Gallery fabrics are selected.

    1. Bernie Post author

      I agree Caroline, on both counts! Fantastic, heartwarming response for sure – and I will share a bit of that envy with you as I pull names for these fat quarter bundles. It was such a gift from Art Gallery to support the event with these prizes. Take care.

  12. Vonnie Hoopes

    I would like to know where to send hospital , doll clothes, and/or quilts. I just found this blog and would like to contribute. I work at an elementary school. We have a set of twins, both are boys. One of the boys does not have his right arm. I would like more information about purchasing a doll too.

    Thanks for sharing this organization,
    V Hoopes

  13. Jill

    I read about this project on Sew Preeti Quilts and was directed to you, and I feel honored to be able to help out such a worthy cause. Thanks.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Jill, thank you for the note. Very happy to hear you found your way over! I am looking forward to hearing what you make. Email me when you are ready to send your project off and i will give you the mailing information.

  14. Kate

    I find it difficult to comment on this post Bernie, the generosity of quilters is wonderful indeed. My heart breaks reading the stories of some children and the effect receiving a doll has had. I give thanks none of the children in my family have ever needed a doll like me.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Kate, I know what you mean. I hope the joy I feel about the project doesn’t somehow make it seem I take the situations of each of these children lightly. Some of their stories are so painful and their families have such challenges raising them. It makes me very aware of how lucky I have been that my children are healthy. It is almost a miracle that a baby is born healthy when one considers all that can happen during the crucial months of development in utero. But I have to see all the joy Amy brings. It is so valuable for the child to have this doll to love and to express feelings with. But there is a bittersweet aspect to what Amy does and what this doll quilt drive is all about. Absolutely. Thanks for your thoughts and your honesty. Thanks also for the lovely quilts you made. <3

      1. Kate

        Oh no Bernie, I don’t think you take it lightly at all, your caring shines through. Amy is inspirational, it is wonderful that this has come together the way it has, surely as it was meant to be.

    2. Amy Jandrisevits

      Kate…I think it speaks to how important representation is – especially for children, when egos and self esteem are so fragile. What this quilt drive has done is quite literally wrapped these kids in love…from strangers! I think we WANT to know that people care – but this is a very visual representation of what that “care” looks like.
      It is overwhelming in a very, very powerful way and I find myself at a loss for words. Quilters are amazing people.

  15. Leanne Parsons

    This is one of the many reasons I love this community!! Quilters are such generous people. Thank you for hosting this event, Bernie. I wouldn’t have heard of A Doll Like Me otherwise and it has been so wonderful to be able to help 🙂

  16. Susan

    You know, this COULD change the world. We don’t know how far the ripples of each kind act will go, who will be encouraged when they were ready to give up, what child will grow up to do something miraculous. There are so many small acts that reap great rewards, and these will certainly do that. Thank you for spreading the word!

  17. Tish

    All of this is so moving and I wish everyone in the world would read this post. One small good act can snowball into so much warmth if we let it. I’m hoping to make some quilts to send soon and will tell my guild in hopes they may want to help too. I figure she can always use them. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  18. Tami

    Wow. I just read through all the comments. I am feeling all sorts of “Quilter Power” right now! We absolutely CAN make a difference! I have taught many children with physical differences over the years. On a smaller scale, as a patent of a child with medical needs that sometimes set her apart, I know the isolation that parents can feel as they watch their children struggle. I love the idea that we have wrapped these families in a large, warm quilted hug. Can’t think of anything better.

    Is it possible that Amy might be burdened under this large load of quilts? I imagine that 300 is more than her typical out put of dolls for a year. Does she have a place to store these quilts? Is she overwhelmed? I know there’s never too much of a good thing, but I’m putting my self in her shoes and wondering where the heck to put all the quilts!! Lol!

    Bernie, I can’t thank you enough to getting me back to my blog to show off my quilts. Its been far too long, and writing that quick post felt wonderful! I hope it sticks!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Haha, quilter power, that is cute. I know you especially relate to this project so I am happy you were able to be involved.
      Amy swears she can store the quilts while she uses them. I was worried about that too. She is so happy to have each one of them.

  19. Kat

    I’ve known about Elana’s quilts for a while and I’m SO glad you took the idea and ran with it! This is such a deserving cause and I’m so glad to see a worthy charity benefit!

  20. Jenny Benton

    Such a wonderful thing to be part of, Amy for starting it off with her special dolls, and you and all the other kindly quilters adding the dollies quilts and hospital gowns. Quilters everywhere bringing joy to little ones and their parents.


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