2022 Positivity QAL – 2nd Link Up

We have reached the middle of July which means it is time to link up your quilt tops for the 2022 Positivity QAL! I can’t quite explain how we are already to this point. It sure doesn’t feel like that much time has passed. This is a fun link up and there will be a drawing for prizes at the end of this week!!

I have to be honest with you. I only have 26 blocks completed. This is not enough for a quilt top so I cannot share one today. I could make up all sorts of reasons for this. Instead I will just blame it on Julia. She was home for a month for summer break and we got to spend lots of time together.

Enjoying an iced Chai near the harbor.
Having lunch in Port Townsend
Taking silly pictures with Beau, the dog she cared for while his humans were away.

The time passed and a few days ago Julia returned to California and her college life. This means more time for sewing. I will keep working on the blocks for this cute southwestern themed quilt. The pieces are cut so I need to keep plugging away at it. You know, watching how quickly others are getting their blocks and quilt tops done, I have decided I must be a very slow quilter. These are easy blocks but it seems like at each sitting I only get four or five completed. (There were also a couple of times I had to rip out the blocks because I was distracted by an audio book or podcast and got sloppy.) Whatever the reason, I am not one who can whip out a quilt top. Slow and steady wins the race…

Please do link up your progress – I am excited to see what you have made!! By chance if you are participating and do not have a blog post to link, you are welcome to send me a picture of the quilt top and I will add it to this post. You will be included in the drawing for prizes at the end of the week.

Updating this post to add photos of quilt tops sent to me today. 🙂

This beauty is a scrappy version made by Wendy F.
Love the bright colors on scrappy gray backgrounds made by Amanda R.
Another beauty. Lisa T made this and I love how she alternated the direction of her blocks. This creates lots of movement in her flimsy.

Also – an update on the previous post which included a giveaway of the My Sewing Workshop book. The winner has been selected and it is Kathy U!! Congrats to Kathy.

This linky list is now closed.

17 thoughts on “2022 Positivity QAL – 2nd Link Up

  1. Katie

    You don’t have to sew as fast as anyone else. You’re making progress and that’s what counts. I cut enough for eight the first time I sat down, thinking it was just four, but that seemed to work well for me, so sets of eight were my go-to. But that took a while. The blocks are simple, but all of the steps do take time, so they’re not instant. Enjoy the process. Make sure to enjoy life, too. Just because you’re helping with the administrative side of the quilt-along doesn’t mean you have to sew faster than anyone. You’ve got more on your plate that we do for this! (I’ll be posting and linking my top soon.)

    1. Bernie Post author

      Thank you Katie! Just that comparison thing, right? I do get there, just at my pace. I appreciate your sweet input – made me feel better about being the tortoise rather than the hare. 🙂

  2. Wendy

    I’m a slower piecer too, Bernie. I haven’t joined in this time around, but still think about it – haha. I’m so glad you had time with Julie and made the most of it. Fun to see all those photos of the two of you together, smiling and enjoying your time together!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Oh Wendy, we had the best time. It was bittersweet for her to return to school. But we can’t just hang around and go to the beach every day. Life requires more than that! She is happily back at her own place with roommates and a couple of their pets. Her happy place!

  3. Mari

    Great fabrics, and great pictures of you and Julia. Don’t worry about being slow– I’m putting together a quilt that I bought fabric for at least 4 years ago! Some projects just need time to “mature.” 🙂 And remember– comparison is the thief of joy! I’m sure the quilt will be gratefully accepted whenever it’s finished. Take care, Bernie!

    1. Bernie Post author

      I know, I know – Usually I am ok with how my process moves along. Then I look at others who (from all appearances) whip out 50 blocks in an afternoon…. Makes me question myself. Silly tho! Take care Mari.

  4. Roseanne

    Hi Bernie! Slow and steady wins the race . . . and this isn’t even a race. I just finished my 72 blocks this morning – a slight miss count somewhere. Spending time with Julia is much more important than a quilt finish. Mercyful can’t use all of them at one time, anyway! I’ll bet it was a shock to have those 30 days pass by so quickly, and you miss her. It’s so hard to believe it is the middle of July already! Thanks for the linky party. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hey Roseanne – If you have 72 blocks then just make your quilt a smidge smaller. We need all sizes so if you do your blocks in a 8×9 layout, you are good as gold. 🙂

  5. Kathleen McCormick

    How wonderful to have Julia for a month. You will get your top done, as I will get a quilt to Mercyful, in the fullness of time. It is important, but Julia was more important!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Kathleen, You are correct on all counts – We loved having Julia home for a long stretch. She won’t get to come back until Thanksgiving so we all made the most of her visit home. My quilt top is progressing well now that I am back in the sewing room. Hope you are feeling better and better each day!

    1. Bernie Post author

      For sure. We really enjoyed each other’s company – Totally worth giving up the sewing time!! 🙂
      Getting really hot up here this week. I think it is everywhere actually. Where in CO are you? My sister and her husband live up in Winterpark.

  6. Gretchen Berg

    I enjoy your blogs so much. Treasure your time with Julia and your darling grandchildren. I’ve been following your current quilt along positively. I hope to make one someday. I’m currently recovering from reverse shoulder replacement so I can’t sew at all. I’m looking forward to getting back to it. Also, we’re in the process of moving to a new home. Setting up my sewing room will be fun. Have fun the rest of your summer.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Gretchen -shoulder surgery sounds like a challenge. Are you recovering well? Is it difficult for you to sleep? Hope you get good results and are back on track soon! I totally understand the whole move of course. We are about 90% unpacked so it is feeling homey around here. When did you move?
      Take care and get better!

      1. Gretchen Berg

        I had surgery 12 days ago. Sleeping in a recliner with arm in a large sling. What I miss most is being able to sew and knit. We will be moving in about 3 weeks. Still packing and trying not to panic. We are moving to a smaller home very near where we live now.
        Thank you for your kind words.


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