Tag Archives: wild bloom barij

Juanitas runners

Finally! My Sister’s Project is a Finish

Last November (a full six months ago) my sister asked if I would make two small runners to put in the window boxes in her flat in London.  She shares her time between Colorado and London due to her husband’s career. Once their kids were up and out, it became possible for her to travel back and forth so she could actually spend some time with her husband.  It is an exciting time for her as she makes new friends and learns to live the city life.

When they rented a little flat, she started to fix it up and make it feel like home.  She has plants in the windows and wanted a runner to put under them. The window sill is about 14″ x 36″ and the runners measure  12″ x  35″.  They (hopefully!) will fit just fine.

It was fun to pick colors for these.  My sister asked for teal and some red.  I sent a few ideas and we ended up with this combination of Sashiko Florette (teal), Corsage Charm, Terra Firma Sunlit, and Kohkhloma Burgundia for the pop or red.  All of these are Art Gallery fabrics from my shop and as always, even though they are from three different lines, they look great together. 

This simple pattern was inspired by Anorina’s tutorial over at  her blog, Samelia’s Mom.  I made it a bit smaller and only made three blocks for each runner. It came together quickly.

While I did use the same fabric for each, I reversed the red fabric with the light blue floral on each runner, just to mix things up a bit.  I looked at this project as a great opportunity to practice some free motion quilting.

For the four inch square blocks on both pieces, I quilted a large flower.  The other sections were filled in with loops, squiggles and leafy vines.

Juanitas runners

When I put these side by side, I could picture it as a larger quilt and it would look great.

When I was just about done quilting these, I remembered I wanted to quilt a word or something more personal on the runner. But seriously, I was at the very end! I managed to squish in the word sister. Not terribly creative but i didn’t think of it in time.

Anyway, it took far too long to make these little guys but they are done and ready for the mail.  My sister is heading back to England soon so frugal side motivated me to get them done and in the mail so I will be mailing them to Colorado and not to England.  Saves a couple of dollars….

Now that I can check this project off the list, I am ready to move on to something else.  Much as I am itching to start something new, I will be disciplined and pick up one of my unfinished projects and get going!

However, sewing will have to wait until next week.  This weekend is going to be busy with my husband continuing to pull out that lower deck.  This afternoon I had a dumpster delivered for the huge piles of scrap wood that are piling up on the property. Hope you have an equally fun weekend planned!! Whatever is on the agenda, enjoy your weekend.

