We have been in the new house since April 7th! Oh my gosh – we are in love with this Our neighborhood is quiet (other than a few dogs who like to bark a lot), the weather is strange (changes so fast from rain to snow to hail to blue skies and sunshine – all in the course of a couple of hours sometimes), the proximity to lots of beaches makes us so happy, and most of all – we are so close to lots of family members!

We had been here a couple of days when my son and these two silly girls came to spend a day. They had not seen the house yet. It was such fun. We had not unpacked much at all so they found some hiding places in the kitchen.

We didn’t yet have any toys available yet; all I could find for them was a stack of post-it notes and a pen. They were happy for quite some time. Simple pleasures.

While little sister was napping, we had some time to read. Luckily she had brought some books. If this isn’t reason enough to spend months on end packing and selling a house, buying a house, driving up and unpacking for days, then nothing is!
The day after the girls went home, I started feeling crummy and yep – they shared their cold with me. Sigh. This wasn’t great timing since we had loads of boxes arriving. So I got into a routine of unpack a bit, take a nap, unpack more and then nap some more.

By Easter Sunday, I was feeling much better. My son and his wife hosted a wonderful dinner. It was so fun to be able to see so much family for the afternoon. Big sister is now the proud owner of an old digital camera of her mom’s. She takes loads of pictures with it and set up this group shot (instructing us to have the short people in the front and the tall people in the back – hahaha). But then she took this one shot and everyone looks pretty darn good. How many times do we work so hard for a group photo, taking shot after shot and this five year old takes one shot, and it is a good one.

This room has been ignored since we arrived. There have been too many other things to work on. Hopefully this week I can begin to get it put together. The biggest issue is lack of shelving. I had built-in shelves in our last house. This is a bonus room so there isn’t even a bedroom closet. I am going to have to buy shelves, lots of shelves. Then I need to start using some of this fabric!!! I cannot wait – It has been months since I sat at a sewing machine. My sewing machine will sit in the corner by the windows. The view out those windows is of our back yard and it will be so nice to sit there.

