A few days ago my grand daughter face timed with me. She had a very specific request. “Grammy, I need a basket.” After chatting for a bit, she showed me how her parents had strung a line across a wall in the living room. It is right at her height and she now has a place to clip her art work on display. Sort of her own continuous gallery showing! But it seems she has nowhere to keep her extra clothespins and this was bothering her. Who am I to deny a toddler in need?
When asked what color, she immediately replied pink. Of course in the mind of a two year old, I wonder was that the first color that came to mind? Is pink her favorite color (or was it on that particular day?) No matter. I have plenty of pink fabric. 🙂

I used the ever-popular pattern for the One Hour Basket over at Kelby Sews as the starting point. I have made these a couple of times before and it truly takes only an hour (or less) to make. But the pattern size was too large. I cut it back and used rectangles measuring 6″ x 9″ for this little one. The little loopy handles are two bits of gross grain ribbon. I didn’t ever measure the finished size but you can see in relation to my hand, it isn’t large. Perfect for a few clothespins.

When I chose the piece of fabric down in my shop, I wasn’t really thinking and cut a 1/2 yard. The print is from Timeless Treasures Kidz and it is adorable. Loads of pink, with princesses and castles too. Since I had the extra fabric, it seemed like I ought to go ahead and make another basket. This one was cut with rectangles measuring 9″ x 12″. Like the tiny basket, I adhered a fusible Pellon batting to the outer fabric. But with this larger version, I also fused a stiff interfacing to the lining fabric to give it more structure.

I made a handle so she can easily carry this one around if she wants to. The lining was from my stash – Julia had some wild pajama pants years ago with this faux tie dyed fabric.

Aren’t they cute? It was fun to make them and to think of H playing with them. When I finished them yesterday, I texted a picture of them so she could see. She was apparently quite pleased. However about 15 minutes later the UPS truck went up their road. It was distressing for her to see him drive by. She thought he was going to stop and drop off the package from Grammy. Poor thing. The timing just seemed perfect to her. Hopefully her package will come on Saturday.
This was definitely a fun little project to whip up. I will link up with Sandra at MMM Quilts when she has her next DREAMI link up as this was surely one of those Drop Everything and Make It sort of projects!
What cute little baskets, and fun that she knew she could ask you for them. How sweet is that! I hope the delivery gets to her soon and she has many days of fun with them!
Beyond cute. Way to go Grammy!
These are darling, Bernie! H is sure to love them and I’ll bet she finds a use for the extra basket right away. Ask her parents to Face Time her opening the package. That will be awfully fun for you to see. Have a great weekend!
Thanks Mari. I will see if I can work out a face time for tomorrow. She also has her first swimming lesson tomorrow. How can that be?? She is growing up so quickly. Have a great weekend!
Aw, I love this story—and the baskets! I was going to ask you if they really do only take an hour to make. That’s awesome! Littles catch on to technology so quickly. Years ago, I’m sure H never would have grasped the concept of seeing and talking to you long distance. Who knows maybe someday in the future, that package will arrive instantaneously. But I sure get her distress! She’ll be ecstatic when the truck comes. Grammy, you’re the best! 💕
It was so sweet Janine. The timing couldn’t have been worse. If the truck had come by an hour later, she probably would have forgotten but it was right after seeing the pictures. Silly girl. Have a great weekend!
What a good Grammy you are! I had to laugh about the UPS truck. Amazon delivers in a day; surely Grammy is even faster than that?? 🙂
Haha. For sure. Especially from California to Vermont!☺️
Supercute baskets for a super-adorable little gal!!!
Thank you Preeti. Yes, she is super adorable!
You are such a good grammie! How could you resist such a sweet request? Can’t wait to see a picture of her with her new baskets in use. The fabric is perfect!
It was so cool to have her call and want to talk about something. Her conversational skills are really increasing and I love that. We can actually talk about something now, ❤️
You are such a lovely Grandma and she is adorable. I can just imagine you teaching her to quilt when she is a little older. The baskets are cuteness itself, she will absolutely love them.
Thank you! How are you doing? I bet you are loving your new grandson. Hope you are well Kate.
Well I have a little frowny face about the UPS driver upsetting H! I love your buckets and they will be much loved.
THose are adorable!
I love that she asked you for a basket! These are so cute, and I’m sure she’ll find many uses for both sizes.
Me too! It is so cool she is old enough to have a fun conversation with. Toddlers are the best!!
So cute! I also love sewing for my granddaughter. Yours will really enjoy these baskets.
My son sent me a little video of her opening the box and it was adorable. She knew the little piece was a ‘basket’ and called the larger one a purse as she put it on her shoulder. Made this grammy very happy.
How sweet to be able to whip up something easy and NEEDED! I love easy stop-and-sew projects like this. And you’re so fortunate to get to sew pink things! I’m trying not to be green (with envy) about that. 🙂 Happy for you to get to fulfill a grandie’s request. Not much makes a grandma’s heart feel more full.
For sure! I really enjoy making little projects like this now and then. Making something for a grand child is the icing on the cake. 🙂
Your granddaughter will love the little baskets- they’re very cute. Her parents will likely be pleased that the clothespins have a home. And you will be a miracle worker, but you’re going to have to get a bit of flue powder to speed up delivery. Great fun!
So funny – a bit of the powder would have been quite helpful. 🙂
How lovely! I’m sure your Granddaughter will be so excited to open her parcel and put her clothes pegs in one or other (or maybe both) of the baskets 🙂
Funny I’ve been using the same pattern this week and adapting the size to make table scrap baskets for a patchwork workshop I’m leading next week. They do make great little gifts.
Isn’t it a great pattern? Easy to adjust the sizing as well.
She really had fun opening the package. My son took a little video so I could see. She is such a joy! Of course she then decided to paint one of them with her watercolors! However, they are washable so it’s all fine. 🙂
Love those little baskets & could find them useful indeed.
Your baskets are adorable; can’t believe you churned them out from start to finish in just an hour. It would take me an hour just to pick out the fabric…
Oh YES this is another quintessential DrEAMi, and of the extra-special kind since it was a request from a family member. 🙂 Awww, my heart ached for her at the UPS truck driving by, but at the same time I was like whoa! at TWO they know about UPS trucks! Not to mention iPhones, iPads, etc…. Thank you for linking up this sweet DrEAMi X2!
How adorably cute those baskets are! I’m sure your granddaughter loves them.
Thank you Cindy. She does love them and thinks the larger one is her purse. She took it to the grocery store with Mom the other day. Love this girl!!