I wasn’t going to post again this week but I decided I should do a quick outline of my quilty plans for the first quarter of 2017. I will be joining in with the FAL event hosted, in part, by Rhonda at Rhonda’s Ramblings. I joined in last quarter of 2016 and I liked having that list to work toward. In fact I finished all but one item. Here is the plan for the current quarter.
- Baste, quilt and bind the Harmony quilt. This WIP is moving from last quarter’s plan to this quarter. The issue is that I really want to use a rental at the long arm shop to finish this one and between their schedule, my schedule and my unpredictable migraines, I haven’t gotten there. Surely I can manage this over the next couple of months though.
- The second goal is going to be so much fun! I will make – cut, piece, baste, quilt and bind – a sweet baby quilt for my first grandbaby. The baby is due March 3rd. I hope to have it done by then. It is a simple pattern of HST’s set on point that my kids chose. Called Simply Snuggly, the tutorial was written by April Rosenthal. The pattern finishes at 52″ x 61″ so I will be cutting it back a bit.
The parents-to-be chose a lavender, gray, white and pink color scheme. I have the fabric – all of it – for piecing, binding and backing. So I am ready to go. When I get back from our trip this week, I will get it cut out.
- I have another baby quilt to make this quarter as well. My niece is expecting her third child, a sweet baby girl, at the end of March. My plan is to make a quilt from one oversized block. I am thinking of doing a big granny square block with bright, cheerful fabrics. I don’t have the fabric for this project yet but if I look through my stash, I suspect I will find at least a portion of it.
- I also plan to make some progress on the Sew Fresh Quilt Bee Hive blocks I am doing for the Canadian Ronald McDonald houses. I have 3 1/2 blocks completed.
I am sure I will be able to squeak these in between the other projects.
- I would like to make at least one, and maybe two, garments. I have no plan for these yet but I have a few pieces of fabric that would be fun to use. Two of them work for a baby outfit for that little grandbaby we are all waiting for. Or, I have that vintage border print I have mentioned before. I would love to make a little skirt for myself with it. I can fit those in, right?
- If there is any other time left for sewing, I will start a scrappy project. I decided not to follow the RSC17 color of the month this year. I have two scrap bins whose lids no longer snap tight. The green and blue bins are overflowing. Tons of scraps!! It would be fun to make a quilt with greens and blues and a pop of – something? – maybe yellow or a tiny bit of orange? I will use Amanda Jean Nyberg’s and Cheryl Arkinson’s book Sunday Morning Quilts for inspiration. I look at that book all the time, drooling over the ideas within. Maybe I should actually use one of them?! Did you know Amanda Jean is soon to publish her second book, No Scrap Left Behind (love that title)? I can’t wait to get my hands on it!!
This is plenty to shoot for this quarter! Now to see what actually is accomplished. Are you planning along with this quarter’s FAL? If so, I look forward to seeing how the quarter progresses for you too. OK – this is probably, almost certainly, the last post for this week. Probably, maybe, I think so?
Oh, the baby quilts sound like they are going to be so much fun to work on! It will be lovely to see you work on these projects.
Congratulations on the first grandbaby….as I’m sure you’ve already heard…IT’S WONDERFUL!!!! I have 3 grown daughters and becoming a mother after nearly 10 years of marriage was such a blessing. “Mom” has been my highest designation since then……(until…..lol)….well, let me just say that I had NO idea I could love other human beings as much as my own children. Boy, was I wrong. We have 3 now….our oldest has 2 little boys, 5 and nearly 4 years old; our middle daughter has a 2 year old girl. They are absolutely adorable…and give love to Gammie and PawPaw so freely. May this be the first of many for you…Blessings from (still..) cold WV.
Congrats on the grand baby, that is great news! I love the fabrics you’ve chosen and the baby quilt will be adorable. Enjoy your trip!
Congrats on the grandbaby! Your Harmony quilt is beautiful. Good luck on your finishes
Nothing like making a baby quilt for a grandbaby…I am getting pretty excited about this baby 🙂 And then you have a second one to work on as well !
I set a OMG and then joined a 17 UFOs in 2017 thing….but I shall check this out because I do have at least 3 things that should be achievable by the end of March! 🙂
I am excited for you. It is so fun having your very own baby hahaha
Making stuff for our babies is the best activity ever, except playing wild. That is fun too
Sarah is 19 months and we really get crazy.
I love this first quilt a lot
Well, we will be living across the country from each other so the wild play will be few and far between. However sewing for her is an easy one. I have several cuts of fabric for little summer outfits that I want to make for her. Hurray!!
Congratulations on your first upcoming grandchild! That’s very exciting and what lovely colors the parents picked out. It’s going to make a beautiful quilt. I’m also looking forward to seeing how you decide to quilt that first finish. Q1 – Bring it on!
Very cute pattern. What will be your background color? Hope you have a wonderful trip and get back ready to make that quilt for your new grandbaby. It really is the best thing ever!
I am not quite decided — I bought a very pale, silvery gray. But now I wonder if that is the right thing. The lavenders were to purple-y. I need to make up my mind tho. I want to get this going when we get home next week. 🙂
How exciting that your first grandbaby will arrive soon. Mine is now almost 10 months old and it’s so wonderful to have him in our lives. The harmony quilt is really pretty.
We are all very excited. I do wish we lived closer together but that just isn’t in the cards right now. Maybe someday? I grew up living within two or three miles of both my grandparents and have lots of happy memories of spending time with them. That is what I hope for eventually. Even living in the same state? We’ll see.?
Looking forward to your progress! Congrats on the coming grandbaby!
Thank you Paige. I cannot wait for that little girl to arrive!
That’s quite the list. Good luck. Congratulations on the grandchild.
Hello Bernie! Reading your list of to do projects for the Finish A Long during this first Quarter gives me a lot of encouragement! This is my first time in doing the FAL and in all truthfulness, in doing any type of commitment of this magnitude ever before. Yet, I am really excited and hope that I will accomplish my list of 7 unfinished quilting projects this quarter. I was very skeptical about how many projects to aim for so I will see by the end of the quarter a lot more by reading posts, such as yours, throughout the quarter. I wish you the best of luck in completing each and every one of you projects! Plus, I somehow know that you will so I am really cheering you on and applauding you! Have a great time!
I saw your list and you have lots of different things to work on. I’m sure you will finish up at least a few of them and make progress on some others. Good luck!
A great list! Your Harmony quilt top is beautiful, do you know how you want to quilt it? The baby quilt fabrics are so sweet and that’s very exciting news! My sister is expecting her first at the end of Feb. so I need to finish her quilt too. Good luck with all your projects! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.