Yesterday morning we had sunshine and no indication of rain. We took walk in the morning on a rocky beach about 20 minutes from the house. Ray and I are still in vacation mode when we walk on the beach. Seems like we should be heading home. Beaches have always been vacation places for us, not somewhere we can walk whenever we please!
Now you all have the latest and greatest from the Pacific Northwest where I am starting to feel at home. Yahoo!
I am so happy for y’all! Being near family, especially grands, will add a whole new dimension to everyone’s lives. Congratulations!
That is such a great way to describe this – a whole new dimension – absolutely. Thanks Robbin. 🙂
Hi Bernie! Oh, that picture of you and your sweet one reading!! That is just the BEST. Good thing she brought a book with her. And the picture of them in the empty kitchen cabinets is just priceless. Yay to spending Easter with family. {{Hugs}} I’m so happy for you. The PNW will feel more and more like home with every passing day. Your sewing room will have a nice cross breeze, too, while you’re enjoying the backyard view. I’ll bet you’ll be hearing the birdies like the cardinal calling outside my open window. Everything has just worked out so well – all that hard work has paid off. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
It paid off 100% Roseanne. I am so aware of fragrance and odors. The house still doesn’t ‘smell’ like home but getting better. (know what I mean? or is that strange??) I think the previous owners had the carpets cleaned and there must have been some scent to that? Anyway, little things like that are changing and making the house feel more like home to me. We are so happy with the house, the property and the town.
So happy for you and yours Bernie! It all sounds like a wonderful blessing! I love the pictures.
Thank you Beth! I know you have been right in this place and not so long ago. We are having fun exploring and figuring out where everything is. Life is going well!
There’s just so much goodness in this post! So fun to see you settling in and spending time with family! That sewing room is going to be amazing!
Thanks Wendy. Have to say seeing those tubs all stacked in one place is daunting and shows me that I have soooo much fabric! In the other house, it was squirreled away in various places so the quantity was not as apparent. I’d better get busy!
So good to see you post and we know you will be busy settling in to your new home. Nothing like being close to family as we age. I know you will enjoy all the moments. It’s the time of year where inside gets neglected for all the fresh air, walks, gardening and patio visits so give yourself a break cause winter comes soon enough to be back at unpacking. Then we will see lots of sewing going on for the girls, quilts and yup Halloween costumes, I am sure.
Summer is definitely coming but the yard here is going to require much less time than our other property. I will be sewing for sure! I think it has been at least six months since I really made anything. That itch needs to be scratched! You are absolutely correct though – nothing beats family time.
We moved down from Salem to be with family here outside Sacramento. You both did the opposite (still in the Pacific Northwest), but isn’t it wonderful being near family? I miss Salem a LOT but I am loving our home here in Roseville, near our doctor, the hospital, the shops we like and being involved in family activities on a regular basis really is the best. Oregon has SO much to enjoy, and being near beaches is one of them. Glad you’re enjoying your new home!
I didn’t know this Deb! When did you move down to Roseville? That was only 45 minutes from our old house. It would have been so fun to meet you for real.
Ray and I are so happy to have the ability to spend afternoons with our family. Before this we had to drive 13 hours to see them meant which meant we would stay for a while. It was such a process, you know? Now it is an hour drive and doesn’t feel like such a big deal. Yahoo!! Plus two of my sisters are only a 15 minute drive which is nothing at all. Such a nice change.
Moved to Roseville 8 months ago – and its been a continuous challenge since, working on the house. We’re probably nearly 3/4 done at this point. The last parts will be next year when new flooring goes in, patio covers go up on the patio out back & final tweaking of the front yard.
I’m just looking forward to the ‘being retired’ part where we take an occasional trip away to someplace fun, car rides to near by parks, etc. Pretty sick of the home improvement part of this program, but it will make living here the rest of our lives much easier for us. Plus, I keep telling myself that the pandemic will be over some day, but the date keeps moving out! : )
Great to see an update from you, Bernie! Looks like you’re enjoying the perks of being closer to the grands already, and 20 minutes from the ocean sounds wonderful. You’ll get through all those boxes little by little. Take care of yourself, too!
Diann, Agreed! We are both trying to go for a balance between unpacking and enjoying the move up here. Plus I have two sisters up here and they have helped too. I am itching to get to work on the sewing space – hopefully this week. 🙂
Bernie, it sure feels like you are in your happy place! Living near family that you love and adore is always worth the time, effort (and colds) to make a house a home. You’ve got a perfect set of windows to perch your sewing machine nearby and enjoy the lush outdoors. Enjoy your new digs, family and your sewing time!
So very happy for you!
Thank you! I hope you are doing well. Are you in Texas or up north? It has been a while, hasn’t it?? Take care Karen. 🙂
Yay, you made it! PNW is the best, especially with family close by! It has been a cool, wet spring so far up here in Bellingham. We did get a perfect gardening day yesterday. Bliss…..today the rain is back, so into my studio I go. More bliss.
I wish a speedy set-up to your sewing space and a breezy unpacking. 😁
