Currently many quilters are making tree theme quilt blocks to donate to the Woolongong Modern Quilt Guild in Australia. This chapter of the MQG is making quilts for the families who lost their homes in the currently raging bushfires. As a native of California, I am too familiar with the devastation of wildfires and am happy to contribute a few blocks to the cause.
Here is some of the information as posted by the Woolongong MQG on their Facebook page. If you hop over to their Facebook page, there are some blocks shown for inspiration. You will likely see many on the other quilt blogs right about now. Side note – if you are following RSC2020, this is the perfect month to make the tree blocks since the scrap color for January is green.
How you can help:
We have decided to make tree blocks. The tree is a symbol of growth and nourishment. A tree symbolizes the generations of a family; a tree sprouts from a seed, the roots provide strength and stability, and whilst the new sapling is young and vulnerable they are protected by the other trees until they grow and flourish. In time the branches spread and then create new fruit that gives life to the next generation.
There is no restriction to one type of tree block. We would love our quilts to be beautiful and diverse just like our wonderful communities ….. If you would like to help, please make a tree block of a generous 12.5 inch square using a low volume / white or pale grey background. Once completed please send to:
Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild
PO Box 54
Jamberoo New South Wales
We are going to distribute the quilts made to the families who have lost everything. We would like to ask that blocks be mailed for arrival by the end of February. We thank you in advance for your support. #bushfireblocks
For my blocks, I chose to use the tutorial written by Kirsty Cleverly over at Bonjour Quilts. It is a bit different than some of the other blocks and I like the look of it. Plus, they come together quickly. Aren’t they cute? I like the three tones of green in each one.

There are certainly other tree blocks you might choose to make. This pine tree block is really cute and simple. The tree portion (it was drafted for a pillow) creates a 12 1/2″ block which is great for this. The Tree of Life block is traditional and lovely but oh my, so many HST’s. If you are interested though, here is a tutorial over at Fat Quarter Shop.

Post Update: I just learned of an incredible tutorial for another tree block! Designed by Linda at Flourishing Palms, she created the tree to emulate the shape of Australia. I love it! Click here for a well written tutorial for this cool block.
I know there are plans to set up a station at QuiltCon in February to collect blocks. If you know someone going to the show, or if you are going, it might be nice to gather blocks from quilters local to you and contribute them there. This will certainly will save on mailing expenses. Our local guild is making blocks and I am hopeful there will be quite a few to mail in. (If you happen to be a local member, please bring your blocks to the Tuesday night meeting in February!). Hoping you’ll be moved to make a block or two for this worthy cause – Happy Weekend everyone!!
Linking to my usual places including Brag About Your Beauties over at From Bolt to Beauty and Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts and Oh Scrap! at Quilting is Better Than Housework.
Thank you for making blocks to donate for this worthy effort! I designed a tree block for this too! A tutorial is on my blog.
Oh good! I will update my post and link to your tutorial as well. Thank you so much!
The blocks are wonderful & will go to a hard hit area in Australia. Well done…xox
So happy to do this small gesture. Stay safe.
Now that I know there will be a collection station set up at QuiltCon, I’ll be sure to bring some with me! I’d better get to work!
Good idea! I am so envious of you taking this trip to Quilt Con. I look forward to hearing about your experience tho. I will experience it vicariously through you. (I do have to ask…. whenever I am in a loud place with lots of stimulus like noise and activity I always, always get a migraine. Do you?)
Thank you so much for getting the word out, Bernie, and for your beautiful blocks!
Of course – never a problem. The block was actually a lot of fun to make. Thanks for the tutorial.
Your blocks are so cute Bernie! Wonderful post for a great cause. (thumbs up!)
Beautiful contributions to the cause!
Love your blocks, and the one of Australia! I’ll start working on a few. Good to know that there will a collection at QuiltCon. I’m not going, but may see if I know anyone local who is.
Happy to hear you are joining in with the tree blocks. I am not going to QC either (way too far, thus too expensive) but am sure there are people around here who are going. If not, our guild will mail the blocks that members make. Looking forward to seeing your blocks Emily.
Great block and such a worthy cause.
Thanks for letting us know about the tree block drive, Bernie! I appreciate all the ideas for different trees, too. I really like the ones you made!
No problem! It is crazy how everyone steps up for these sorts of quilting projects. I bet there will be soooo many blocks sent over. Also think it is a great idea (since the timing works so well) for the collection of blocks at QuiltCon. Saves on some expensive postage
This is such a great idea and a worthy cause. Your blocks look wonderful. Thanks for sharing this information with Oh Scrap!
Your blocks look great! I am sure they will be loved and what a comfort to those who have lost so much!