Today you are all invited to play a little game. In recent months the news has been filled with problems, politics and pandemics. Enough with such seriousness. We need to lighten things up a bit. So I thought I would host a game called Guess Who!
I invited a number of quilt bloggers to send me a picture of themself as a child. There is quite the mix of bloggers participating. You are likely to be familiar with many of them, but some might be new to you. Here are the rules to this very challenging game. (Haha – really, this is quite simple.) In this post is a list of all of the bloggers who are playing along. Each of them has a childhood photo showing below. Each photo is labeled with a number – Blogger Number 1, Blogger Number 2, and so on.
Your job is to leave a comment including a list of the bloggers’ names and then next to each name, put the number of the picture you believe is theirs.
The order of the pictures and the blogger’s names are totally random. If you already know what the blogger looks like, great – then try to match the person up with the photo. If you are unfamiliar with the blogger, click their name and you will be taken to their website. Take a look around, get to know the person and see what she looks like. Come back and leave your best guesses in the comments.
To sweeten the deal, there will be prizes! First prize goes to the person who gets them all correct. If this doesn’t happen, it will be awarded to the person who guesses the most correctly. Should there be a tie, I will pick a name between the winners.
OK – first let’s look at the names of all the bloggers who are included in today’s Guess Who game. Again, no particular order was used in this listing.
- Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs
- Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton
- MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker
- Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons
- The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman
- The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck
- Needle & Foot, ME!
- Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma
- From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter
- Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly
- Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz
- Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan
- From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain
- Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig
Now let’s take a look at the most adorable pictures ever!

Now that you are all on cuteness overload, it is time to match them up. You might want to copy the blogger list into your comment and then add the number of the picture you believe is theirs. I hope you all have a lot of fun looking through these and trying to guess who is who.
Remember the prizes? Here they are:

In addition to the prizes shown above each of the three winners will also receive their choice of one PDF pattern generously donated by Cynthia Brunz of Quilting is More Fun than Housework.
OK – time for you to match up the fourteen bloggers with the correct picture! The winners of the game will be drawn on Saturday, December, 12th. Good luck everyone. I will also put up a post with the correct bloggers matched to their pictures on Saturday as well! I hope you all enjoy this.
Pingback: Guess Who?! – Quilting Jetgirl
Harder than I thought, and I’m pretty sure I’m wrong.
Yvonne 11; Julie 7; Sandra 14; Leanne 6; Emily 9; Jan 11; Bernie 10; Wendy 1; Carole 12; Kirsty 2; Cynthia 5; Vasudha 3; Michelle 8; Sarah 4
What fun, Bernie! Thanks for doing this!
• Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs 13
• Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton 9
• MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker 12
• Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons 4
• The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman 1
• The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck 8
• Needle & Foot, ME! 10
• Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma 2
• From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter 5
• Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly 6
• Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz 7
• Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan 3
• From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain 11
Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig 14
Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs #6
Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton #12
MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker #14
Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons #11
The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman #2
The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck #4
Needle & Foot, ME! #10
Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma #1
From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter #7
Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly #12
Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz #9
Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan #3
From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain #5
Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig #8
I know I got them all mixed up, but it was fun visiting the sites of fellow bloggers I hadn’t met before!
This was fun, Bernie! (But not easy, lol!) Here’s my list:
Yvonne 6
Julie 7
Sandra 9
Leanne 14
Emily 4
Jan 13
Bernie 10
Wendy 1
Carole 12
Kirsty 2
Cynthia 5
Vasudha 3
Michelle 8
Sarah 11
• Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs – 12
• Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton – 1
• MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker – 14
• Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons – 2
• The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman – 10
• The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck – 7
• Needle & Foot, ME! – 6
• Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma – 8
• From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter – 9
• Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly – 11
• Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz – 4
• Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan – 3
• From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain – 13
• Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig – 5
Bernie this was a blast!!! Maybe another time is do their first quilt made. I am sure I am way off.
2 Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs
13 Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton
5 MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker
9 Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons
11 The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman
12 The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck
10 Needle & Foot, ME!
1 Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma
14 From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter
6 Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly
4 Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz
3 Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan
8 From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain
7 Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig
I’m probably all wrong. Thank you.
