The holidays have passed, my Christmas decorations are put away and we are almost two weeks into the new year. At this time of year I used to look at what I did in the past year and outline what I hoped to focus on during the new year. My thoughts on both are sort of rumbling around in my head but I am going to try to jot them down.
The biggest event in 2024 was the birth of my third grand daughter. Clearly she has decided to make her parents crazy from the get go. She arrived a full three weeks early. When my son told me she had been born early in the morning on an October day, I was so surprised. No one was expecting her so soon! On her second day in this world, the pediatrician noticed something awry with her heart. It turned out to be pulmonary stenosis. In brief, this condition is a defect in the pulmonary valve to the heart and it restricts the blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs. It is a big deal and when a 6 pound newborn is sent by ambulance to Children’s Hospital. It is just terrifying. She was in the ICU for the better part of a week. Her parents were afraid as were we. But the pediatric cardiac surgeon did a very successful procedure to enlarge the ventricle and she is just fine. It is likely this procedure will have to be repeated when she is older. She will also have cardiac care forever, to monitor the valve. However they say she is healthy and it should not be a huge issue. Yikes, this little one threw all of us for a loop in those first days.
Of course I did make my grand daughter a little quilt. I had a fun time with it and finished in back in September. I gave it to her parents at a baby shower in late September. For the quilt, I chose a stack of nine fabrics (nine was an instrumental number as I will explain in a bit). Each block is a six inch square that is ’rounded’ to a snowball shape using stitch and flip corners. For the corners, while I didn’t sew them on improv style, they were very free-hand. Each circle is a bit different from the last and I squared them up to make the blocks the same size. However, the triangles between them are all slightly different.
The fun part was this. When I was making blocks, I began to dread the process of laying the pieces out and balancing which fabric was where, making sure no two same fabrics touched, etc. I was thinking about how to do this with some logic and less hassle and thought about Sudoko puzzles.

Because I settled on nine fabrics, I was able to assign a number to each fabric and then just place them as they were on the puzzle. This put one of each in each row and column. I didn’t think about it at all and sewed nine patch blocks to match the puzzle. It was so simple. Of course as I sewed the nine patches together, I flipped one the wrong way and the whole thing now had a kink in it but at that point, it didn’t really matter. For the most part the fabrics were laid out in a balanced fashion. There is a print with a bird on it and the birds are pointing all in one direction but in the photo below, the quilt is sideways. So the birds are lying down and resting.
This Sudoku method was super helpful for me and I will totally use it again.

Below you can see the backing and binding. The ‘I Love You’ fabric is actually a crib sheet. Her bed has these sheets and I thought it would be fun to use one on the back of the quilt. I quilted it free motion with hearts and flowers on the snowballs and a curvy line in the first border.

When I looked at my projects for 2024, I found I had made seven quilts. This is the lowest number in years! The bug to sew and quilt was not nearly as strong as it was. I did make some garments which I shared in this post. I have a couple of quilts I haven’t yet shared and will write a post on them soon-ish.
The fact that I made just seven quilts, seemed to create less of a need to post on the blog. In 2024, I wrote only 17 posts! For someone who enjoys writing and talking about whatever to whomever, that isn’t a whole lot of blogging!
This leads one to wonder what the heck I did do all year. Thinking back, plus looking at my photos on my phone (the best way to look back in time) I see my time was spent with family, our grand daughters, running, working on my crochet skills, volunteering for Friends of the Library and reading.
I worked on improving my time for running 3 mile stretches (5 km races) and did shave off a considerable amount. Over the year I ran 224 miles. In the end of April I pulled a muscle in my calf and had to take the entire month of May off from running. But averaging the miles ran over 11 months means I ran about 20 miles each month. Over the year, if I didn’t run, I tried to make sure to walk. My total for walking was 268 miles.
My volunteer work at the library continues to evolve. It is such a great group of women and I very much enjoy working there. I have taken on a few projects and love being able to contribute my time as there is such a direct correlation to increasing the funds raised for the library.
