Our community has a thing for setting goals for ourselves each winter. I enjoy hearing what others decide to focus on and also like to look at the recaps people post on what they did or did not accomplish during the year. It is a bit like setting New Year’s Resolutions except in the sewing/blogging/quilting world. Thank you to Yvonne (Quilting Jetgirl) for hosting a link up each year, reminding us to create some sort of organization to our making.
2019 was a year of change for our family. Julia graduated high school and started college. My husband retired last summer which has been just fantastic. Last year, I set five goals for myself for 2019. Let’s see how it went:
- Continue to grow my shops. This was a success. Sales in the fabric shop grew by 30% and the pattern shop sales increased by 14%. As I had planned last year, I started offering kits for existing patterns as well as QALs (such as the Beothuk QAL by MMM!Quilts, Mosaic Mystery Quilt by Meadow Mist Designs, and Quilting Jetgirl’s Push Pull QAL which is just starting. Kits are new for me as I personally had never purchased a set kit for a quilt. However my customers like them and they are a lot of fun to develop.
- Stay involved with charitable projects. Another success. Mercyful Quilts was a recipient for quilts made during the Hands 2 Help event hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. We received so many stunning quilts. I am touched by the beautiful works of art donated to Mercy Hospital. I am hoping to continue coordinating this project and receive more quilts this year.
- Finish UFO’s. Epic fail here! I finished only one UFO. The rest sit exactly as they were at the beginning of 2019.
- Practice garment sewing. This was a reasonable success. I made one dress and two t-shirts for myself. Also a Halloween costume for my grand daughter, a pair of pajama pants I gifted to a family friend and a bathrobe for another friend. I don’t know why but I feel like I wanted to make more clothing for myself so I don’t consider this a total win. I have fabric and patterns ready to go – but they didn’t happen.
- Same as last year…. strive to accept my limitations caused by chronic illness. I feel like this was a bit win. I am doing so much better at planning life around the migraines. I was able to work as a vendor at two quilt shows this year. I also started a medication that is a monthly injection I do at home. I think it helps? Nothing earth-shattering but I feel like the frequency is slightly less than it was before.

While I didn’t actually make too many quilts in 2019, I did make a lot of different items. Table runners, tote bags, and treasures for my grand daughter were a lot of fun and took time away from quilting. Additionally, I made 52 Chemex covers and 18 French Press cozies as orders came in through the shop. I like having a variety of projects as it keeps me from getting bored of doing the same thing over and over.

I started and finished four quilts this year. Three baby quilts and a memory quilt for my friend, Susie. I also made two quilt tops but they are in the unfinished pile at this point.
Ok – so what about 2020? Honestly, the goals aren’t terribly different!
- Continue to grow both of the shops. Kits have been a lot of fun and I would love to continue working with pattern designers to develop this portion of the business. I strive to add more selection so customers are more likely to find what they want. Recently I was asked to carry some repro or traditional fabrics and have just added a number of them to the listings. Also I have been trying to develop my selection of solids. Finally, notions and patterns have been added and the selection of those will increase over time as well.
- Scrappy Projects – I made only one scrappy project last year. The bins are packed full. I plan to do one scrappy project over the year. I am thinking it might be the Monthly Color Challenge which is hosted at Patterns by Jen. She held one last year and I liked watching everyone’s progress. This certainly won’t clear out the scrap bins but at least I will use a few.
- Garment Sewing – I will continue to focus on this as I really enjoy it and want to improve my skills. I have a plan sketched out in my head and will share that plan with you soon.
- UFO’s. They were on the list last year and I sure hope they aren’t here next year! The number increased by two (making it a total of five quilt tops) since I made two tops this year but didn’t finish them. What can I say? Having them quilted is too costly so I hope I can balance my time well and get these finished up!
Of course, this list could go on and on. However if I do a good job with these four categories, I will be satisfied. I know myself and will surely make things not on the list but that is all part of the fun. Those squirrels come by on a regular basis. It can’t be helped!
Wishing each of you a happy new year! (2020 sounds so crazy to me.) I hope the year holds great things for each of you!
Linking with #2020PlanningParty
I found this online in another group. I sent it to my niece who says this has really helped. Might help you also.
I (not me) take Benadryl everynight to keep histamine at a minimum and sleep with a ice bag under my left side of my head filled with room tempature water. One Benadryl every night helps you sleep , helps vertigo and keeps histamine to a low level so you won’t get sinus cyst.
Water bag under your head helps you sleep and helps with migraines.
You’ve had a good year, I think, Bernie! It’s been a joy to see your shop develop, as well as the projects you make for yourself and others. I think 2020 is going to be a good year for you!
2020 will be a good year for both of us Wendy. Lots of creativity and fun – I enjoy checking out all of your makes as well and one thing I like about you is the diversity in style you have. Some modern and some quite traditional, you are an eclectic quilter! Happy New Year to you and yours.
Thank you for sharing Bernie! I always enjoy your newsletter. It seems that you have had a productive year and lots of changes. May you reach your goals this coming year!
2020 does seem strange!! Oh my!
Happy New Year and God bless you and yours!
