Happy New Year Everyone! Last year I set and linked up an OMG with Elm Street Quilts exactly once, in January. I finished the goal, so that was a good thing. I didn’t remember to link up the finish though. And that was the end of my organization plan for 2019! Anyone want to take bets on whether I can do a bit better in 2020? Who knows? I am going to give it a shot though. So many times I flit from thing to thing which doesn’t make for a lot of finishes. Hoping this will help me get a few things accomplished.

This month I plan to finish my Squared Away quilt. Last week I got it basted and I have been quilting it with straight line patterns. It is going well and I would guess I am 30% done? So it should be easy-peasy to finish quilting it and get it bound. I really like the look of this so far and it is going well.

I also got my first block done for the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge hosted over at Patterns by Jen. I was a lurker with this challenge the last two years, watching others make these fun blocks. So I am joining in. One block a month is attainable and while it likely won’t make a dent in my scrap bins, at least I will use a few! This month is yellow. It was actually tough to find two yellows to use together as apparently all of my yellow scraps are exactly the same value. This looks pretty good though. Side note – when I was looking at my scraps I couldn’t remember where the heck any of them came from. Then I remembered that Mari sent me lots of yellow pieces last year when I lamented not having a yellow bin. So, Mari – do these look familiar? Did you give me these???

Did you see this great story in the news? I love stuff like this!! To whomever left this woman a tip of $2020 – you are amazing!! I would rather read about these sorts of events than politics any day of the week.
OK – that is it for now. Today I have a Chemex Cozy to make for a customer. I am also hoping to get outside and help Ray with some yard work – the last four days have been migraine days so I have been a couch potato. Maybe some fresh air will do this quilter good. How about you?
What a great story to read with the waitress receiving that tip. And to think she was homeless a year ago! Thanks for sending the link. I agree these are the stories we need to see more of. I look forward to 2020 and hope we can learn acceptance together.
I am also looking for more positive, upbeat news to read these days. We can make a difference using kindness, can’t we? Your PBJ block looks great! I’m doing mine with all light neutral backgrounds, but I like the single color approach, too 🙂
So many ways to do these blocks. I didn’t really formulate a plan, just jumped in. Today I made a second yellow block. Not sure if I will make two of all of them – 24 blocks could be too many? Maybe go for a total of 20? Who knows. It will all work out. It will be fun to sew along with you on these blocks Louise!
I loved that story. I need to keep my eyes out for more like this. They make me happy and remind all of us that there are lots of nice things happening by and for good people in this world. Take care Kathy 🙂
I hope you did get out. Fresh air always refreshes the mind and mundane yard work gets the cobwebs swept out of our brains.
I did go out for a bit. It felt good but made me tired and then I was on the couch asleep. Ugh. Oh well, such is life. I got some sewing done this afternoon and that was lovely. Take care Robbin!
Good luck with your OMG. I am keeping a massive spreadsheet to keep this all up to date. I’ll let you know if it is a help…it looks a little scary like – where is the fun when I look at the whole thing.
Last year I printed a spreadsheet someone had created. I put all the projects down and never looked at it again. That is sort of how I roll. But I do want to finish up some of the quilt tops I have. Especially since I am participating in a couple of QALs which will lead to more quilt tops, can’t just make the tops, right??
We all have good intentions and they roll from year to year to year. I have ordered Mari Kondo’s book from the library. I will pick up tomorrow. “Tidying Up”. All aspects of life need to be tidied. Her theory is ” only keep what brings you Joy”. I’m adding only do what brings you Joy also.
That is a good philosophy. Why make something that you aren’t loving? It is really about the process anyway. So if it isn’t making you happy, pass it along to someone who will love it. Happy New Year!!
I’m planning to join in on that monthly color challenge block, too! I followed along with everyone last year like you did, and thought I would probably enjoy making those blocks myself. Thanks for your wonderful service from your shop, Bernie! Just as I was reading your post, the doorbell rang and it was the fabric I just ordered on Monday. I love the fabric – it’s going to be great for a couple of my RSC quilt tops!
Wow! That was fast. Glad you got the fabric – I love that text print. It is really sweet. Looking forward to sewing along with you too Diann. This will be a fun quilt. Today I made a second yellow block. Really sunny and cute on pegged to the wall for now.
Hi Bernie! Just FYI – you are not alone when you post this goal. Now that it is in print, all your readers can help you and hold you accountable. You’ll see your friends post their wrap-up OMG project and that will remind you to do yours. Plus, you can share when you have this all quilted along with what binding you’re going to use. As a side note, I can be a great nag if you need one. Just ask any of my friends! I am still chuckling over not recognizing the fabrics! I’ll have to watch for Mari’s response. {{Hugs}} and Happy New Year. ~smile~ Roseanne
Yep, those yellows pieces came from Mari. Thought so!
Nag all you want Roseanne! Anything to keep me on task. Haha!
Yep, those are from me! The sad part is that I still have a lot of yellows. Good thing I like it so much! Good luck finishing the quilting. It looks great so far. I love the alternate fabric you chose. I think I may make that block, too!
Haha – that’s what I thought. It took me a while to remember though! Thank you so much – I am sure the only yellows I have are those you gave me. Are you going to make just this block, or sew along with Jen’s monthly colors? I haven’t made anything with you in a long while. Let’s do these together. Today I made a second yellow block since the fabric was still on the sewing table – but I reversed the dotted fabric and the solid. Looks so cute!
Good luck with the quilting. I didn’t link up as much last year…I kept missing the deadline. I’m going to make an effort this year. Hope you feel better soon. I can’t imagine how much a migraine would disrupt your life.
Well maybe we can keep each other on task this year Anja. I will give it a try! Good luck with your projects.
I love your Squared Away quilt. The fabrics!
I laughed reading about your goals and what you did last year. I got burned out last year, so at this point I will just read about the goals of others – lol!
I am kind of interested in the Monthly Challenge . . . but I’m not a huge fan of HSTs, and I know those are coming. But I do love that first block, and why not challenge myself! 🙂
I saw that story on Fox News last night and cried right along with the woman when they interviewed her. It was heartwarming!
Wasn’t that the best story? Talk about random acts of kindness. Some celebrities followed suit and left huge tips. The difference is they didn’t do it anonymously. While still a great thing to do, the anonymity of this person in Michigan makes it even better. Then the person is truly giving a gift and not needing any credit for it.
I know you don’t like HST’s. Just do what appeals to you. Just read your blog a bit and it looks like you have plenty of projects lined up for this year!!
Ugh! A four day migraine is the pits, and not a very good way to start the new year, is it? I find the older I get, the harder it is to bounce back from a migraine attack. I’m tempted to sign on to the color challenge but I don’t have a very good record for following through. Good luck accomplishing your OMG this month. I didn’t link up very often last year because I’m a flitterer, too! I set my goals daily. And I get very distracted when I see so many pretties online!
Yes, a drag to be sure. I hate when it just comes and goes, over and over.
I am going to try and stick with this color challenge so I can do some scrap consumption. Wish me luck!
Online distraction is a definite problem. So many fun projects being shared every single day! Sigh.
Yay! I’m so glad you’re joining in with the Monthly Color Challenge blocks! I don’t do well with goals either; I’m hoping this year will be better for me too!
I wish you a wonderful and quilty 2020.
Good luck on your goals! I love making them–keeps me motivated. If they’re met, great! If not….eh, there’s always next year! ;o)
Fun quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.