Quilting Jet Girl, Yvonne Fuchs-13
Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton-8
MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker-1
Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons10
The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman-4
The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck-12
Needle & Foot, ME!-5
Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma-7
From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter-14
Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly-9
Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz-6
Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan-3
From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain-2
Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig-11
Well that was fun and I spent way too much time on it….but here are my guesses!
1 Wendy
2 Kirsty
3 Vashuda
4 Jan
5 Cynthia
6 Leanne
7 Julie
8 Michelle
9 Sarah
10 Bernie
11 Emily
13 Yvonne
14 Sandra
What a riot to look at everyone’s answers (after I posted this) – not many are the same. This was WAY HARD!!! They are all such cuties!
• 6 – Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs
• 11- Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton
• 14 – MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker
• 12 – Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons
• 13 – The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman
• 1- The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck
• 10 – Needle & Foot, ME!
• 8 – Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma
• 5 – From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter
• 2 – Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly
• 9 – Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz
• 3 – Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan
• 4 – From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain
• 7 – Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig
Such fun but certainly not easy!
Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne Fuchs 2
Me & My Quilts, Julie Sefton 9
MMM! Quilts, Sandra Walker 14
Devoted Quilter, Leanne Parsons 4
The Darling Dogwood, Emily Leachman 12
The Colorful Fabriholic, Jan Ochterbeck 13
Needle & Foot, ME! 10
Pieceful Thoughts, Wendy Tuma 1
From My Carolina Home, Carole Carter 7
Bonjour Quilts, Kirsty Cleverly 6
Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Cynthia Brunz 5
Storied Quilts, Vasudha Govindan 3
From Bolt to Beauty, Michelle Cain 8
Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sarah Craig 11
This was a difficult, fun diversion.
Looking forward to seeing the correct names on the photos.
1. Wendy
2. Kirsty
3. Vasudha
4. Jan
5. Cynthia
6. Emily
7. Julie
8. Sarah
9. Carole
10. Bernie
11. Michelle
12. Leanne
13. Yvonne
14. Sandra
These are hard! At this point, I feel confident I can get one correct. But I will be back!
All of these photos are so much fun!
Yvonne Fuchs – 5
Julie Sefton – 7
Sandra Walker – 4
Leanne Parsons – 9
Emily Leachman – 2
Jan Ochterbeck – 6
Bernie Kringel – 12
Wendy Tuma – 11
Carole Carter – 14
Kirsty Cleverly – 1
Cynthia Brunz – 10
Vasudha Govindan – 3
Michelle Cain – 8
Sarah Craig – 13
WHEW! I know at least one is right. I hope you’ll share a post with each of these correctly identified.
I have enjoyed this immensely! Thanks to all you ladies who participated! What a bunch of cutie pies!
So here goes, after much study, I am convinced in my own mind that these are spot on!! Lol!!!
Yvonne: 13
Julie: 4
Sandra: 14
Leanne: 6
Emily: 11
Jan: 9
Bernie: 10!
Wendy: 1
Carole: 12
Kirsty: 2
Cynthia: 5
Vashudha: 3
Michelle: 8
Sarah: 7
Seriously, so much fun!!! Thanks, Bernie!
1 – Wendy Tuma
2 – Yvonne Fuchs
3 – Vasudha Govindan
4 – Jan Ochterbeck
5 – Sarah Craig
6 – Leanne Parsons
7 – Julie Sefton
8 – Michelle Cain
9 – Cynthia Brunz
10 – Bernie Kringle
11 – Kirsty Cleverly
12 – Emily Leachman
13 – Carole Carter
14 – Sandra Walker
This was a lot harder than I thought it would be! Thanks for a fun activity!
Oh my heavens, this is way harder than I thought it would be. It seems like the longer I’ve been following a blogger, the faster I can connect them to pictures of their younger selves. Kirsty, Yvonne, Bernie, Sandra — I definitely have you matched up correctly! : )
This was hard but fun. Here are my guesses:
Yvonne #14
Sandra #14
Leanne #6
Bernie #10
Kristy #2
Vasudha #3
Michelle #8