Sunday Update

Good morning! Looks like we are in for another rainy day. This is fine with me as I have lots of projects to work on. Yesterday I spent the day at a seminar that one of the local agriculture colleges hosted for the 4-H kids that have swine projects. Lots of information was provided and Julia is one step closer to bringing home her piglets. But it did mean we were away for most of the day. It will be nice to be home today.

I wanted to finish my story about my trip to Toronto earlier this month. Remember I mentioned I was able to have coffee with another quilt blogger?  It was a pleasure to meet Lisa of Sunlight in Winter Quilts. Lisa also began blogging in 2014, right around when I started. We met through the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. (If you haven’t participated in this event, and you are fairly new to quilt blogging, you might want to check it out. It is a great way to learn about blogging and to meet others. The link I provided will take you to the 2016 event for a general idea of what it entails.) Anyway, I digress.  Back to my coffee date. Earlier in the fall, I mentioned in a post that we would be traveling to Toronto for the wedding. Lisa emailed me and said she would love to meet if I had time. There is always time, right??

Lisa lives about 1.5 hours outside of the city proper. She graciously made the trip in, even though I told her I wouldn’t have too long to hang out. She made a weekend out of it. Her post about her weekend explorations is here. Both of us forgot to take a picture, which I regret. It was a lovely visit though – it is so fun to catch up in person, isn’t it? We had coffee, talked about our blogs, quilting projects, and of course, our families. She is just as sweet in person as she is in her blog posts. In fact, because she knew I wouldn’t have time to explore any shops in Toronto she brought me a little bundle of fat quarters. She wanted me to take something home from this trip. She is really a thoughtful person.

I have a love for Ankara wax prints. I have used them in several projects, including this tablecloth, and think they have a wonderful character to them. These fat quarters are also wax prints. Love the guinea fowl and the elephants! It will be fun to think of a project for these. Thank you Lisa for the gift of the fabric, and more so, of your time. Hopefully the next trip to Toronto will allow for some fabric shopping.

When I got home I there was a package that had arrived in the mail. When I mentioned the baby quilt I am making for my new grand baby, Mari, of Academic Quilter,  asked if I would like some light gray Kona to use in it as the background. She had also sent me a lavender print earlier to contribute to the baby’s quilt. She is such a thoughtful person! The print works well with the others I had selected and the pale gray is perfect for the background. Now I need to start cutting.

In the same Q1- FAL post where I talked about the baby quilt, I also mentioned I wanted to try making a baby quilt by enlarging one block to about 36-40 inches. For inspiration and reference, Mari added her copy of the book, Sew One and You’re Done. It basically does just what I was saying. I have hardly had time to take more than a quick peek at it but I think it will be helpful. Thank you Mari!!

My stash has grown just a bit and I now have all the fabric for the baby’s quilt. Time to get busy!

Linking to Sunday Stash.

11 thoughts on “Sunday Update

  1. Brenda Ackerman

    Good Morning Bernie! I absolutely love both of the wax prints that you have shown. They are a type of material I have never worked with, yet plan to this spring by making some outside covers for tables and even some chair pillows. So, thank you for bringing it to my attention that there is a very broad variety of fabric styles available in this style of fabric. How wonderful that Lisa and you had the opportunity to meet while you were in Toronto. From posts that I have read, after meeting face to face with a blogging friend their relationship continues to grow stronger and they end up scheduling time to see each other. I hope that you and Lisa develop a special friendship also. I wish you great success and fun in making your baby quilt using one gigantic block. I am looking forward to seeing how it all works, it really is a fantastic idea and the quilt on the cover is beautiful. Also, best of luck in completing one of your goals for FAL. I have finished one of my seven and am starting on my second. Thank you for sharing and have a spectacular day!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Brenda, It is a treat to meet someone in person after conversing via the internet for such a long while. We both enjoyed our quick coffee date! Good luck with your projects. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Bernie Post author

      It was a nice added bonus to a really fun trip. Now, if I should ever make it to Texas…. or you to California – that would be a treat!

  2. Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

    I was so thrilled to hear that you had time to meet up with Lisa, and how generous of her to bring you some fabric! 🙂 The fabric and one block design look very helpful, and I hope you made a lot of great progress yesterday.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Meeting with Lisa made the trip that much more special!
      I made great progress yesterday with the baby quilt. Everything is cut (which isn’t one of my favorite parts of the quilt making process) so today I can dive in and get started.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Well, today the goal is to get the HST’s put together. We shall see. It is sort of raining/snowing out so its a good day to be inside. 🙂

  3. Lisa

    Hi Bernie: Sorry it took me so long to get here. I’ve been tired and busy and slightly sick so the blog including reading other posts has taken a bit of a back seat. I really enjoyed visiting with you and I look forward to the next time. The fabrics look so good in your photo : ).


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