Autumn Abundance Blog Hop

Today I am celebrating Autumn! Our maple trees are filled with color. Fortunately, we have several different varieties which means the leaves all change at different times, enabling us to savor the season for a bit longer. It is gorgeous.

In preparation for this blog hop, I have been working with a line of autumnal fabrics provided to me by Paintbrush Studios. PB Studios has been a very generous sponsor. They provided me and four other bloggers with the fabrics of our choice in different fall lines and we have each made a project showcasing their beautiful fabrics.  The line that I selected for my project is called Golden Harvest.


Here is the schedule for the Autumn Abundance Hop this week.


When considering my options for what sort of project I wanted to make, I decided I wanted to have something to hang during the Thanksgiving season. Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday. It centers around family and food – what else does one need? I have been having a lot of fun doing some relief quilting (remember my THREAD and FABRIC pieces?) and thought it would be a good idea to do another one.


I did a quick sketch but didn’t really plan too much beyond that. I began with the center piece. I had this gorgeous brown solid (PB Studios calls is Espresso) and I cut a rectangle and played around with the placement of the lettering. GIVE THANKS was my focus. With the stabilizer fused to the back, I quilted the letters. This goes quite quickly. Especially since Muv over at Lizzie Lenard Vintage Quilting encouraged me to free motion this instead of using a walking foot. She is absolutely right – it worked just fine! Much, much faster to get the lettering done.


Once I had accomplished that, I thought about what sort of design should be placed below the words.  At first I thought of doing some applique but the more I thought about it, I decided I wanted to quilt a design instead. I love playing with thread and here was an open space to do with as I pleased. I decided on a pumpkin and took a look at Lori Kennedy’s site, The Inbox Jaunt, for some inspiration. She never fails me. Never! This pumpkin is taken directly from this tutorial. It came together easily.

Using YLI variegated thread, I started by outlining the pumpkin, stem and leaves. Next I filled in the sections of the pumpkin. Following that I added to the outlining to give it some depth. The stem and leaves were also filled in and outlined a couple of times. So much fun!

The next step was to put a narrow border of the olive green solid. I had already decided to do a patchwork border to set off the center. I wanted to use a 2 1/2″ square because of the scale of the fabrics I was playing with.


While I worked things out with the patchwork border, I was thinking about the corners. I made some pinwheel blocks but thought they looked too flat. Following that I made some churn dash blocks and liked these much better.


As it always does, the quilt came together with the sum being so much greater than its parts. I really love this project. The sunflowers, pumpkins, leaves and turkeys are so cheerful. The fabric really is adorable. The green, orange and yellow blender prints worked well to tone down some of the color within the borders. The traditional colors and themes of this line are just right – they made me happy just playing with them. I used a brown print that was in my stash to back it and then used the olive green fabric to bind it. The quilt finished out at 23″ x 25″ inches.

As with most projects, there are a few things I learned. One is better planning equals better results. While it is fun to just sew and see how things come together, I should have done a bit of measuring and planned the patchwork border in more detail. I had to fuss with trimming borders and such to get everything to work together. Also, when I was trimming the piece, after quilting it, I somehow forgot that about the bits that the binding would consume. This is a little bit ridiculous considering the number of quilts I have bound. But I trimmed too deeply, forcing myself to cover points on the churn dash squares on each corner. I was going too fast without considering the details.

I will enjoy hanging it this season and bringing it out again with each Thanksgiving.  This simple message of gratitude will remind us of all that we have to be thankful for.

Something I am very thankful for is the generous support of Paintbrush Studios. They were a pleasure to work with and the fabrics they sent to me are just lovely. They are a nice weight and have a very nice feel to them.


Photo courtesy of Academic Quilter

Paintbrush has also provided me with a fat quarter bundle of Into the Woods to offer to one lucky winner. Enter the giveaway by telling me about your favorite part of Thanksgiving Dinner. (Mine is definitely stuffing followed closely by homemade cranberry sauce. Way back when, I posted the recipe for the cranberry sauce I make at Thanksgiving…. just in case you want to try something new.) Leave me a comment and tell me about your favorite. If you are following the blog, leave a second comment and tell me how for an additional entry.


