Sunday Stash Update

It has been a long while since I have purchased a set of precuts from one fabric line. Usually, I am too frugal to just buy fabric without having an intended project already in mind. Knowing me well, two of my kiddos recently gave me a great birthday gift; a three month membership to one of Pink Castle’s monthly fabric clubs. It is pretty amazing that a 25 and 28 year old guy when hunting for a gift for their fabric obsessed mother were fortunate enough to stumble upon Pink Castle’s fabric club options during a Google search. Actually I should say it was fortunate for me, huh? (Last year for my birthday, my three boys gave me a great gift of fabric. You can read about that one here.)

The boys selected the club featuring Art Gallery fabric. Although with the options offered at Pink Castle, they couldn’t go wrong. I would have been happy with any of them. Last week I received my first set. It is gorgeous.


This is a line called “Dare” and was designed by Pat Bravo. It is modern and bold. The navy and dark pink are great together, especially mixed with the other shades of blue, pink and mustard yellow. I love it.


So pretty!


I am thinking about how best to use these. The pieces are fat eighths so not terribly large. My current idea is to make some sort of plus quilt design where the pattern of pluses (is that a word?) is surrounded by a coordinating solid, probably gray or yellow. I haven’t made a plus quilt yet and love them. I kind of see it where the pluses are clustered up in the right corner, working their way down to the below the midline and then a solid fabric surrounding them. It would be a great piece of negative space to practice some quilting.  We’ll see, I need to play around with it a bit more.

This is the perfect gift for me. I think the three month subscription is just the right amount. It will give me three new projects, which will take me well into the new year (and that’s just around the corner!!)

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. Yesterday I worked on a holiday project and it is coming along well. I’ll post pictures sometime next week.

Linking to Molly Sparkle’s Sunday Stash.

12 thoughts on “Sunday Stash Update

  1. Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

    What a fantastic gift from your boys! I have also been enjoying navy and coral or navy and pink as a color combination lately. I like your description of the plus quilt you are envisioning creating with these, and it will be fun to see your other bundles and how you use them.

  2. JanineMarie

    These are yummy and your boys have excellent taste in birthday gifts! Pink Castle is just an hour down the road from me, but I’ve never been there. Need to go! But your way of getting all the fabric goodness at your doorstep is appealing. I can’t wait to see what you do with them. It sounds like you have some neat ideas floating around.

    1. Bernie Post author

      An hour away from Pink Castle and you haven’t made the trip? That needs to happen in 2016! I would love to see a post on it too. 🙂 The fun part of this fabric club is getting a fun surprise in the mail each month. So much fun!


  3. Sandra

    Bernie this is a “to-die-for” Set of fabrics! Art Gallery is one of my favourite companies. The hand of their fabrics….mmm silk. WHAT a fabulous gift…methinks I will drop some hints my daughters’ and my mum’s way…I am like you in the purchasing an entire line department, so this would be quite the treat. I can totally see the plus quilt in my mind as you described it. One of those is also on my ‘must do’ list.

    1. Bernie Post author

      Yes, send a hint out — what a fun Christmas gift that would be for you.
      I totally agree with you on AG fabrics. They are of exceptional quality. Almost silky. Now I need to choose which coordinating solid will be the most fun for the quilt top. 🙂

      Take care,

  4. Kristi

    Awesome! It will be fun to experiment with fabric that you may not actually by on a big bolt! What a wonderful gift!

    1. Bernie Post author

      Hi Stephanie,
      Thank you! I can’t wait to get started. Though that won’t be likely to happen until after the holidays. Maybe first thing in January.

      Happy Thanksgiving,


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