Quarantine life goes on and the days are somewhat repetitive. Julia and I continue to look for projects and crafts to keep us busy and mix things up a bit. Recently we decorated two clay pots we found in the garage.
Julia has been into house plants this summer and has quite a few in her room. We thought it would be fun to take a plain clay pot and make it pretty. Wanting to use supplies we had at home (always frugal, right?) we browsed Pinterest for ideas.
When we came across a link for using decorative paper napkins and Mod Podge we decided that would be a fun way to go. We took our inspiration from that post but didn’t do all they suggested.

First step was to paint the outside of the pot with basic, water soluble acrylic paint. Again, we used whatever we had. Julia chose white and I chose yellow.

We made sure to paint to upper part of the inside of the pot. The instructions said to seal the inside of the pot. My guess is to prevent any water from soaking through and damaging the paint or decoupage. But we skipped that part. Whatever happens is fine with us.

We had two choices of decorative paper napkins in the closet. Either Christmas theme or these yellow, blue and white flowers. Guess what we chose. Julia and I cut out bits and pieces that we liked. Then we carefully peeled away the second ply of paper. These napkins are fairly thick and it looks nicer if you just use one ply of thickness. Then we painted the spot we wanted it to adhere to on the pot. After smoothing the napkin bit over that glue, we carefully painted a layer of Mod Podge over the paper. It looks all thick and white but dries very clear.

Julia chose to paint a layer of Mod Podge over her whole pot. For some reason, this layer did not dry clear. It has a brown-ish tone to it but I think it just looks rustic.

These were really fun to make and a good way to fill another afternoon at home. Kind of satisfying to make something with supplies we have on hand. Much like sewing from the stash in my closet!! Honestly, the Covid quarantine has had some upside in that we are much less inclined to run to the store for odds and ends. We eat more out of the pantry and freezer and projects are often made with what is on hand. This has been a nice change for us.
Now, for a little sewing related chit chat. Have you all been wondering and waiting to hear whether I have kept up with the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge BOM? I know, I know – how rude of me to forget to post the June block. My apologies to all of you. Hahaha. I did get the block done and it is a cute one.

Now that the year is half way done (and that alone is very, very strange) I enjoyed putting the first six blocks together for a quick look. I am really happy with the polka dot theme.

This month’s block looks to be a nice one but I haven’t even cut it out yet. I have three weeks to go so there is plenty of time!!
That’s is the news from here. Like everyone else, we are trying to make the best of these strange times. Lots of time to make things, bake things, play cards, and take pretty walks. Here are two pictures from this morning’s hike up in Nevada City.

OK – time to go get to work. The kitchen is a mess and I have a number of orders to cut and ship. What have you been up to?

I hope all of you are staying healthy and sane. Reach out to each other and keep in touch. I think staying in contact is super important these days. I am one who enjoys time to myself but with all of the current restrictions, too much alone time isn’t good. We need to talk, visit, and stay in touch with friends and family. Hang in there.
You posts are always so cheerful, just like these cheerful pots! And lucky you, having an adorable daughter with your for the summer! Always fun to see what you are up to. You stay healthy, too!
Hi – It is pretty nice having Julia around. I am sure she would love to be in college and hanging out with friends but we are making the best of it. I hope you are doing well and keeping the migraines to a minimum. I am running about two per week – certainly could be better but, as we both know, could also be a lot worse. :-). Take care Christine.
Those pots are so cute, Bernie! I like the way both of them turned out! Your color challenge blocks look great – the polka dots are really fun and give all the different colors a connection. It is good to stay in touch! I have never appreciated blogging and my bloggy friends so much as in the last few months.
Adorable pots! Love that you find something fun and creative to do with your daughter. I loved when my nieces came and we made quilts. The package arrived today…two benefit quilts will be made from that is the current plan, and some more quilting practice.
Beautiful pots and plants! This reminds me of the things my sewing class did during the summer when school was out of session. We’d meet every 2 weeks and take turns coming up with a project to make, includng all of the supplies for everyone. It worked out well as we set a cost per person and each meeting we either said, yay or nay to the project and if we wanted to make it, we gave our money ahead of time to the hostess in charge of that project. We brown bagged lunch and the hostess supplied cold drinks. We made doll covers for those Earwick fragrance cones, a toilet paper holder out of lace and ribbon, a decorated frame with a photo–lots of fun and very inexpensive to do. We met at one another’s homes in a round-robin style and it was really good to get together. This could be done via e-mail or set up a private group on Facebook…
I thought that name looked weird!!! AIRWICK! Gads… toooo long ago!
I’m so glad you and Julia do these projects together! It’s so fun to do those projects together, and create memories at the same time. I love both of your flowerpots. I need to pull out our Modge Podge – wonder if it would work with fabric? Wouldn’t a cloth covered flowerpot be cute?!
Julia looks so cute! The pots are just darling. I used to really enjoy working with Modge Podge and your post made me want to use it again.
We are being forced to wear masks here in Texas or we get fined. I know folks are horrified, but we haven’t worn masks unless the business demanded it, so I need to get busy and make us some!
Linda, I am glad you are having to wear masks. I think it is valuable – the more I read, I believe we will have to wear them for a while yet. I just ordered more Mod Podge on Amazon – Julia and I have been going through it!! Take care and keep in touch.
How fun for you and your daughter to work on this project together. I too can’t believe it is already July. I also feel like you, it is making us use what we have on hand instead of buying more!
Hi Vicki – I am hoping I can learn from this experience and spend less time running errands. It is amazing how efficient it is to go into the stores less often. I feel like I had been wasting lots of time running around and it isn’t needed. There is so much HERE and when I do have to go out, I combine as much as possible just to minimize exposure. It definitely makes me spend wayyy less money too. Take care Vicki!
Your pots are great. I too have mostly crafting with what I have on hand. It is forcing me to be more creative. I like your June block. The pictures from your hike are wonderful
Really, it is easy to find things to make here at home – our craft “cabinet” is full and there is no end to the fabric available. I am happily using up lots of things!! Hope you are staying well Cathie.
Those pots are great, Bernie, and I love your polka dot blocks, too. I think quarantine is wearing on everyone. Thank goodness we can still communicate over the internet! Hope you and Julia are doing well.
Thanks Mari – Yes, it is wearing on all of us. I keep telling myself it won’t be forever but some days I wonder…..
The pots were a lot of fun. We are looking for the next project now. There is always something to do – we just have to stay creative.
I am so far behind! But wanted to pop in anyway. You and Julia have sure created some sweet activities during this unexpected time of togetherness— little treasures you’ll cherish long after the pandemic has passed. Probably more than you might think sometimes right now!
Love your pots! Looks like a great craft activity, and even better when you have everything you need. We’ve been doing a lot of that, using what we have, and I’ve done some trading with a friend for craft supplies–we leave stuff on each other’s porches and are appreciative of the return of the barter system.
Love to hear you are trading and bartering. Personally I think that is the best – I am still thrilled with our ‘trade’ tho I have questions about the AccuQuilt. For the most part I am doing pretty good using it but my 5″ die is giving me grief. Maybe we can talk soon? I will send you another email later on. What have you been making lately? Other than your beautiful quilts?
Great project, Bernie. You know, that pot would go really well with my Colors of August placemats, LOL!! It is fun to shop the house, just to see what I can do with what I have. Crafters just have a different mindset, don’t we!!
Hi, Bernie! Loving those pots! What fun to get crafty with ‘daughter’. We have fun together, too. Have to keep those spirits fueled. Your RSC is going to be lots of fun to finally put together! Good job keeping up!