This year I was tasked with making a very, very spooky costume for my grand daughter’s Halloween. A wanted to be a ghost, a spooky, spooky ghost. She was quite specific about this. When asked what a spooky ghost does, she pursed her lips into a tiny ‘O’ and said oooohhhh. That was the extent of it. She is so dang funny.
I asked my daughter in law what she thought would be a good spooky ghost outfit and she sent me a link from The Frugal Navy Wife. It looked adorable and super easy. I agreed to make it and promptly forgot about it! Two weeks ago my son asked me how the costume was coming along. Yikes! I quickly ordered a few things from Amazon and got going on it.

This couldn’t have been any easier. One piece of stretch lace was seamed into a loop sized to fit around A’s chest. A spool of six inch tulle was cut into 40″ lengths, or double the length I wanted the skirt to finish at. (Of course the spool I ordered from Amazon is enough to make about a hundred of these, but that’s ok. It will be used up at some point). I stretched the lace around a box so I would have something to work from.

Each piece of tulle was poked through the opening in the lace and the strip then pulled through the loop that formed. (Does this make sense?) I pulled down on the strips of netting to tighten the knot and made my way around the piece of stretch lace. I also looped a long piece of tulle from front to back so it could be tied as needed in back. It was sort of like the straps to a sundress.
Finally, I cut ovals from black and white felt for the eyes and the spooky, spooky mouth. These were hand stitched to the front.

Once it was finished I decided to make a matching headband with the stretch lace and a bit of tulle.

Our sweet girl was quite pleased with the costume and headband. She wore them to the Halloween party at her little toddler program.

Halloween finally rolled around. A was cranky and not in the mood for much. It turned out she was coming down with a virus and by the middle of the night (of course!) she had spiked a fever and was feeling miserable. I am really glad she got to go to the party at her school and enjoy a bit of Halloween there since she wasn’t able to enjoy it on the actual day.
I highly recommend this costume for anyone. It is simple and super cute! It would also be a great way to make a tutu. All different colors of tulle could be used to make it just how the ballerina wants it.
I am working on a quilt but it is going to be gifted to someone at the holidays. So no pictures of it until after Christmas. I am super happy with my progress so far! Take care everyone.
Ohh, A is adorable! Good job on the costume 🥰
Thank you Pam. Such an easy project!
What a clever way to make a spooky ghost! I love A’s smile (and her spooky ghost face). I hope she is feeling better. You knocked out of the park on this outfit, Bernie!
Poor girl is miserable and still running a fever. I feel so sorry for her – seems like both of them have been sick constantly this fall.
The costume is adorable though – I know she will enjoy just playing with it. She loves to play pretend and dress up etc.
I think it turned out really cute – sorry she got sick though
Thanks Karen – seems like the kids around here are all sick – I guess from going back to school. Yuk!!
She is such a cute spooky ghost! The headband was a great add-on. I’m glad she was able to enjoy it for her party, and if she’s like my kids, she’ll enjoy dressing up in her costume many days ahead.
Both the girls love to play dress up so I am sure the ghost tutu will be used. They have a big box of outfits they rotate between. She was just adorable in her costume!
Loving the spooky spooky ghost!!!!! She is adorable! I may have to make me this costume next year!!!!
You should! It was soooo easy. A very fun project and took little time or money. 🙂
Oh, what an adorable costume. I am so sorry she got sick….such an up and down road for the young ones until they get their share of viruses. Hope she gets better quickly!
It is just constant at this age – plus she really had almost no exposure to anything for the first two years. So she is catching everything that comes her way. But she did have fun with the costume so it was a win. 🙂
So CUTE!! I’m glad she was able to enjoy it at her school, since she missed Halloween. I do hope she’s feeling better. My littlest granddaughter was sent home from school today with a fever and sore throat. Something nasty is going around.
Thank you!
She is still sick. Poor girl. When her fever went down a bit today (due to the Tylenol) , she declared she was all better. But she isn’t and soon as the Tylenol wears off the fever spikes back up. She has a nasty cough as well. Ugh. I was reading that this bug is everywhere, largely because kids are back out in the world now.
Hope your kiddo is better soon. 🙂
What a clever grandma. I wouldn’t have thought of attaching the fabric that way. And the headband certainly finishes off the outfit nicely.
Well Jenny, I certainly didn’t come up with the idea. But it was very clever and super easy. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Well, I wanted to be terrified; however, I was just charmed by her scary “ooh.” Now that was adorable! As is the costume!
You know, I think it is an honour to be trusted to make something so special! (And you knocked it out of the park.)
Thank you Torry – I love her little ‘ooh’ as well. I am happy to make these fun things for the kids. When my boys were little, life was so busy and it was much harder to do these projects. I have time now though and am happy to do it for the girls.
When our granddaughter was young, she’s now 22, I was still teaching. So when they called and asked me to do a Joker, from Batman, costume with a one week turn around, I panicked and then got to work! I met the deadline, but it was close!
Now I am retired and our grandson, who is 5, loves to play dress up. I have made pirate eye patches, Spiderman and alien masks. But so far, no Halloween costumes! Even though I now have the time to make them!
Hmm… maybe he needs a cape to go with his superhero masks?? That would be fun.
Yes, I have made capes for both grandchildren. I made one for our granddaughter to go over her mermaid costume that I made for her one year. And I made a Superman one for our grandson. I even made a Superwoman one for me to wear to my chemo appointments 5 years ago. But I haven’t thought about those capes in a while. Thanks for jogging my memories!
Oh my goodness, she’s not a ghost, she’s a Princess with a capital P!!! What a little sweetheart. Glad your son gave you a gentle ‘heads up’! LOL Been there, done that, before. Just precious. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my gosh Carol – when he texted me I was so surprised. I am not one to forget something so important!! But it totally slipped my mind. Lucky for me, it is a very quick pattern. Hope all is well with you and Robert.
Oooh, that is a very spooky ghost! I was truly scared! 🙂 What a good grammy, and what an adorable ghost. Every kid I know has been down with one of those viruses or another. It’s the rebound from the pandemic when they weren’t around anyone. Take care of your little ghostie and I’ll bet she’ll be ready to scare you again sometime really soon.
Sorry to have scared you Mari. This virus is just nuts. She was a sick little girl for a while there. No more fever but still the incessant coughing. She is sure the “smoke machine” (aka humidifier) will cure her though. Hope your grands are healthy!!
When I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, the photo of your granddaughter decked out for Halloween jumped out and I recognized her right away because she looks just like you with those eyes of hers! Love, love, LOVE the costume and you are wonderful to have pulled that out for her at the last minute!
What a sweet comment Rebecca. She is really a sweet kid. Finally feeling better but still sounds raspy and has a cough – that part seems to take forever to go away though. It was such a simple costume. I want to make more for the girls’ dress up box since I bought way too much in the way of supplies. Hope all is well with you!
She mightbe the MOST adorable Spooky Ghost I have EVER seen!!!!