Now for my giveaway. I wanted to make something to give as thanks for all of the friends, inspiration, and community that happens within our online group of amazing quilters. Using this tutorial from Buttons and Butterflies, I made a pair of potholders from some of the scraps. I will pick a name from the comments to win these two potholders as well.


After finishing the potholders, I decided to cut the remaining scraps into charm squares. I was able to cut a set of 40 charms. So, let’s give those away as well!


I added a small spool of coordinating Aurifil so you can make a fall inspired project of your own!

Good luck! Winners for all three giveaways will be drawn on Friday evening, October 28th. I will email winners and announce them the following day on the blog. Make sure I have an email address to contact you!

Be sure to check back each day this week with the others on the hop. They have been working on wonderful projects for fall and have used gorgeous Paintbrush Studios fabrics that are different from mine. You are sure to enjoy their work. There may just be some giveaways on their sites as well. Enjoy this season of brilliant colors, family and friends, and some darn good food.


Linking this post to She Can Quilt as a part of the Q4-FAL event.


If you are wanting to gain confidence in your free motion quilting skills, today might just be the day to purchase a Craftsy Class! Just today, all classes are $14.99. Can’t beat that. I know I learned a great deal with the classes I have taken. I have taken this one from Lori Kennedy and this one with Angela Walters.

(Note:  I am a Craftsy affiliate)

173 thoughts on “Autumn Abundance Blog Hop

  1. Kaholly

    Wow! What a delightfully clever wallhanging! Showcases these beautiful fabrics and your talent in a most unique way. And such a generous give away! You rock!

  2. Linda Smith

    Your wallhanging is just the cutest! Love your freemotion lettering and that pumpkin, well, that is awesome! Lori is my go-to for inspiration too. Love the potholders!

  3. Linda Williamson

    These are beautiful holiday fabrics. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing and my sister makes my Nana’s rolls which are delicious. Thanks for the giveaway, grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  4. Linda Williamson

    I follow you on Bloglovin and the potholders you made would add a splash of holiday to any table. Thanks again, grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  5. Deb M

    The wall hanging is perfect for the season! My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is sitting at the table surrounded by family. This year all of our grandchildren will be there! I’m definitely going to give your cranberry recipe a try…it sounds delish!

  6. Wendy

    Our family tradition for Thanksgiving is making a pot of soup together, and that is my favorite part. The four of us, in the kitchen, chatting away as we make the soup. We usually try a new soup each year. You’ve done a great job on that wallhanging; I like the pumpkin! Your giveaways look really nice. Love the potholders!

  7. Judy

    You chose some beautiful fabrics! Fall colors are my favorite. As far as a Thanksgiving dinner favorite, I think it is Pumpkin pie.

  8. Danette Stankovich

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is stuffing, turkey and mashed potatoes. I have to put all together and eat a little at a time. Yum! I copied your Spiced Cranberry Sauce with Zinfandel and I am going to make it this year. I have to try this, sounds so delicious!

  9. Tami

    Bernie, you’ve created a lot of fall beauty with those lovely fabrics! I am looking forward to the other stops on the hop! My Thanksgiving dinner favorite is the stuffing. A good sausage and sourdough stuffing topped with a fried egg is my special day after treat! We will be traveling on Thanksgiving this year, so I will miss that!!

  10. Paula Coleman

    My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is that I get to see family I haven’t seen most of the year because everyone is so busy that we don’t get together as much as we used to. Then it’s all of the cooking, which I love to do and of course, eating anything and everything that I can stuff into my mouth! LOL Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  11. Diann Bottrell

    Your wall-hanging is beautiful, Bernie! I love all the quilting you did to create the words and the pumpkin. Pretty fabrics for the border, too. I love turkey, so I enjoy cooking it and having all those leftovers! But more than anything I enjoy sharing it with my family!