It’s exciting to be in a new house, and so wonderful to be next to family! Enjoy 😉
So happy to see an update from you Bernie! Enjoy it all, you worked hard to get there. Relax and enjoy your absolutely beautiful life. ❤ Laurie
Thank you! I did get a fair amount done today so now I have cookies baking in the oven. Makes the house smell so homey! Hope all is well with you Laurie. Take care.
I had to smile as I read this post — it seems so much like ‘home’ for you. A very good feeling, indeed. I’m still no closer to our own move than I was this time last year. But, patience and perseverance prevail! Do take care — did you find any beach glass on your beach walk?
Hi Carol – You are being so patient in waiting for your new place to open up. Is it taking a while because you really want one specific place or is it the particular location? Either way, I hope it happens soon for you. Do you have lots of family to help with the move. You have a challenging situation and it could be tough. I am pooped out from this – it is a lot of work!! Hang in there. 🙂
Congratulations on a successful move!! We moved last summer. It took all summer. Uhaul trucks were hard to get. I started packing non essential stuff while we house hunted, but i didn’t get enough done. I didn’t think we would ever finish. It was six months before I say at the sewing machine. I felt like I had to learn my machine all over again. We recently did a remodel of my sewing room. My husband suggested adding shelves. What a blessing they are.
Wishing you all the best in getting settled
Hi Edith: So you totally understand!! This does feel like it will take forever. But progress is being made each day. I think the kitchen is just about finished. It is a trick to figure out where I want to put everything. Do glasses go here? Where does the flatware go? Know what I mean? Thanks for your note. I appreciate it.
Oh, Bernie! I’m so happy for you. Your sewing room looks much better organized than mine at the moment. It was a solid year without sewing for me when we moved, but I’ll bet you’ll be up and running in no time. It’s hard to believe a 5yo took that wonderful picture! What heaven to have so many loved ones so close. And the beach! That’s the chef’s kiss to it all.
Well – I have made absolutely no progress on the sewing room. I really want the main rooms to be finished up first. Made a bit of progress yesterday. I have boxes stacked up in what will be the dining room – I think I am down to about 6 or 7 boxes left. Our previous house had lots and lots of built in shelving which this house does not have. I miss those!! Three more boxes of books to look through and give away. Anyway, I’ll get to the sewing room but not as fast as I would hope!! Take care Jay.
The family photo is truly beautiful, Bernie. You all look so relaxed and joyful together! I hope you continue to feel like you are on vacation every time you visit a beach (and I hope you visit them often). May unpacking and settling in continue to go well!
Hi Yvonne – I wonder if we will begin to take the beaches for granted? For now though, it is definitely like we are on a very long vacation, staying in an AirBNB – 🙂 I love that family picture too. It was so crazy to see so many cute smiles from this quick picture taken on an old camera by a five year old. Hahaha – I think I will print a copy – I love it! Take care and hope you and Michael are well.
What a wonderful update! I’m so glad you are settling in and already getting to spend time with family. Xx
Hi! So nice to hear from you. Life is good – everything seems to be falling into place nicely. Well, except the sewing space. I still have yet to do anything up there. It will happen – soon I hope! I enjoy looking at the cute tops you have been making – I stalk you on IG – Hope all is well with you and your cute family.
What a pretty place – and too funny – those grandbabies sharing with you all ready!!!
Glad you are feeling better!
It sure didn’t take long to catch my first dose of kid germs. I would guess I was just too exhausted from the move and didn’t have a lot of defense. Oh well…. It is totally worth it!!
Looks like you are all really enjoying the new house. Wow, so many helpers. Moving is always a chore and tiresome.
You are so right! It is a very tiresome chore and I hope not to do it again for many many years – or ever!! Thanks so much Danice!
20 minutes from the beach??? I am very jealous! But also very happy for you. Wishing you lots of love and happiness in your new home.
Thank you. We feel incredibly fortunate. It has been a long process but we are getting there now. I think this is just the right place for us. 🙂
All of this is so wonderful, Bernie!! I remember the sewing room being the very last thing we got around to when we moved into this house 15 years ago, too. In fact, as much as I am envying your fresh start in a new place and as much as I would love to downsize, the fear of being without my quilting studio for months or even a year while “more important” things are addressed in a new home is what gives me feet of clay. Added to that is the real estate market where we live — homes are selling within a day or two of listing for sale, usually over asking price — but then you can’t find another house to buy because the inventory is so low, and rentals have skyrocketed as well. Imagine the stress and Quilting Withdrawal if I sold my house and had to put my long arm machine in STORAGE while we tried to find a new place to live. Yikes! I love the pictures of your little “moving helpers” and how wonderful that you can now enjoy big family get togethers AND walks on the beach. Congratulations on all of these things!
Thank you Rebecca – it has been a long time working on the whole move. The selling was fast and buying, even more so. We sold over list and bought over list price. Lots of stress for sure. But now that we are here, I am very happy we went through all of it, now that we are finally here. Totally understand what you are saying though. Have a nice weekend!!