2022 Positivity Quilt – Final Link Up!

Who has finished their 2022 Positivity Quilt for Mercy Hospital in Sacramento? Visualize me with my hand up in the air and a huge smile on my face! Whether you are finished, or still working on it, know that Mercyful Quilts is so grateful to you for your time, creativity and generosity. These quilts give comfort to families as they say goodbye to a person very special to them. Anyone who has lost someone dear to them knows how difficult this is. For us to be able to provide some support to these people is a gift.

My 2022 Positivity Quilt

I am really happy with the quilt I made for this QAL. Before I left California, my friend Stephanie (who has donated 3 quilts to Mercy Hospital already) gave me a stack of fabric. In her honor, I used the bundle of Dreamcatcher fabric for this quilt. It wasn’t the absolute perfect choice because so much of the fabric was directional and made some of the blocks look a bit chopped up. But – the overall effect is good, so I am pleased. I mentioned before that this western themed fabric isn’t something I would typically choose. But this quilt isn’t for me, is it? The region that Mercy Hospital in Sacramento serves has plenty of people with horses and ranches so I am hoping this quilt calls to a family with this sort of vibe.

Pieced backing for the win.

I had some large pieces in the stack and was able to piece a backing with them. At least this way I could feature the directional prints in the right manner.

Loops and more loops

I quilted the body of the quilt with loops of all sizes. I wanted to practice one shape while I was quilting so I selected circles – quilting just circles over and over was great to develop that muscle memory. As usual, I quilted with Glide thread. It is super silky and works well for me.

Time for the binding

I like this little nook in front of my machine – it is just the right place to tuck the roll of binding while I am attaching it. I machine stitched to the front and hand stitched the back.

Now that this is finished, I have two Mercyful quilts ready to go. So – do you have yours ready too? If so, please link up and show us your finish!

If you can’t link up, please send me a picture so I can enter you in the prize drawing. Here is Lisa T’s quilt finish. Lisa’s quilt is a lovely rainbow of color!

Such pretty colors in this one – pieced and quilted by Wendy F.

The two quilts shown above were made by Danielle (@justanaveragequilter). The different background colors make such a difference in the overall look of the quilt!

Maybe I should share a prize or two donated by Art Gallery Fabric. They are always very generous sponsors and I am grateful. Surely you are already aware of the quality of AGF fabrics but if you haven’t given them a try, please do.

Each of these Art Gallery Fabric prizes give you three yards of fabric to work with! There are also bundles of fabric provided by Island Batik as well as

OK – Here is the link up! Show us what you made. (Or email me a picture! You can use the contact me button on this page.)

I am linking up with Oh Scrap! this week.

21 thoughts on “2022 Positivity Quilt – Final Link Up!

  1. Preeti Harris

    Yay, Bernie. Not only you have a finish, it is absolutely beautiful. The combination of red and teal/aqua is just so picture perfect. Thank you so much for coordinating these linky parties. They are not always simple.
    I am so excited to see this parade that I am up at 5:00 on a Sunday morning!!! I mailed Naman to Patty a few days ago. She should be receiving it Monday or Tuesday.

    1. Bernie Post author

      The linky parties are very simple – designing a pattern, writing the tutorials and hosting the QAL requires much commitment and I am grateful to you for doing all of this! You’re the best Preeti!

  2. Wendy

    What a great way to use your bundle of western fabrics! I’m sure it will make someone and their family feel comforted at such a difficult time. I like the way you did the border, and pieced the backing. Will be fun to see the other quilts, too!

  3. Mari

    Your quilt is so pretty, Bernie! The colors are great, and quilts get twisted and turned, so the direction of the horses doesn’t matter much. Some part of them will always be “right side up!” Thanks for hosting, and I hope that Mercy gets a lot of quilts. Mine is on the way!

  4. Karen

    I didn’t make any of this quilt as I am way too busy at the moment with the number of items in progress but they sure look good and glad you have had many take part in it

    1. Bernie Post author

      It is hard for me not to make things that I like – when I had the shop, I had the same issue when choosing fabrics to sell. I can’t only think in terms of my preferences as the world is filled with all sorts of people. So this was a good exercise and I am sure it will bring comfort to the right family. When I look at the assortment of quilts donated to Mercy, it is just wonderful. All sorts of themes, colors, patterns and feelings allow the families to choose what is right for them. 🙂

  5. Kathleen McCormick

    What a great quilt you made…and it will be perfect for someone! Hope to see lots of great finishes…I’ll send a quilt before the year is out!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you! My favorite part of a QAL is seeing the same pattern made with different fabrics, thereby making it unique. 🙂

  6. Katie

    When the quilt along started, I thought “man, that’s a long timeline” but it sure went fast. But I’m glad it was a long timeline because I was able to easily keep up and do other things as well. Thanks to you and Preeti for hosting.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Preeti set it up so people could still focus on other projects plus summer activities. Perfect for someone like me!!! Thank you for participating Katie! We appreciate you greatly.

  7. B2

    Hi😄. I need help! I have to make a “lost boys” costume for my 8 yr old granddaughter for October 3, and I’m a lost grandma! I need to figure out a pattern for either loose pants or a skirt. Could you please help me talk through it when you have some time? I’m kinda panicked but I know I can do it. I have a vest and I’m going to sew leaves on it, but I need a bottoms. Can I pick your brain please??

    1. Bernie Post author

      Of course! Let me do some poking around and then I will get back to you. “A lost grandma” – hahaha – that is so funny Bernie.

  8. Paulette

    I just got my top sewn together yesterday but it’ll be a few more days until it’s quilted. Sorry I missed the deadline, but it’ll be on its way eventually. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the QAL! Enjoyed making this one. Yours turned out beautifully!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Paulette – I would love to see the quilt top, if you want to share it with me. You can email a photo to me. We can’t always meet deadlines – life it too complicated for that. But Mercy is grateful to you and will be happy to receive the quilt when you are able to send it. Thank you for joining us!!!


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