For 2025 – Hmmm…. I don’t have a huge list of goals for sewing. I have been working on donation quilts using up the stacks of charm squares I have. One quilt top is nearly done and a second is laid out on the floor of the sewing room. Simple quilts that will use fabric from my shelves. I want to continue on with this. Also, I bought the DuoLingo app and have been practicing my Spanish. I have only a tiny bit of Spanish that remains in my brain since taking it in high school in the 1970’s. Time to stretch my brain cells and see what I can re-learn! Running to keep fit is still high on the list. Can I squeeze in more than 20 miles each month? I know there is time to do it, mostly I just have to put on my shoes and get out there!
There is always more to be said but for now, this is enough. Wishing you all the best in 2025 – good health, much joy and lots of time to be creative!
Ah, what a story of the lovely little grandchild. So glad she is on the path to health, and growing like mad. Love the Soduko approach to the quilt – a perfect solution really! I slipped up on the walking this year, need to work that back in this year and slowed down alot on sewing. I think our move and our son’s move and job change and hubby’s heart problem collided and made me exhuasted! I am ready to pick up the pieces and move on as all is well.
Glad to see you back in blogland!
Hi Kathleen – creativity flows at different times and, for me, when life becomes demanding it is hard to find the energy to make things. It just didn’t really interest me and, when I did make something, my mind wasn’t into it so loads of mistakes were made. Not fun at all. Maybe now that you are moved and settled you will have time for these things. Hope your husband’s health has improved.
Quilt is adorable. Love the Sudoko idea. So happy your sweet granddaughter is ok. She is beautiful.
We are all so relieved Laura. It was just scary as ever. Even when we knew she was ok – just seeing the very sick babies in the ICU – it was awful. So much heartache for the parents there. It set a perspective tho – Our baby would be fine – this was just a (large) bump in the road. Take care and thanks for the note.
Bernie-so glad to hear from you and congratulations on the new granddaughter! Thankful that her surgery went well with a great outlook! I too have slowed down sewing and quilting considerably and occasionally wonder where my days go. Love the Sodoku fabric placement chart-I will keep in mind for future projects.
Hi Debbie – It is nice to hear from everyone. The Sudoko thing really worked – It was as though the puzzle of placing colors was solved for me. I get what you are saying – my days go so fast – especially during winter with our very short days. Take care and Happy New Year!
It’s so good to read a new blog post and know you are well, even with the little granddaughter coming early and needing surgery so soon in her little life. It’s amazing what doctors can do today. So happy to hear she will be fine. It’s nice reading about your life there so do keep us updated even if it’s a little garment for kiddies or something you’ve made. It’s all so much fun knowing others keep creative and busy too.
Hi Kathy – Watching the level of care the children’s hospital was able to provide was truly amazing. The baby was so small and fragile. She was handled with such care. The staff was also really supportive of the nervous new parents which impressed me greatly. Now she is growing and doing all the things she should be so we are thrilled.
Happy to know you are still out there reading Kathy. Thank you for that!!
Good to hear from you, Bernie. Sounds to me like you accomplished a lot in 2024. Love the quilt for your new grandchild. She’s beautiful. I’m having a hard time getting back to sewing this month. I think it’s because I was working madly in December on a Christmas gift project of 18 FPP potholders. I managed to get ten of them done and gifted on time, and then pecked away at the others over the rest of December. They looked simple, but . . . :o)
Hi Kathleen – Oh yes – the looks-so-simple projects can certainly surprise us!! I am sure your family is happy to receive your gifts – I hope they appreciate the work put into them!! Take a break and sew when you feel inspired. That machine isn’t going anywhere!!
What a story about your newest granddaughter! Using Sudoku to position your blocks was brilliant!
Hi Terry, The sudoku solution was so easy – I could just stitch the nine patches together without concern. Of course, I should have paid better attention when I oriented the nine-patch squares. Hahaha! But overall, it worked really well.
It is great to hear from you, Bernie! And, congratulations on your new granddaughter. I’m so glad she is doing well. We have a new granddaughter as well, she was born in March and is just pulling herself up to stand. Her mom and dad found a house to buy with acreage in Gig Harbor when she was just three months old. Whew! Selling their house and buying a new one was quite the feat!
