Post 100 – Wow!

Why do the numbers even matter? I get so excited. I remember hitting 5,000 page views and then 10,000 felt so good. I was so pleased that someone was actually finding this blog and clicking through to read something. This week the number is 100, as in that is how many posts I have written.  A nice round 100. Hurray!

The main finish for this week was Junior High! Last night Julia graduated from 8th grade and is now on her way to high school. She looked adorable.

I did have a couple of finishes in the sewing room as well.  I made two more of the bunk bed bags that I posted about here. I really like these treasure bags that are made to hang from the rungs of the top bunk.  They are great for keeping books, stuffed animals, special blankies or water bottles up on the top bunk. This first one is made of denim and lined with an adorable robot fabric.

IMG_20150609_3386IMG_20150609_3388The second bag is also made with denim but I used that as the interior fabric. On the exterior there is a great fabric featuring super heroes (boy AND girl superheroes!)


IMG_20150609_3384I am especially attached to these because both the superhero and the robot fabric were a gift to me. Last fall my three boys chose these, and many other, fabrics for me as by birthday present. You can check out the details here. I really enjoyed cutting into these pieces.

Both bags are listed in my Etsy shop!

Linking to Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts.


20 thoughts on “Post 100 – Wow!

  1. Kitty

    First of all, congratulations to your daughter for graduating Junior High! What fun 🙂 I love your bunk bed bags, too–I could see versions of those bags being useful in many places–backs of chairs in the playroom, back of the seats in the car, bunk beds, etc. Great idea!

  2. Crafty Ashley B

    Congratulations on surviving 8th grade with your girl!
    I absolutely love these little bags! I may have to use your bag as an inspiration to make something like this for my three year old nephew. He likes to bring a drink to bed but doesn’t a good spot to put it. This would be great!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Ashley. She pretty much breezed through Jr High. Crossing fingers for high school!! The bags are simple and I bet your nephew would love one.


  3. selina

    What a a terrific idea. I was a top bunk gal myself. Can’t recall how many times I rolled over on a very sharp Nancy Drew or Bobbsey Twins book cover but I do remember the pain.

    Congrats on your 100th posting and your daughters graduation.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Oh, Nancy Drew! I loved those books. I’m pretty sure I read them all – Loved Nancy and Bess!

      Thanks for stopping by Selina!


  4. Jinger

    Congratulations on 100 posts Bernie! Your daughter is just beautiful. It seems that time flies once the elementary years are over and eighth grade was a tough one for both my boys. I would have loved those bags when they were in bunk beds!

    1. Bernie Post author

      It is crazy to think that I won’t have a child in elementariy school any longer. I have four kids and we have had someone in elementary school for what seems like FOREVER!! Time keeps marching on. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  5. Linda

    Bernie your daughter is beautiful – congratulations to her! I love those bunk bags – so practical but so cute! And YAY on your 100th post – I’m happy I discovered your blog. 🙂

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you! Getting ready to have some family over for a small bbq to celebrate Julia’s promotion to high school. It is soooo hot here but I suppose nothing like it gets in Texas. Hope you are having a great weekend.


  6. Sarah Goer

    The bags are so cute. Just tonight I realized that my son was stashing his books under his pillow and on the side of his mattress. (He sleeps on a mattress on the floor.) I asked him about it and he said his friend Hannah does it cause then she doesn’t have to get down to get a book. She has a bunk bed. He doesn’t, but he still likes the ‘stash the books instead of walk across the room to the bookshelf’ system. 😉 Congratulations to your daughter. I hope she has a great time in high school. And Congrats to you on another nice round milestone number. 🙂

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hmmm… Seems like sleeping on a pile of books wouldn’t be so cozy! That is so cute. I love to get a peek into their thought process. He clearly had a plan here.
      I think Julia will love high school. She is such an academic and will love having more classes to choose from.

      Take care,

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Lorna! The future is clearly one of quilting and more and more FMQ practice for me. As for Julia, I see about 8 more years of homework down the line!!

      Take care,

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thanks Mari. No one ever thinks she looks like me. She is such a clone of her dad. All three boys look like me though. A few weeks ago I was in a huge shoe store, 45 minutes from my house. The cashier looks at me, and before I bought anything – so she hadn’t seen my name – she asks, “are you Ian’s mom?” Ian is one of my sons and she knew that just from looking at me. It made me laugh.
      Hope your seminar went well.


  7. Cristy

    Congrats on having a high schooler now and your 100th post! I have a little while to go 🙂 Your bunk bed bags are adorbs…my boys are still little and have their bunks separated right now. I’m gonna but this idea in the memory bank for when they decide to put the beds together. Thanks!


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