Summer Flowers

I started a new project! Over a year ago I received a stack of Kaffe Fassett florals from somebody. It was during the first round of #getyourquiltywishesgranted on Instagram. I wish I could give proper credit but I just can’t remember which kind quilter sent them. She had offered them up if anyone wanted to use them and I was the lucky recipient. Then, as often happens, they sat on the top shelf in the closet for about 18 months!

At the April guild meeting, they announced a class to be held for using up scraps. I have no shortage of possible ways to use scraps but this pattern looked cute and what is better than a day sewing with friends? I signed up. Yesterday was our sew day. A woman, Doris Javier, from a neighboring guild, had designed the pattern and she was there to teach. The pattern itself is extremely simple to construct; basically cut lots of rectangles and sew together in pairs. Then arrange in one of a number of designs and stitch into blocks. When I first started joining the rectangles, I was not consistent about the direction In which I placed the floral fabric and the background. Of course, it needs to be consistent so that the angles run the correct way. Luckily, I was eager to see how the block would come together and tried to lay some out right after I pieced the first couple. So I have a few that are slanting the wrong way and will have to be used in something else. Maybe I will piece the backing and use them for that. Because the rectangles are sewn together on the bias, much like binding strips, I now have a large stack of triangles to use up. They are all stacked in pairs and I will chain stitch them into HST’s to be used at some point down the road. Love those little bonus HST’s!

It has been a long time since I have sewn with a group and I had forgotten how much fun it is. Even with people you aren’t well acquainted with, there is already a common bond with our shared love of stitching. One of the best things about making a particular pattern with a group of people is seeing all of the different fabric combinations created by each of us. Each unique combination gives the quilt a whole new look. When I gathered my fabric together, I based the pull on the Kaffe Fassett scraps but didn’t have quite enough of them to make the whole top. It was very easy to add other brightly colored floral scraps to round things out. For the background, I selected a textured solid made by Red Rooster – it was the last bit I had in my shop and works perfectly with the florals. The look is so summery.

I made significant progress yesterday. I have a large stack of rectangles made and paired into blocks. It takes four of these to make a full block. I didn’t sew too many complete blocks together because I want to lay them out and check the distribution of color. At this point though, it shouldn’t take too long to complete the quilt top. I would estimate I have half of the rectangles pieced. With one more session in the sewing room, I should be able to chain piece the rest of them.

The group in class yesterday agreed to try and get at least the quilt top finished before the guild meeting in September. I am sure I can complete the top but would be even more pleased to get the quilt itself completed. We shall see how my projects go this summer!

Quick side note: I am thrilled with the number of readers joining in with the sew along that is just beginning. If you haven’t read the post yet, click here. We will be making a simple shirt to wear and I will break it down into a few simple steps. We are just getting started so I t isn’t too late to join in. Read the post, order your pattern and select your fabric. The next post will be up on June 15th! Let me know if you have any questions.

10 thoughts on “Summer Flowers

  1. Torry

    Am I correct that the pattern shown is the one you were doing? What expertise level would you say it was? Would it be easier with a pattern that wasn’t directional? I’m just starting my quilting adventure, and don’t want to “bite off more than I can chew,” as my grandma use to say. Thank you.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Oh Tory!! Ooops, I made a mistake. I was thinking you were asking me about the sew along where we are making a shirt. Now I see you are asking about the Twisted pattern.

      This pattern is basically not too hard. It is a little bit confusing because when you sew the print piece to the solid piece they must be in the same direction each time. The angle of the join must run the same direction for the pattern to work. If you have a quilter with experience nearby that could get you going, it might be helpful. Once you have that part down, it is super easy. Especially since you don’t have to worry about precision and matching points.
      I hope this helps. Sorry about the first (confusing) reply!!

  2. Teresa Palmer

    Love your fabrics for Twisted. I went to Doris’s webpage, but couldn’t find the pattern for Twisted. Will she be selling it or will it be available somewhere? Thank you!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Teresa: Just talked to Dorie and she said she hasn’t had time to upload her newer patterns to her shop. If you email her at she will help you purchase the pattern via email.

      I hope this works out. If you need more help, be sure to let me know.

  3. Mari

    Ooooh, pretty colors! Not a big Kaffe fan, but this is a great use of that fabric. Looks very fresh! Your group sounds fun!

  4. Preeti

    Oh this is such a lovely pattern. Bright Kaffe fabrics are the perfect choice. And if you are left with too many scraps, I can always help you with that 😀


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