  12. Sandra

    Great idea Bernie! I just LOVE how you quilted the pumpkin too! I did not even notice the points cut off until you pointed (lol) it out. And I’ve been there of not paying attention while trimming…waaah. Those potholders are perfect, will have to check out the tutorial as I have a bunch of strips left from my project. My favourite part of Thanksgiving would be that I get two now! Canadian one in early October and the American one in late November because of where we now live with one daughter across the river in Detroit 🙂 I guess food-wise, I’d have to say the variety of salads and the homemade buns are my favourite.

  13. Susan Norwood

    Your wall quilt is lovely! Don’t you just live Lori Kennedy! Her pumpkin and Oak Leaf and Acorns motifs are perfect for this time of year. Also, I do follow you on Bloglovin’!

  14. carolyn montgomery

    i can’t pick just one, i need them all or its just not without any one thing missing. i do have a favorite for breakfast the next day. pumpkin pie with whipped cream YUM!

  15. Kathy E.

    Now you’ve got me itching to try free-motion lettering! I really like that look and it adds so much to your wall hanging! I love all Turkey Day food, but unfortunately my family doesn’t. Boo! We do all share on thing we’ve been thankful for over the past year before digging into the meal, so that is very special to me.

  16. Chiska

    What a wonderful project! I love Thanksgiving too! My favorite part of the meal is definitely stuffing closely followed by my husband’s apple pie. He usually comes up with something they would have had in colonial times and I love sampling that as well. Thanks for sharing that tutorial as well. I love those potholders!!

  17. Martina

    Just love your pumpkin mini! Thanks for showing the process. We do not really celebrate Thanksgiving, but I enjoy hot chestnuts which we can buy around this time on the street.

  18. Amy L

    I love how you used your bundle. I’m just starting to use letters in my quilting designs, and really like how yours look. My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the laughter. Our family celebrates with my mother’s sister, and it’s a big get together, story telling and catching up over the year. If I have to pick a food, it’s the pecan pie…

  19. Tish

    Bernie, this turned out beautiful! I absolutely love the little stitched pumpkin full of free motion goodness. Can’t wait to see what everyone else has made.

  20. Brenda Ackerman

    You have created a spectacular wall hanging for this season! The fabrics that you used are gorgeous and perfect for fall projects! I would love to win any of your give away prizes! Thank you for sharing and have a fantastic creative day.

  21. Brenda Ackerman

    I follow you on Bloglovin! Yet, the more I see of your posts, I am going to sign up to receive an email. Thank you again for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!

  22. Mary C

    I love to plan and cook the Thanksgiving dinner. I am going to give your cranberry recipe a try this year. Beautiful wall hanging and awesome giveaways!

  23. Donna M

    I like that you incorporated the churn block into the wall hanging. It gave it a little pop.

    In response to what I like the best about Thanksgiving is having all my family make the trip to my home. Some drive 5 1/2 hours to be here. Also my fruit salad is a must to the dinner.

  24. Kathy h

    Your wall hanging is great. I like how your “picture” is made by quilting. My favorite is the turkey. We don’t usually eat turkey except at thanksgiving. So I really enjoy it then.

  25. Dawn F

    I love how warm and inviting that fabric is. It makes a great wall hanging! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is mashed potato casserole. My grandma usually brought homemade applesauce for dessert, which was always a highlight as well.

  26. Linda

    The wall hanging is stunning but I am blown away by your FMQ. I am hopeful that at some point I will embrace the freedom of it and look forward to it as you do. Beautiful fabrics.
    Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday, and that stems from my childhood. I was the baby sister of 2 older brothers, and everyone got together at “Mom and Daddy’s” for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Those are truly warm and happy memories. Mom would put the turkey in the oven the night before and the aroma would wake me up. She also made dressing (not stuffing) the night before, as well as Jello salads and pies – pumpkin and pecan, and my Granny made gooseberry pie. I had a little slice of each one! I loved every single food served at Thanksgiving (still do!), but my favorite part was at night when Daddy and I would go to the kitchen and pull the turkey out of the fridge and make turkey sandwiches. Nothing elaborate – white bread, mayonnaise, and turkey breast – but it was the best thing ever, and those are the best memories ever.

