Like it says above – I have spent most of my time packing and clearing out things in preparation for our 2022 move. Lots has been done, but still quite a ways to go!

On Instagram, I offered up some of my scraps. There is sooooo much fabric and while I did want to keep some scraps, I knew I had way too much.

After sorting and giving away a lot of scraps, I bagged up the remainder by color. Once I am setting up a new sewing room, I can decide if I want them back in the original tubs. Storing them in this one tub seems to save on space but I am unsure how long they would stay in the bags. I could see it becoming just a jumbled mess in this tub.

Last post I mentioned an old WIP I was finishing up. When I cleaned out the sewing room, I found a small quilt top and decided to finish it up.

Some years ago, four or five maybe, I picked up these Norman Rockwell scenes. They had been cut from a panel and were in a bag of holiday fabric I bought at a very tiny local quilt show. From what I could determine the panel was from the 1970’s or 80’s. I love Norman Rockwell and knew it would be fun to make something with them. So I sashed them and put the project away. This is such a common story with me!

I outlined the main graphic and ditch stitched the sashing first. Then filled in with tiny stippling. Look at this happy scene. The girl and her dog, the musical mice – all are so sweet.

It is hard to see in the photo but I did some stitching around the chair and along the wings of it which makes it puff quite a bit. Then the tiny stippling.
It was a fun finish and is already hanging on the wall. Another WIP finished and many more remain. Today we are going to get a tree and decorate for Christmas. Next week Julia has finals and then is home for three weeks. Supposedly we are due for a rainy day or two this week. All good things in my book! Hoping the same for you!
Linking to a few favorites this week. Check them out at the top of the page, under Link Ups.
Totally love Norman Rockwell art. And you did a fantastic job putting those orphan blocks together. Nice!! My fabric stash is packed away in moving boxes, waiting for the ‘day’ of our move. I do hope you find a place to live near your daughter and family, and that you are able to sell your home for a good price. Take care…
Selling the house comes first and then quickly finding one! Not sure what happens in between tho!! It will be a trick.
Take care Carol. Hoping Robert is having a good day today. š
Yes, thankfully, he’s had a very good day!!! Just love it!
So sweet! And you had me at tiny stippling. š I just went through my scraps again for my weekly RSC block. They are NOT going away with this project. Who am I kidding? Iād be interested to know what your criteria were for keeping the ones you kept. That tidy box of all the colors in bags is enticing.
As for criteria, I kept a large handful of each color and gave the rest away. Some I mailed off and a large box is going to a local friend who is just learning to quilt. She said she wants to make a scrappy quilt but doesn’t have any scraps. I am happy to fuel this new addiction of hers!
I missed the scrap giveaway on Insta – not that I needed any, I just enjoy seeing your posts! That is such a cute finish with those Norman Rockwell panels. I can relate to the adding the sashing then put it away thing – I have so many in that (or close to that) condition! Greet Julia for me, and enjoy your time together! We are waiting for snow here.
Hope you get lots of snow. We are waiting for rain and I am happy to say it looks like we will get some today. Everyone jumps for joy when we get rain these days!
Wonderful quilt and love that you finished it in the middle of packing. I love the panels and this is a cheery little Christmas quilt. Packing and downsizing is such a hard thing to do. I have more to do with stuff that is in our apartment, but we aren’t getting rid of that in the near future, so I am ok with keeping a full studio there. Good for you for getting rid of some scraps that way!
This is a challenge for me. The last two times we moved (1998 and 2009) the houses were within a couple of miles of each other so it wasn’t a huge deal. But this move is more of a challenge. I am trying to be somewhat ruthless with purging our stuff. We have too much and I am hoping to move to a smaller house (less to clean, right?)
Oh my goodness that Norman Rockwell quilt is absolutely adorable!
Thank you! I am loving it and just wondering why I didn’t finish it years earlier!! Hahaha – such is life. Now I can enjoy it.
What a delightful finish – you did a marvelous job with the quilting! Best wishes for the consolidation and packing of your studio (and the downsizing part as well).
Hi Bernie! I didn’t realize you were planning to move. Ugg. What a lot of work that entails. It’s good to get an early start on it so it’s not so overwhelming all at once. I’ve packed up our home twice and both times I moved things to a storage unit, so I went through each room methodically. I wish you luck with the move and a very happy holiday season! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Looks like you are doing a great job of the moving chores. I would dread having to move. The Norman Rockwell is adorable. Enjoy the process and hopefully it won’t be stressful.
What a fun find to finish in time to enjoy this year. I hope you have a cozy holiday season and enjoy your last Christmas in this home amidst all the preparation and packing!
Thank you Yvonne. It is crazy to be packing and at the same time decorating the house! I did decorate a bit less than usual. I know when I put the decorations away, I will need to pack them for moving rather than sitting in the basement.
Hope all is well with you – enjoy the weekend!!
Hi Bernie,
Whaaaaat!??!! I must have missed the post about your moving in 2022! Are you moving to WA to be closer to your precious grandbabies? I wouldn’t blame you if you did. But you will be missed. I’d still really like to have coffee again. That was a fun time for me, getting to know you better. Time just slipped away. We are all so busy being BUSY with life. Talk soon.
YEs – we plan to move up to WA state. I am excited but conflicted – we have been in GV for 27 years so it is odd to be leaving. But being up with my kids and grandkids is very appealing. Would love to have coffee though. I am not ‘that’ busy!!
Adorable, those Rockwell prints made such a cute project.
Thank you Carole. I was just over at your site and looking at your biscotti recipe. I think those will be on the list of holiday cookies for this year. I love them and we also bring tins to the neighbors. They will be delish!
Love your Norman Rockwell quilt, Bernie!!! Great job organizing and sharing!!!
Thank you – I love this little quilt and keep thinking why didn’t I finish it years ago??? Better now than never, right?? Have a great weekend Nancy.
Bernie, you will not regret getting rid of all those scraps! It’s just one step closer to moving. Plus, you can use those totes to pack other things! The Rockwell quilt is adorable, too. Enjoy your last Christmas in the house, and remember to take breaks from all that packing.
Thank you!
I love Norman Rockwell, too, and adore your quilt. Great finish. I moved in April this year and my sewing room is still in boxes. My room is about finished, so these boxes will be emptied soon! I, too, gave a lot of my scraps away. Good luck with your move.
Ramona, You must be so excited to finally have a dedicated sewing space. As we look at new houses, my husband and I both have certain priorities. We both agree on the need for a large kitchen (our current one is too small). He wants a shop space and I need a sewing room. The rest is not that important! Thanks for your note.