Hello there! This week sure buzzed by in a hurry. We have had lovely weather which means we have been able to get out in the yard. The flower pots on my front deck are planted which always makes me happy.

In the family post I wrote two weeks ago, I mentioned that great grand child number 17 had arrived. She is adorable and doing well. It is a bit early for her to be playing ball but I thought it would be fun to make a set of squishy balls for her to use when she is a tiny bit older. These always come together quickly and are great for using up scraps. I stuffed them with polypill and put some little rattle noise makers in them too. Now I just need to get them sent down to Southern California for her. If you want to make some, this is the link I used to get the template. You can enlarge or decrease the size of the ball template on a paper copier.

For some reason I wasn’t in the mood to work on any of the quilt projects I have going. Instead I opted to make matching summer pajamas for my grand daughters. They don’t need them, have loads of pjs, but what the heck? I saw this pink unicorn fabric at a thrift shop for $2/yard. Who can resist? They both love pink, rainbows and unicorns so I had to buy it! I will see my three year old over the weekend and I suspect she will enjoy these quite a lot. She can bring the matching set home for big sister.

Making those pajamas got me in the mood for sewing clothes. I bought this fabric over a year ago but never used it. It is some sort of rayon and has wonderful soft drape to it. So I cut out this summer dress. I didn’t have quite enough and need to look through my solids to find something that will work as the lining for the bodice. I am making the short version with the curve to the hemline. It should come together quickly.

The girls painted these frames for me as a Mother’s Day gift. I love them. The picture that H chose for her frame (on the right) is really something. The expression on my face is not one that I would normally choose to have framed and on display but there you go. It is on the mantle for all to enjoy! Hahaha. I think we were making fudge for Thanksgiving two years ago but why I have that expression is unknown to me. How silly.

These photos are also quite special. Julia will be graduating Cal Poly next month. She had graduation photos done and I just love them. I posted them on Instagram so you may have already seen them but I had to share again. The photographer (also a Cal Poly student) did a great job. These three are my favorites but it was a tough choice. Of course she had to have a series taken at the swine unit with her favorite animals. She is very excited to graduate but as is often the case, it is bittersweet. She will miss those rolling hills and her friends.
Finally, one more bit of news. My parents sold their house!! They are moving up to Washington. We are all so excited. This is a huge adventure for them but it seems to be working out well so far. They will be up here next week to begin looking at houses. Crossing fingers they find just what they want.

Just a reminder that the kick-off for the Positivity 2023 QAL happens on May 28th over at Sew Preeti Quilts. Preeti will be sharing the pattern choices and talking about fabric choices. I am very excited for this event and hope you will consider joining us!! We will be sewing lap size quilts to donate to Mercyful Quilts. Of course if you choose to donate your quilt to another cause, that is fine as well. We just want to extend more positivity into the world and this is one way to achieve this!
I have orange peel templates, and I bet they will work for those little balls. I bookmarked the link – thanks for that! I haven’t sewn a garment in years, but your projects make it look so simple (ha!). I love the expression on your face in H’s photo – haha! It’s perfect, showing how much fun the two of you have together. Congrats once again to Julia – and I’m so excited to hear the news of your parents! Yay!
Orange peel templates are just the right shape. Just cut six and go for it!
I do choose very simple sewing patterns for clothes. Things that are forgiving on the fit. I really stink at trying to properly fit a pattern.
Thanks a bunch Wendy!
I just put that link in my baby folder, need to have some little things for the new grand niece. Wonderful pics of Julia for her graduation….and hooray for your parents selling their house. I somehow had it “done” in my head, but I guess it is one of the many things that take longer than you think! Any ideas for 11 and 3 year olds for a quick big sister gift? I am finishing a quilt for the new baby, need to think of something fun for them! And just like that, its Positivity time, boy the time does fly by.
Usually if I want to include a big sister/brother gift and don’t have time to make something, I choose a book. All kids love having books!
Yep – the third Positivity QAL is already here. Isn’t that wild??
Well, the fabric for the summer PJs is really perfect. I bet they will love them (I would)! Congratulations to your mom and dad. I hope they have a safe house hunting trip; will they be looking to be near to you?
Hmmm, unicorn and rainbow pajamas for Yvonne. That would be something! Mom and Dad will look at houses near me or one of my sisters. The three of us live in a triangle of sorts with about 10 miles between each of us. Hope they find something in our area!
I think the expression on your face in that photo is perfect! It is exactly what grandma’s are supposed to do around their grandkids. 🙂 That is exciting that your parents are moving near you! Yahooo! I hope you’ll show us the clothing you make, I have always enjoyed seeing the outfits you have created. Even made me perhaps want to try it myself one of these days! Congrats to your graduate!!
Hope you try making something simple. Pajama pants or shorts are a super easy place to start.
Thanks for the support on the crazy picture – It is a silly one, that’s for sure.
Take care Janice.
Love those pj,’s! The dress pattern looks comfy and love simple easy patterns. Yesterday I cut out a dress for Young A (who’s 6). A friend gave me some fabric to use for my grandkids and she wanted a dress. He wants a housecoat.
Great pics of your daughter ! Hope things go well for your parents – is it them that have 17 great grandchildren? Bernie
Yes – my parents have 17 great grands and 21 grand children.
Have fun sewing for the grand children. We have one coming for the weekend and I am looking forward to it!
Love the pjs and all the clothing you make. It is inspiring. Julia’s pictures are beautiful of her and it’s bittersweet to have college over. Now the real world as I say to my grandkids. How comforting that your parents will be closer now once they move. Change is hard to some as we age but they must be very adaptable people.
Now the real world…. that is for sure. The shift from student to full-time employee is the start of adulthood. She is ready though.
I get what you are saying about the difficulties with change. I know this has been a huge decision for my parents. They love their home. But they are trying to do what is right for their stage in life plus wanting to be closer to more of the family. But it has been hard to decide. They will be coming up here to look at houses next week so I hope they find one they will be happy in.
What lovely projects, a nice change from quilt after quilt for sure. And congratulations to your graduate!
Thanks Rebecca – Seems like an ‘extra’ accomplishment to graduate college with all of the nonsense that the Pandemic added to the process. We are super excited to have Julia moving up to WA though. Do you have a graduate this year (or last year?) I thought one of your sons was close in age to Julia.
What darling jammies! I’m sure the girls will love them and they will be their favorites soon. I’m looking forward to seeing your finished dress. I gave up garment sewing years ago and now just alter things. Not as creative but much faster! The frames are perfect, as are the pictures in them. And congratulations to Julia! What great pictures. Hope your folks find a house quickly!
Thanks so much Mari! I think I like sewing of all sorts. So I tend to mix it up depending on what I am in the mood for.
We hope Mom and Dad find just the right house too. They will be looking to live close to me or one of my two sisters up here. It will be great to have them nearby. So much of our family seems to have landed up here and it will be wonderful to add Mom and Dad to the list.
Kudos to H. I believe that picture of you, mouth open in amazement with childlike wonder is exactly the kind that belongs in a heart-shaped frame! Julia looks so happy. I can’t stop smiling. Wishing her all the best in all her endeavors!
Those PJs are just adorable! I love your expression with H – it’s a beautiful candid shot that captures the mood! That is exciting news about your folks. Will you help them search for a house?
We are super excited for Mom and Dad to be up here. They are house hunting this week so we are really hoping they find what they need. The inventory on the market is a bit on the low side so it may take some time. But there are loads of us up here if they need to stay with us while escrow closes or whatever. Thanks Linda!