  27. Ann D

    Aside from sharing a Thanksgiving meal with family, what I look forward to is noodles as part of the dinner. These are homemade egg noodles which are cooked in broth, typically made from the turkey neck and veggies with added chicken broth. These are served over mashed potatoes which seems like a carb overload but boy, are they good.

  28. Nancy

    Great looking wall hanging.
    My favorite part of Thanksgiving, besides family gathering, is the turkey and cranberry sauce sandwiches made out of left overs. When I was in college, I had to pull some slices of turkey off the platter before it went to the table and hide them in the frig, so there would actually be turkey to make that sandwich for my drive back to college. That was OK, ‘cuz my mother always made sure I got it.

  29. Gloria Cotten

    I love everything about the Thanksgiving meal — the turkey, the dressing and gravy, the cranberry sauce, the sweet potato casserole, the fresh yeast rolls, the pumpkin pie for dessert . . . I think the whole meal plus all the family being together make it my favorite! Thanks for the vy generous giveaway, Bernie. I am thankful for every posting of Needle and Foot!

  30. Ali

    Wow – great little quilt for the Holidays!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I love turkey with stuffing (forget the dressing) I want my Mum’s celery and onion stuffing right out of the bird!!! Warm and with lots of sage and savory – best memory of the holidays ever!!!

  31. Beth

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is my mom’s cornbread pudding – just the perfect mix of slightly sweet and slightly salty and very creamy . . . mmmmmmm.

  32. Beth T.

    Such pretty autumnal fabric, and such an appropriate sentiment. My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is the sweet potato casserole–mine doesn’t use marshmallows. 🙂

  33. Lori Morton

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is my Husband’s STUFFING!!…and his Gravy is definitely a cloooose 2nd!! YUM!! He makes the BEST!! I make the pies….& we share doing the rest of dinner!! 🙂

    Thank you for chance to win any of your 3 give-a-ways too! 😀

  34. Lori Morton

    Loooove your Wallhanging too! Very Creative & beautiful!!

    I already follow thru Email, Bloglovin & Pinterest too..:)

  35. Cindy

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving Dinner is the dressing. We always make half with oysters and half without. And I’m talking canned oysters here. We live in the Midwest and don’t have access to fresh oysters. I love the oyster half and I love that wall hanging you made.

  36. Cindy

    Thank you for the chance to win in 3 different giveaways. I follow by e-mail. I think I’m going to have to try that cranberry recipe of yours.

  37. Karen Addleman

    I love all the great food we have for Thanksgiving, but my favorite is my mother-in-law’s cranberry Jello salad.

  38. Ariane

    Your wall hanging is just beautiful. I’m going to have to try that technique of doing the block with threads free motion quilted. I love stuffing on thanksgiving too. I can’t eat much of it anymore cause I had a gastric bypass. But, I still have a little taste. Thanks for the amazing giveaway.

  39. EllenB

    I love stuffing and cranberry sauce, but my favorite part of the day is eating seconds while watching the football games. Your wall hanging is wonderful and beautifully represents the season!

  40. ritainalaska

    loved the wild cranberry sauce we used to make and the waldorf salad that was only made for thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. love the leaf potholders … thanx muchly for the pattern!

  41. Janie

    I love your quilt. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is smelling the turkey baking. I would love the Golden Harvest collection I would make a lap throw for my living room. Thank you for all of the inspiration.

  42. Sue

    Thank you for the opportunity to win some awesome prizes!
    I love your quilted banner. It inspired me to try out free motion quilting again.