Happy New Year to you as well Katherine! I am sure it will be lovely – and will hopefully bring you lots of fun, creative moments and even more wonderful time with your family.
I’m working on two upcoming blog posts to record my 2019 accomplishments, and look at 2020 WIPs. But in fact, I intend to cut way back on the quantity of quilts I make! They aren’t needed, living as we do in Florida, and all I do with them is store them in the top of our closet… which is well-padded now with at least 100 quilts. A top priority in 2020 is identifying proper homes for many of them. I know how one’s health problems can get in the way of life, as I “lost” two months last summer due to the need for unforeseen medical procedures. Thankfully, I’ve never had a migraine, but I sure wish you the best at keeping yours at bay. May you achieve every 2020 goal you set for yourself!
Ah, thank you so much! Linda your quilts are so wonderful, I cannot imagine they are folded away in your closet. They must be used, enjoyed and appreciated! If you choose to donate any of them, please consider Mercyful Quilts, a cause near and dear to me.
I hope 2020 is a year of good health for both of us! Take care.
I, too, am trying to organize my projects for 2020 & I know one of the items on that lot is “make quilts for Mercyful Quilts”! In fact, I have one right now that I need to bind & get sent to you so will do that ASAP. I feel for you re your headaches. I get them now post-stroke & know they can be a real issue to deal with. I hope your new meds help. Thank you for all you do… you’re a gen & I love seeing your posts in my inbox! Happy New Year… let’s all make 2020 a great one!
Happy New Year to you Rebecca!! Stay healthy and happy.
It’s hard for me to function with a migraine; I can’t imagine running two shops and having deadlines with them. But it looks like you have done a great job and I hope your new medication makes an even bigger difference in 2020.
I love the little pumpkin outfit! I am also sewing clothing, at least I’m trying. Good luck with your goals in 2020.
Hi Marti, thanks for the sweet comment. What sort of clothing are you trying to work on? I have a stack of nice jersey knit fabric I got at a thrift store and I want to make some t-shirts. Hoping I can fit this in soon!! Happy New Year to you and your husband.
Despite your migranes you’ve made amazing progress!! Wishing you a blessed, productive and happy 2020!
Thank you Val and same to you of course. I am so happy you are back and hanging out with all of us again!!
You have had a great year and look forward to a great 2020. I love your collaborations with quilters and it will be fun to watch it grow. You will have fun with Jen’s BOM, I did, and it is pretty easy to keep up with. If you want to clear out the bins maybe make 2 a month or even more.
Good to hear about Jen’s BOM – I am looking forward to it. I also have some wonky star/nine patch blocks I started with scraps. I think I will make more of those as we go along so I can have enough for a quilt. Those are fun to make and since I have a stack of them already….
Happy New Year Kathleen!!
I think you’ve had a really good year, Bernie! I love your shop and I’m so glad it’s so successful. And I love seeing all the fun things you make, including that adorable costume! Here’s to a wonderful and creative 2020!
Such an interesting post to read, Bernie! I loved where you said that you like to make a variety of projects to keep from being bored – I am the same way. It does take time away from finishing larger quilts, but is also lots of fun to do. I loved seeing all the different things you made this year! Wishing you a wonderful 2020!
Hi Diann! Hope you have enjoyed the holidays. It was a nice Christmas for us and now I have had some sewing time as the house is quiet again. Yahoo! Today is supposed to be rainy which makes it even cozier to be in the sewing room. Have a wonderful year in 2020 and keep in touch!
I have been so impressed with the way your shop has evolved and prospered! I always enjoy your posts and seeing your projects. Here’s to another fun year in 2020! (Lifts champagne glass filled with zinfandel – lol!)
Thank you Linda! You are so supportive of my endeavors. I have loved your IG photos of your holiday with the family. That grandson of yours is so sweet. I bet he just lights up the house. Happy New Year to you as well! Lots of sewing, making and hanging out with grand babies!
Best of luck with your shops next year, and that your migraines stay in control. I’ve stopped doing goals since I retired, I don’t want the pressure anymore.
Thanks Carole! I appreciate that. Goal setting is not for everyone. I have always been a list maker and it seems to help me. You have such a busy blog, I would be hard pressed to say you are retired! More of a career change in my opinion!! Happy New Year.
Excellent job with your 2019 goals, Bernie! And those for 2020 look doable, too. One finished UFO is one finished IFO. I don’t set goals so far in advance, but I’m always pleased when I look back and see what I’ve accomplished. We’ll suffer through our migraines together! They change as we grow older. My once a month killers have morphed to waking up with one 5 mornings out of 7, and less intense. Crafty Daughter inherited them, as well, bless her heart. What can I say? We are ‘diseased’, lol! Good luck accomplishing your goals! XO
Ugh – my partner in pain. 5 out of 7 days is just awful. So sorry for that Karen.
Wishing you more pain free mornings and thus more time to sew!
Good luck in 2020. Here’s to a productive and great year.
Great job on your goals for 2019, Bernie! Meghan at Then Came June just put out a call for shops that want to have Meadowland quilt kits available for her upcoming Meadowland QAL–just a thought. I love seeing your collages of finished items. Great variety!!! May you continue to make quilts with peace and love in 2020!