Finished the First One

I finished the first of the two extra long twin bed quilts that I am making for Julia’s room in Downieville. It is simple and so cozy. Green (my favorite), purple and tan are the colors and most of the prints feature florals and  hummingbirds, plus one abstract print of mountains. This is the perfect theme for a quilt that will live in a house along the river, in the mountains.

IMG_20160204_4565This quilt is a bit of a beast to photograph; with 10″ blocks, it finished at 70″ x 100″.  You can see that I quilted straight lines along all seams, two inches in. I marked most of the lines with a chalk marker which made it very easy to quilt.


It is backed in a violet fabric with a scroll print. I bound it in the same fabric. It is a piece from Jo-Ann’s that Julia chose.


I have just enough of the backing left over to make a pillow case which will finish things off nicely. I am looking forward to taking the quilt up to Downieville. I will be up there this afternoon to work on the opportunity quilt for the guild. What is better than an afternoon of sewing? We have had spring-like weather here and my daffodils are all ready to bloom. It is a nice break but we need to get back to winter and a lot more rain. Hopefully soon!

What are you working on? Tell me in the comments!

Linking to Let’s Bee Social and Finish It Up Friday. Links to these sites, and more, are found at the top of the page under Link Ups.


21 thoughts on “Finished the First One

  1. JanineMarie

    Once again the setting is perfect for showing off your quilt. It looks so cozy, and the quilting complements the blocks nicely. Don’t you love it when everything comes together so well? If you can, post a picture on the bed when you get to Downieville. I’ve been working on a fast quilt this week and practicing letting go with random color arrangement. A real departure from my usual ways. Have a happy Valentine’s weekend!

  2. Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

    Congratulations! I hope you have a great afternoon of sewing, too. I’m finally getting around to quilting my Midnight Mystery quilt. I hope to get it done before I head to QuiltCon early next week… we’ll see!

  3. Colleen

    Huge quilt you must be pleased that it is done. It’s lovely.
    I am putting together a fabric panel project it’s a redriding hood doll pillow quilt and wolf. Also trying to get going on Lori bolts Bloom quilt quilt a long
    Colleen loving the nice warm weather and hoping we get more rain at home and more snow in those mountains lots and lots of mountain snow

    1. Bernie Post author

      That sounds like a cute project Colleen. Sometimes I see the prettiest panels but cannot decide what I would do with them.

      You are so right on the weather! I love these sunny days but yes, we need a lot more winter!

  4. Heather

    I like the colors you chose, and the nature-y theme going on. My daffodils poked up then got snowed on and they’re still kind of stalled out. Next month they’ll look good. 🙂

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Heather! I love when the daffodils come up. It is the first burst of color. They almost always freeze tho. They bloom too early every year! So, I run around cutting them when the weather turns cold. 🙂

    1. Bernie Post author

      Yes, it is a big one! It. It is an extra long twin size-that is part of the reasoning for the straight line quilting. Easier than moving it around for FMQ. I am so happy with it though. Now I need to make the second one! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Linda

    Oh my gosh! I love it! You did goooood. I love the big blocks, the colors (especially the purple), AND Julia chose well on the backing – it’s perf!
    Downieville. Sigh. It’s like, the ideal town. Do you take pics at your guild meeting? Would love to see them.
    On a humorous note, when I first saw “a quilt that will live in a house along the river, in the mountains”, my mind immediately went to Chris Farley’s “livin’ in a van, down by the river” motivational speech on Saturday Night Live.

    1. Bernie Post author

      That is always a funny thing… Stream of consciousness- what leads to the next thought. Oh….. Chris Farley!

      It is a nice color palette. I am looking forward to making the second one, though I might change up the pattern. What do you think? If it is all the same fabrics, old it be best to make the second one exactly the same? It r choose a new layout? I was thinking of big, blocky rail fence blocks, or an ‘oversized’ stacked coins quilt?

  6. Linda

    Forgot to tell you what I’m working on. :-O
    I’m trying to pick fabrics for a prayer quilt for my niece – she just had a mastectomy. 🙁 I’m leaning towards a cross quilt – I think it’s usually referred to as a “plus” quilt.

    1. Bernie Post author

      I’m so sorry to hear about your niece. I hope she is healing now. I love plus quilts. It is high on my list, after I get a few projects finished up. Looking forward to seeing your project. 🙂


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