I really wanted to get this posted during September! The goal was to have this finished by Labor Day weekend which, for the most part, it was. The only thing unfinished was the hand sewing on the back of the binding. But so much was happening and by evening I was too darn tired to stitch it down.

As Dad has gotten better and the worry lessens, life is getting to feel (a little bit) more normal. I finally got that binding stitched and am happy to show you this sweet quilt!

I loved making flowers using the Dresdens I had made some time ago. I only had to make one more to complete this. I was attaching the ‘flowers’ first to the quilt top by stitching around the border and along the seams of some of the petals. Then I attached the center circles using a blanket stitch on my machine. So they are firmly attached to the quilt top. As I was finishing the binding I kept thinking about washing this before donating it. I realized (luckily in time!) that I really need stitch through the Dresdens and backing fabric so they won’t pull apart when washed. The unquilted portion, especially on the larger Dresdens, is too wide.

Looking at the back side, it is obvious where the blank space is from the unquilted Dresden. As an aside, backing this quilt with the last of this bold floral was very satisfying. It has such a pretty, autumnal vibe to it. The background on the front and this print on the back were from the same fabric line so I wanted to put them both in the same quilt. I did have to add a chunk of blue solid to make this work.

The butterflies were made with tiny Dresden bits and pieces. I really like them as well as the partially blooming flower above it to the left.

Another little butterfly! Quilting was done with a simple stipple on the background and wavy lines on the leaves (thanks to Janine, Quilts From the Little House, for that inspiration)!

Many, many thanks to Preeti for this cute pattern and her time hosting this QAL for Mercyful Quilts. Also sending gratitude to the quilters who made and donated Positivity quilts to Mercy Hospital.
For those of you who were not able to participate but want to help, Mercy Hospital is in need of more lap size quilts. Basic requirements are no smaller than approximately 55″ x 55″ and no larger than approximately 65″ x 80″. For style, that is totally up to you. We do not serve children so no juvenile fabrics please. We love having a mix of male, female and gender neutral designs and colors. Also, if you want to, we do love having one or two patriotic quilts for our veterans. Lastly, please do not send us anything from a home where someone smokes inside the house. We need quilts free of fragrance. Should you decide to wash it before sending (which we do prefer) please do not use fabric softeners or any sort of scented detergents. If you have more questions, please leave them in the comments and I will get back to you.
I am just finishing up one more comfort quilt which I will share soon. Then they will be sent off to Mercy Hospital!
Linking up with Oh Scrap and Finished or Not Friday. Check them out too. I have been so out of the blogging world and had forgotten how much I enjoy looking at everyone’s projects!!
A positively wonderful finish! I love the backing. So glad to hear your dad is feeling better and the worry is a bit less.
Me too Wendy. While I still hope there is further pain reduction, at least he is able to move around and enjoy the day. Phew!!! This has been just miserable for him. But slowly he seems to be improving.
This is such a happy little quilt! I love Dresdensand the way you added the butterflies and buds. So cute!
Many thanks Tina. Glad you like it.
Darling. Love the little butterflies.
Many thanks Annette.
What a fabulous, cheerful Positivity finish!
Thank you!!!
Bernie it’s beautiful! I love those Dresden sunflowers and the partial one and the butterfly. The quilting is wonderful! Nicely done!
So glad your Dad is better! Praying for him and all of you. Have you ever made a quilt for your Dad?
I thought of you yesterday as I watched our Delaney practicing soccer. We only live 50 miles from her but still don’t get to see her often enough.
Hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend.
That is roughly the same distance we are from our grands. We have a family dinner coming up in a week or so and I am looking forward to having them here for the afternoon.
I have made one quilt for Mom and Dad but it is a holiday theme. Maybe another is in order.
Your Positivity version is a beauty, Bernie! I love the Desden flowers, and that backing is so perfect. Good for you for getting this finished, considering what you’re family has been dealing with lately. Thanks, too, for the reminders about Mercyful Quilts. I’ve been struggling to make even a few blocks for this year’s Positivity design, but I have an unfinished quilt top that fits the size requirements perfectly and even fits the Positivity Grows theme. I think Ifinish that one and send it to Mercyful Quilts!
Thank you!! If you have a quilt top that you want to donate, go for it! We will be thrilled to add it to the stack – we are a bit low on stock and this would be wonderful!
Quilting around the Dresden’s to secure them was a really great catch. It’s a lovely quilt that will be perfect for someone. I am so glad to hear that life is settling down and starting to feel more normal; I hope that trend continues!
Hi Yvonne – I finally washed the Dresden quilt and it came out great. I was nervous about the quilting being enough, but it looks like it is just fine. Thank you for your good thoughts about the family. Dad seems much more comfortable this week so that is huge progress!! Take care.
Happy quilt which brought a smile to my face!! Cute bugs too.
How sweet of you Judy! Glad you hear you like it. Have a great week!!
I am glad that you were able to get it done. I go to the local hospice house on Tuesday and I know they have quilts – I am curious to see what they have. I am glad things are going better with your father. The wavy line quilting on the leaves is perfect!
Thanks Kathleen. I would love to hear more about the hospice volunteering as you get into it further. I hope it is rewarding for you. I know it will be helpful to those in the center.
Love the Dresden sunflowers! What a terrific finish! That backing was a terrific choice. I like the butterfly that you added. Someone is going to love this quilt! Way to go! One of these days, I’ll get my project quilted. . . .
Thank you Terry!! I am very happy with it and also happy for the finish. I have several projects in the works so it is satisfying to check one off the list. I am sure you know what that feels like!!
Beautiful quilt and a wonderful cause. Flower quilts always bring a smile
Thank you Karen – I have only made a couple of quilts where flowers are the focus but they are each very cheery. Glad you like this one!
It turned out amazing!! Love all that detailed quilting on it!!
and so glad Dad is on them end!!
Thank you Alycia!