Good morning! First order of business – I used our friend, Random Number Generator, to pick a winner for the 2017 Quilter’s Planner. The winner is………. Patricia! Her tip on organization was:
I try to group items by use. I have one drawer for hand sewing notions,one for sewing machine items. The cutting table top drawer has rotary cutters and blades etc. I have a travel bag with duplicate tools for workshops that stays packed.
I like the idea of having a separate bag of tools for traveling to workshops. That would be really handy rather than packing up each time you take a class. Congratulations Patricia. I have sent an email to you. If you have a minute, take a look at some of the comments on the Giveaway post. There were many great tips submitted for staying on top of things in the sewing room (as well as life in general.)
Next up for today is something to make you smile. My niece, Lil, teaches preschool at a Catholic preschool in the Bay Area. You might remember Lil from my post about a tshirt quilt I made for her a couple of years ago. Every now and then, Lil will send her mom (my sister) texts or pictures of things that happen while she is working. My sister then sends them out to the rest of us (my sisters & my parents) and we just love it.
Yesterday, Lil sent a great one so I want to share it with you. Being Christmas time, she is working on a basic unit about the Christmas story. Below is the sample project that she had the children making.
As it should be, Lill’s students make their own artwork. Each one is working to his or her current ability. Here are the resulting projects.
I think this bulletin board is filled with all kinds of adorable!! Poor baby Jesus – it would appear he is having a bit of trouble with his manger. I looked at this a number of times yesterday and smiled over and over. I thought you might enjoy it as well. The project in the bottom, lower right corner is so cute. Baby Jesus appears to be underneath the manger. I love the preschool ages, when children are so uninhibited and sweet. I have more than one box of projects from my four children. It is so hard to toss them. I think it would be great to scan them and save them digitally so I could get rid of the boxes. Maybe someday…
Ok, that is it for today. I am off to finish binding my Fleet & Flourish project!! Have a great day.
This is just too cute. Thanks for sharing, Bernie!
Just precious and the hay is perfect! When you zoom in , baby Jesus even has a face on some them!
Glad you enjoyed the pictures Paige. It is a fun reminder of how precious children are. Enjoy the weekend!
Love the school project! I too have lots of memorable items from my children’s early school years. I only kept the original stories, poems and artwork and things specifically made for me. I also have things from my grandchildren as well. I purchased decorative storage boxes and put each child’s name and date of birth on them. I have placed all these items in their own boxes along with ticket stubs, pictures, souvenirs and programs from recitals and ball games. They do not know I have these boxes. I think it will be a big surprise for them to discover these when I am gone.
Yes, that will be a fun surprise for them to discover someday! It is fun to see the progression of the child when looking at projects over the years. Such sweet memories!
You sound so organised with your sewing stuff Bernie. I love the idea of a pick up and go bag and the way your drawers are organised, of course although I have a newly painted sewing room with the most beautiful sewing table and chair I still haven’t any furniture. The books are still in piles in a corner and there are still cardboard boxed of stuff on the floor, to say nothing of all the other clutter. Oh well, I’m off to drool on the Ikea page………
Ah, sometimes it takes a while to get everything in working order after a project like painting. I will admit there are times I set something down in an odd place (eg a pile of fabric in the corner or under the ironing board – both of these happen All. The. Time! and I leave them there for months. Just keep walking by it or shoving it farther into the corner, rather than putting it away. Then when I spend a few minutes putting all of those errant pieces of fabric away, I am struck with the ease of picking up and the clarity received by a clean work space. My sewing room goes in waves of dishevelment and organization.
Oh, how sweet those mangers are. (I guess poor baby Jesus fell out of a couple of them.) The stars are really individual too. After your kids grow up you forget how sweet those times really were. Erma Bombeck used to call it “hearing the bells.” I guess that’s what the grandchildren are for–to help us hear the bells again.
Oh, I loved Erma Bombeck. She was funny and sweet at the same time.
Yes, I loved the stars too. It was just the nicest reminder of how adorable preschoolers are.
Loved the class project! Thanks for sending along the smiles!
I am glad you enjoyed it Claudia. I thought it was so sweet.
So precious! I have a box of my son’s artwork. During the school year I put the things her brings home in a box. Then at the end of the year we go through it together and decide which ones to save. It’s interesting to see sometimes what pieces are really meaningful to him!
That is a great idea – I know I saved way too much and could at least go through and pick out the favorites. Have a great weekend Kristi.
I laughed out loud at poor baby Jesus under the manger.
I like Patricia’s tips and especially having a workshop travel bag ready to go. Now I need to find a workshop to attend – lol! It was a great giveaway, and I liked your idea of having people leave tips as comments rather than posting and sharing on numerous social media venues as many bloggers do – so much more productive and less “commercialized”.
Oh, me too. Poor baby Jesus – he was just all over the place.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the tips left in the comments. There is always something to learn from each other.
Enjoy the weekend!