  43. rosa

    Your wallhanging is just beautiful we don´t celebrate Thanksgiving Dinner but we celebrate Christmas Eve so my favorite part of Christmas s the dressing fir dinner and be with family and friends!!

  44. Maryellen

    I love the idea of the pumpkin and words. Great job, and the fabrics are so pretty. My favorite part is the apple pie, usually because I picked the apples and baked the pie from scratch. I also love my stuffing, and family time.

  45. Lori Smanski

    Other than spending quality time with all the family, my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is a sweet potato casserole. Your quilt is lovely. And your potholders are so pretty.. You are very generous. Thanks.

  46. Nancy

    Your quilt turned out great. It will be nice to have it to hang for the holiday. I like the pies best…and pecan is my favorite!

  47. Cathy B.

    Beautiful wall hanging! I’m a stuffing gal as well as family & friends – not necessarily in that order! 🙂

  48. Kim S

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is being with my family. It’s one day that we don’t have to rush to go anywhere or do anything.

  49. Judy Shapleigh

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the creamed onions. Our mother used to make them. It is the last thing we prepare, and we have been doing this for at least 45-plus years. I have to look up the recipe for the white sauce every year. My sister and I used to be the only ones who liked it; now it has grown in popularity.

  50. Betsy

    Bernie, you are very talented. I would have never thought of creating such a unique project. Thanks for sharing

  51. Lynne Stucke

    My favorite part of the Thanksgiving dinner is . . . DESSERT!! A perpetual dieter, I usually don’t allow myself the luxury of desserts. Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners are the exception. I don’t waste time with pumpkin pie, or even pecan pie, but jump right into the 4-layer chocolate pudding dessert. Yum! From the lips to the hips, but worth every bite! (lynnstck[at]

  52. Kathie L

    I truly love to Give Thanks! I love to eat those mashed potatoes with gravy. I save the best for last, and those are always last on my plate.

  53. Lisa Marie

    I love the combination of the quilted design in the center and the prints in the border of your quilt. Just lovely! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is stuffing made the way my Mom and her Mom used to make it. I always make way too much so there will be plenty of leftovers!

  54. Lisa Marie

    I follow your blog on my blogger dashboard/GFC. Thanks for the chance at winning one of these wonderful prizes!

  55. Debby Lessard

    Just like with fabrics, it is hard to pick just one Thanksgiving dish, but for right now I guess I will pick the candied yams with the toasted marshmallows on top. Though it is hard to ignore the calling from the pumpkin pies and chocolate cream pies.
    the autumn fabrics are beautiful and your leaf potholders are unique and gorgeous.

  56. Janet T

    OK, I have to admit, my favorite part of dinner is turkey and pumpkin pie. Love your potholders. ndfromsd at gmail dot com

  57. Joanna

    I love autumn, too. My favorite Thanksgiving food is pumpkin pie, as well as the stuffing and cranberry sauce. I love this fabric, and you hanging looks great.

  58. Susan Stanton

    My daughter makes the best stuffing using sausage and mushrooms along with the traditional bread and seasonings. It’s the best!

  59. Debbie Miller

    The best part of Thanksgiving is having all our family together, but the best food part of Thanksgiving to me is definitely the stuffing and cranberry sauce. I actually love the canned jellied cranberry sauce! I did last year find a recipe for a savory whole cranberry sauce relish that is fantastic as a dip as well as a side dish with the regular Thanksgiving food.

  60. JanineMarie

    I love the warmth of this wall hanging, Bernie! And I’m so impressed with your FMQ–especially all those tiny lines behind the words. And your pebble quilting on the pumpkin–wow! I’m right there with you when it comes to challenges with squaring things up–done that lots of times. But your quilt looks fine. At Thanksgiving, I’m all about the vegetables–almost any kind–and my husband’s pumpkin pie! No need to include me in the giveaway. I’m just having fun doing this hop with you.

