I can hardly believe I haven’t posted in two weeks! The time flew by and here we are at the end of September. When we got home from our Maui vacation we switched gears and Julia started packing for college. She had been accumulating things for her dorm room over the summer and it was piled up in her room. Time to get organized!

So many things to pack and bring to school. Last weekend Ray and I took her to move into her dorm room. It was such a fun time, though bittersweet as I am sure you all understand. We are really proud of her and know she will do great things at school. But on the other hand, we knew we would miss her.

Even though the university splits move-in days among the odd number and even number dorm rooms with half coming Saturday and the other half on Sunday, the lines were long. So many kids to check in and issue room keys to.

It didn’t take too long to get most of her things unpacked. Her room is cozy and she is happy with it.

I even brought her a tiny pumpkin from our garden for her desk.

We took a short walk to visit the dairy cows which live around the corner from her dorms. (You can see the dorm buildings in the background). Julia is right where she belongs!

In all honesty, it took a lot of scrubbing to get the stink off these boots and make it acceptable for her to have them in her room!! (They are usually kept in the garage!)

A picture with her proud father!

And one with her proud mom as well! So now we all get used to this new change. She is making new friends and will soon be buried in homework.

I did very little sewing this week. But I made sure to keep up with the Mosaic Mystery QAL. Here is the first set of blocks which was the piecing we were assigned for September. There were also a bonus stack of 2 1/2″ half square triangles that resulted from clipping the corners of the larger blocks. I don’t know exactly what I will do with those but surely they will get used at some point. Now I wait for the October instructions!
This morning I worked on quilting my Panda strip quilt but got frustrated because the tension was not right and I have to spend some time with my seam ripper. Not in the mood for unpicking the quilting, I switched gears and decided to do some cooking. I made flatbread for the first time. It was fun and so easy!

Do you cook with recipes on an iPad? I do and so far I haven’t spilled on it. But there is always that chance. Anyway, the recipe is from Keepin It Kind, a vegan site. We are not vegan but I do like to cook dairy free for my husband when possible. Flatbread is unleavened so it is very quick to make. No rising time or kneading is required. The ingredients are mixed with the mixer and then divided into eight equal portions. Rolling them into little pancakes was a breeze.

My mistake was in not heating up the cast iron skillet quite enough with the first one or two pieces. But once it got really hot, they bubbled up and browned nicely.

Yum! If you haven’t had these, flatbread is really like a thick, doughy tortilla. They only cook about one minute on each side.

The recipe only made eight pieces which was perfect. Although if I had made more, I suppose they would keep in the freezer.

We had some for lunch with soup. For dinner we will have them with leftover roast chicken and caramelized onions on them. I am fairly certain we won’t have leftovers. 😉
If you like simple recipes, this one is a great one to try. The only modification I would make is to increase the salt. The recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon but I think I will double that the next time I make these. There will definitely be a next time because they were really yummy and a lot of fun to make.
As for sewing, I plan to continue to quilt the little panda project and I am also wanting to make a trick or treat bag for my grand daughter. Hopefully I will get to both of these during the week. Hope all of you are well and happy! What have you been up to? Tell me in the comments – I have missed everyone!
So the flatbread, is that a bit like naan? It looks like it. I might have to try that. I like to layer caprese on it and drizzle it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Julia looks happy and right at home. I had to smile at the scrubbing boots comment – how long do you think they’ll stay clean? 🙂
Flatbread is a bit like Naan though easier to make. If I had to choose, Naan is a better bread and texture but it requires yeast, rising times and kneading. So if you want the simpler route, this flatbread will do it. I could see topping it in a million ways though.
Yeah – those boots!! I don’t know where she will keep them once they are messy again. I just couldn’t see bringing them in that room as stinky as they were though. Ugh!!
You were missed, too, Bernie. My eyes welled up in tears as I read your post. I remember taking my daughter off to university only so well. I think I’d like to try that flat bread recipe. Thanks for sharing! My sewing was interrupted by Dorian, as there was lots of clean up required. But am back on track, now. Enjoy your day! XO
This is the fourth time we have had a child move out for college. It is always such a combination of feelings – we are excited for her though. Hoping she has a great experience, makes lots of new friends, and grows tremendously (all of which are sure to happen)
Try the flatbread. It was quite a fun recipe to play with. We ate it up between lunch and dinner! Yum.
Not much going on here as I’ve been pretty ill for over a week. But slowly getting back to the priorities for Autumn Jubilee.
Hope you are feeling better Carole. Just read your post – jeez, that sounds like a miserable flu. Take care.
Julia looks so happy and excited, and yes, like she is in the right spot.
I can’t wait to see how you quilt your Pandalicious quilt. And you have to get the same quilt model to hold the finished quilt. 😉
I recently had a CT which revealed I had had pneumonia in August and part of September, but I’m feeling SO much better and having fun chasing squirrels in my sewing room. (Anything to keep from trimming a pile of HSTs!)
Well you must have been really sick – I remember you were down for quite a while with a bug. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Hope it stays that way.
HST trimming – Ugh! I bet someone could make a business of trimming HST’s for quilters – It seems like a task no one wants to do!! I like the patterns you can get from using them but making them is so tedious!
Hi! I know this is random, but I wanted to tell you—my neighbor has extremely, extremely bad migraines. Botox helps her tremendously, but it took 18 MONTHS to take effect. Just info for you in case it helps.
Love to learn about Julia! What a great kid!
Hi – thanks for the note. I tried Botox for a year or so and received no benefit. But I appreciate you thinking of me and wanting to help. Julia is doing well – the homework is kicking in this week. Such is college life!!
I sure remember those days of delivering a child to college. Though everyone seems to understand when parents feel badly and miss their child, until one’s OWN child heads out, we really DON’T understand. It’s heartbreaking. Though I will say that the first thing I began complimenting our daughter about, after she’d left home, is how nicely she was keeping her bedroom! Ha! Loved walking down the hall and seeing everything neat and tidy. I’m glad you found an easy recipe to try. Those flatbreads look good! Since my hubs does all our cooking, I’ll have to tell HIM about it! 🙂
Haha – yes to the clean room! It is one of the benefits of having teenagers move on to college. How funny you should mention it. I looked forward to it after each of the kids went off to their universities. Simple pleasures. 🙂
Wishing you daughter success in university. What will she major in? I hope she’s not too far from home so you can see her often.
Thank you Susan! She is doing well this week – making a few new friends which is really good. She is only 60 miles from home which I am grateful for. Studying animal science as she is hoping to be a large animal vet someday in the future. Take care and have a great week!
Ah, I remember moving into my dorm the first year and my parents dropping me off. It was bittersweet for *me*, I can’t imagine how it was for them! I’ve got many years before I get it on the parent end. I hope Julia is having a great time. So fun that she is right by the dairy cows–she clearly found the right place for her!
The flatbread looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it!
Yes, you are just beginning with school! But jeez, it went so fast. I can clearly remember her crying on the first day of Kindergarten and now, here we are!! Enjoy it all. 🙂
Waaaah! I know they have to grow up, but why do they have to grow up??? x x