I have finished a couple of wall quilts this year and another will be finished soon. But, like you, 2024 found fewer quilts finished. I had spent more time knitting, it seems.
Happy 2025 and here’s to more miles running (or walking), in my case!
Kristin – I am so curious where your kids bought in GH. Email me separately (for privacy)?
Also, next time you are down here visiting, let me know. Maybe someday it will work out and we can take a walk together. Happy New Year!
Your granddaughter is beautiful. So is her quilt. I’ll tell you how you spent some of your time: being a dear friend to me as you offered emotional and nutritional support while I recovered from a 2+ month illness. I can’t thank you enough. Now, in 2025 we need to do more joint quilt efforts.
I am just so relieved you are back to good health – what a horrible experience for you.
As for a joint quilt effort – you have much more patience for detailed quilts than I. We will have to work to figure out a compromise!!
Fun to read through your year, it was a pretty eventful one with the arrival of your beautiful granddaughter! I haven’t reviewed my year yet, but pretty sure my numbers were low too. You had a very active year, though – good for you!
I don’t know Wendy – I feel like you made some really cool projects this year. Maybe more small quilts? But still you were always working on something. Now it is time for another SAHRR round. How does it come around so fast??
It’s nice to hear from you again! I hope you will continue blogging especially since you are moving on from Meta. I will miss your posts there and look forward to hearing from you here instead!
Thanks Samantha. I am so torn about this whole Meta mess. But I am going to give it a go and not use social media.
Glad you are a blog reader tho I won’t be able to see what you are working on.
It’s great to hear from you, Bernie! We have so much in common that it’s hard for me to remember that we’ve never met.
I, too, am learning Spanish with DuoLingo. My son was doing it during the pandemic, and I started then as well. While I’ve made good progress, I find I’m able to read and understand better than listening. I’ll keep going, though. It’s good for my brain!
Your new grandbaby looks round and healthy. I’m so glad she’s doing well. Her quilt is darling, of course.
I’ll look forward to hearing from you occasionally from here on. That’s fine…you really do have so many more important things to do!
All the best
I agree with the DuoLingo – I can read it better than comprehend it orally. But I really have only been at it for about two weeks. Like you, I think it is a good exercise for my brain and it is fun. When did you get started? I am still reviewing loads of the basics. Part of me wishes I could skip this part but I think it will start to move along after getting through this beginning stage. I wonder if there is a way to work together on it??
Bernie, my DuoLingo username is Nana186529, if you’d like to friend me! That would be fun!
I just followed you Jay. Somehow I messed this message. Lo siento!
Hi, Bernie! Congratulations on the new grandbaby! I’m so sorry she (and all of you who love her) had to go through that, but so glad to hear she is doing fine now. The quilt you made her is delightful! I’m so impressed with your running – way to go! I love to walk, and put on lots of miles that way every week, but have not ever been a runner. Happy New Year!
Thank you Diann. I ran off and on in my adulthood. When I started back in 2023, it had been at least 10 years since I had run. Didn’t take too long to get going though. I know you are an active person. That is what counts. Stay active in whatever way suits you!
I hope your little granddaughter grows to be big and strong. I have known one other with this condition but she is adult now and did have to have several surgeries over the years – I’m sure they have evolved in the procedures so much more than they did when she had hers – she is a friend of my 52 year old daughter
Hi Karen: From what I understand, the procedure will be outpatient if/when she has it repeated. So while she will have to have general anesthesia, it should be simpler than it was this first time around. It is really amazing how much the medical technology has advanced. There was just the tiniest mark where they went in through her leg and snaked up to her heart to enlarge the ventricle. Really crazy. Plus the tools used to work on a very tiny infant – so precise, so small!!
You may not have made many quilts, but you had a full year. Congrats on the new grandbaby. I like your idea of using a Sudoku puzzle to lay out the blocks. Genius!
Hi Anja – It was a very full year. Family trumps all other activities. The Sudoku thing was really helpful for me – I don’t even do those puzzles very often. It popped into my head when I realized I was using nine different fabrics. Kind of a fun way to lay out a quilt. Hope all is well with you!!