  61. Janet Sabol

    I love these fabrics and what you did with the quilting in the center. My favorite part of Thanksgiving meal is the vegetable dishes, usually a green bean casserole and scalloped corn. The best part of Thanksgiving is, of course, being with family!

  62. Mary D

    I make a 6 cheese macaroni and cheese dish that is a heart stopper with loads of butter, cream and plenty of cheese. My family only gets this dish twice a year and practically demands that I make it. I do enjoy making it and love adding a different cheese every now and again.

    I love pumpkin everything so need to come up with some interesting pumpkin recipes.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  63. Whiskers

    Well, if I can’t have anything else that says Thanksgiving dinner, make mine my grandmother’s pumpkin pie. I’ve never met anyone that didn’t like it.

    But the day comes that the food is all eaten, the calories are groaned over as being too long lasting, and the family is all gone. Not just as eaten and run, but just remain as our memories. I think then we realize what makes the holidays special.

    outofthebox_2000 at yahoo

  64. Patricia Ludwiczak

    Love your wallhanging – the colors are beautiful. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is listening to the stories around the table. Now that some of the family is gone, we still sit around and retell their stories, adding some new ones of our own.

  65. Liz

    Beautiful colours in your wall hanging . You have inspired me to have a go. My favourite is the turkey with all the trimmings and being able to share the abundance with family and friends.

  66. GloryB

    I am in the UK where we don’t have Thanksgiving as a holiday. But we were in the US a couple of years ago spending Thanksgiving with friends. And my very favourite part of the meal was the lovely stuffing. It is always my favourite part of any Meal involving roast turkey.

  67. Nancy

    I love your potholders and quilt!! My favorite things at Thanksgiving has to be family first, and then home made noodles!! Just brings back so many memories thinking about them!!

  68. Aimee

    Favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner (after family, of course) is the pumpkin pie. Love your quilt, & the potholders are adorable.

  69. Kristine Clay

    What a wonderful tribute to thanksgiving! My favorite part of theholiday is a family tradition where we pass around a thankful bowl and share the things we are grateful for in our lives. It is a solemn and sweet time to remember the big and little things to give thanks for. This year quilting is a big part of that as I have learned new skills, completed more projects and generally felt inspired to craft! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  70. Nancy A

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the people. In Illinois we would move furniture and have as many as 40 for dinner — family, friends, and Internationals. Now we live in Alabama, and our house is much smaller. But we still have a gathering of family and Internationals.

  71. Delaine

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner (aside from the friends and family around the table) is the pumpkin pie and fresh whipped cream for dessert. Thanks!

  72. Nicole Sender

    I love the family turkey dinner at Thanksgiving! My birthday falls on Thanksgiving at times and then I have two events to celebrate on the same day! Love your wall hanging!

  73. Jessica B.

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the Turkey. I just love a juicy turkey. My family loves what I do with the leftover turkey. I think your wall hanging is beautiful. I love the colors and the quilting.

  74. Linda Bick

    Beautiful wall hanging! I bake a seasoned Szechuan ? Turkey and its the best!!!! Definitely my favorite part of the meal followed by the sweet potatoes, and pie!!!! Mmmmm…..getting hungry!

  75. Brenda

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner has to be homemade turkey gravy. On stuffing, on turkey, on potatoes. On anything. The challenge every year is to manage to make enough gravy to last at least partway through the leftovers (hot turkey sandwich, anyone?). There is no substitute!

  76. Beverley Hernandez

    The small wall hanging is beautiful. I enlarged the picture of your fat quarter bundle and I can see the inspiration for autumn colors. My favourite part of the Thanksgiving meal is Pumpkin Pie; although
    I agree with you about the homemade cranberry sauce is the best.

  77. Beverley Hernandez

    I’m following on Bloglovin and am enjoying the Blog Hop.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win gifts.

  78. Diana @ Red Delicious Life

    I just love autumn projects. I made a wallhanging that says “Thankful” a few years back. Last year I hung it in our new house and just never took it down. I always meant to make other seasonal ones so I could swap them out but that never happened. So we’ve just been thankful all year long.

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is all the sides! I could care less about the turkey, just give me all the trimmings. Last year I discovered oyster stuffing and I couldn’t get enough. I’m hoping I can convince my StepMom to make it this year at our house (we’re hosting). I definitely want to try your cranberry sauce. You had me at wine. 🙂

  79. Chris

    I always loved the turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy. Sounds great to me. Your wallhanging and extras are wonderful.

  80. Linda Fleming

    I love the beautifully cooked turkey – all prepared and cooked by my husband.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful wall hanging – the fabrics are so colorful!

  81. Barb Hayden

    I just love all things fall with the vibrant colors. The best thing about turkey day are the leftovers!

  82. Susan Nixon

    Wow, what a beautiful center that is! I really love what you did, and I think I might try something like that one of these days. I never think in terms of quilting the background for letters to stand out! Thanks for your giveaways as well as the sponsor. It’s always love to win something, and I appreciate the chance.

  83. Susan Nixon

    Oh, don’t count this as a separate entry, but I forgot to say my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. It’s the candied yams! Three generations, at least, in my family have made them for Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter. My grandmother was born in 1883, so that is over a hundred years of candied yams! =) I make my own cranberry sauce, too, but it includes whole berry sauce and a red or orange Jello. Thanks, again.

  84. STH

    I love going out for Thanksgiving buffet with my partner! I don’t have to slave in the kitchen all day and we can each have what we like.

  85. Susan Spiers

    What wonderful fabric! Your quilting is amazing! Fried turkey is my favorite at Thanksgiving dinner, and my kids bought me one of the no grease fryers-works like a charm!

  86. Jean McKinstry

    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving much down here, but I make Cranberry Jelly from the little berries off our own bush, and have it on home made muffins in the summertime. A wonderful give-away.

  87. Michele

    Having the family for dinner is my favourite part of Thanksgiving… we don’t do it often enough, so it’s fun to catch up on each other’s lives!!

  88. Karen @Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

    Great fabric wall art piece! I too like to read Lori Kennedy’s posts for inspiration. I am right with you liking the stuffing and cranberries. Recently I made some stuffing (we had to make room in the freezer for cider so all the old bread went out) and I added apples to it and it was so good!! kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  89. Sarah@123quilt

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the stuffing. No, wait, it’s the pie. No, no! The leftovers!!! Lol. I love it all. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I look forward to it every year. I really love your wall hanging, especially that quilted pumpkin and the Shoo-fly blocks in the corners.

  90. Donna Cutting

    Thanksgiving favorites are stuffing and cranberry sauce..
    Beautiful wall hanging and love the leaf oven mitts, thanks

  91. Rosemary Barron

    Thanksgiving is all about family and friends and food!! The 3 or the 4 more important words beginning with F. Yummy cranberry sauce goes with everything and especially dressing, my second favorite .. ; Thanks for sharing with us. I love that center of your quilt. Perfect!

  92. Sharon

    Turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes with homemade cranberry sauce. I can’t decide on just one. Thanks.

  93. Kathy

    Wonderful creations – lovely fabric.
    My favorite part of Thanksgiving meal is stuffing! But pumpkin pie is a close 2nd.
    I love reading your tales – especially about your sisters.

  94. Kate

    Lovely mini Bernie. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here as such, although when I was a child we had Harvest Festival at school. It’s a wonderful concept though.

  95. Linda Cejnar

    My favorite at Thanksgiving Dinner is the stuffing and gravy and the camaraderie of the friends and family gathered around the table! I hope I can still be part of your giveaway! ljbisme at msn dot com

  96. Muv aka Lizzie Lenard

    Hello Bernie,

    What a sweet wall hanging. The contrast between the quilted plain coloured centre and the bright border is really interesting – the quilting stands out in relief.

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!

    Love, Muv

  97. Pingback: Autumn Abundance: Day 1 - Astro Semesta

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