Holy moly, what a year you had Bernie! Congratulations on a new grand baby and I’m so, so, so relieved her surgery went well. That must have been such a stressful time for all of you. Modern medicine is amazing!
It sounds like you had a beautifully well-rounded year full of family, service, healthy living and sewing – that sounds wonderful. I hope 2025 will bring more lovely and fulfilling things your way! x x x x
When the baby was in the ICU we kept thinking of the amazing medicine and technology available to us now. I am sure it wasn’t too long ago this sort of problem would not be diagnosed and she would have been a sick child. So miraculous.
Yes – life is very full now and it is all good things. I hope the same is true for you!
What a harrowing time, so glad the surgery came out well.
I used the same method to make a Sudoku quilt some time ago. I did a post on how to find when you have a block turned.
I stopped doing goals some time ago as well. Now I just do what I want to do each day without any guilt about what gets done and what doesn’t.
Happy New Year!
Sounds like a good way to live life – doing what you want without any guilt! There are enough things to be concerned with without adding our sewing, quilting or crafting to the list.
Oh goodness, what a scare indeed. I’m glad that all seems to be well and the prognosis for her health in the future is so good.
I love the idea of using Sudoku as a layout aid, that is very clever and the baby quilt looks great.
I hope you continue to do what feels best in the year ahead, and when you have something to share, I do always look forward to catching up with you.
Thank you Yvonne. The baby is doing well and we enjoy her immensely. I have read you have lots of changes on tap for the year. All the best with the increase in work hours – well at least the tech editing hours. Returning to work on a full-time level will likely require some adjustments. I am sure you will still make some gorgeous quilts in-between editing projects.
Hola amiga! Apprender una lengua es mui bonito … Bernie… without the Karen Brown you tube watching during the pandemic and then finding your and Wendys blog and chatting, nothing would have improved. Sure, I made a lot of mistakes but I can understand 99,9% without a dictionary. I use my spanish when we go on holiday and it opens so much doors if you say Hola, buenos dias… and try to speak. When I will retire I will take classes again! Check out in your library if there are some ladies who have the same wish and may be find a native spanish speaking person who loves to do some fun communication hour?
With all our daily live we have to manage it is … to be honest.. not important how many quilts we do, it is important that we find happyness in the things we do and only one quilt with love is so much woth. So, this quilt for your lovely grandchild is super perfect and I love how it turns out! The method is so helpfull and clever. It is a stressfull and painfull time for all in the family if a newborn has a problem. So, happy happy to hear now everything turns well. What is a meta Mess? Saludos con corason! … by the way, check spanish sewing tipps in spanisch language! So much fun.
Your ability to learn to speak/read/write English is very inspirational to me Eva. It is one of the things that pushed me to work on my Spanish. It is fun but I am impatient and I want it to happen faster! I think looking for others who want to do this will surely help. My father speaks Spanish and I will try to converse with him. At this point I need more of a vocabulary though. I am working in the library today and will check with them about a Spanish conversation group. I do not think there currently is one but maybe others have asked? Buenos dias Eva. Hablamos pronto.
Your family has certainly been on a roller coaster of emotions for the past few months! Congratulations on the birth and miracle heart surgery for your sweet granddaughter. And Happy New Year!
Hi Rebecca – Thank for the good wishes. I know you had a very hard year in 2024. My condolences on the loss of your father in law. Your post about him was so sweet. He will be deeply missed. Take care and all the best in 2025.
So glad to know the newest granddaughter is doing well. Thank goodness for great surgeons. Wishing you all continued good fortune. I have thought about a Sudoku inspired quilt. I’m impressed to see yours. It fabulous. Hope 2025 is a good year for your whole family. Keeping my fingers crossed for our nation.
Hi Judy – You and I are going to have sore fingers as we will be crossing them for a long time (four years!)
Arranging the blocks with the help of a solved sudoku puzzle was a lot of fun and I would do it again for sure! Just keep the colors or fabrics to a quantity of nine and it works.
Have a great day! It is so darn cold here in the PNW. We aren’t used to lows in the 20s. Brrr.