Remember last week when I mentioned I had never done a mystery quilt along? It was in the post about the April blogger bundle curated by Cheryl Brickey. I said that mystery quilts made me nervous since I didn’t get to see the overall pattern for the quilt. Well I am making progress! I am involved in the new Fire Burst Mystery Quiltalong hosted by Tish Stemple.
However I should explain. Tish took the mystery out of it for me when she asked me to curate two different kits of fabric for the event. She had a few readers mentioning to her how picking the fabrics was a challenge for them, not knowing what the quilt was to look like. She thought offering a few kits might appease the nerves of some of the participants. This sounded like a lot of fun for me so I got to work.
With lots of emailing back and forth between Tish and I (or is it me??) there are now two different kits available in the shop for the event! I really like them both. I created each one to be quite different from the other so the color choices would appeal to a wide variety of taste.
The first one! This kit appeals to me with the jewel tones standing out most. The dark blue and fuschia fabrics are from the 76 line by Alison Glass. Along with those, are two fabrics from Amy Gibon’s Meriwether line made by Windham Fabrics.
I set up the kit so that the background fabric is the creamy off-white print with the little stars. The floral is also from that line and it looks great with the Alison Glass fabrics. So this kit is as follows:
Background Fabric: Twinkle Farmhouse by Amy Gibson (the creamy off-white stars)
Fabric 1: Stitched in Violet by Alison Glass (the dark fuchsia)
Fabric 2: Frolic in Farmhouse by Amy Gibson (the lovely floral on creamy off-white)
Fabric 3: Numbered in Peacock by Alison Glass (the dark blue)
Kit number two is quite different. For this one, I selected a subtle print for the background. Called Dancing Daisies, it is from the Camping collection by Art Gallery Fabric. I really like the pale green, soft little daisies and the pop of orange in the center of each flower.
Because I used a print as the background, I stayed with solids for the other three fabrics. Drawing from the colors of the print, I chose three pieces from Art Gallery’s Pure Elements solid fabrics. I love both shades of orange and how the daisy centers are enhanced by them. I think this is a really pleasing but bold combination.
Here are the details for Kit 2:
Background Fabric: Dancing Daisies, made by Art Gallery Fabrics.
Fabric 1: Tiger Lily (the dark orange)
Fabric 2: Mandarin (the light orange)
Fabric 3: Emerald (the dark green
I have to say, this was such a fun project. I am trying to decide which kit I will use when I sew along with this, my first, mystery QAL! I know, it is like I cheated because I got to see the pattern. But baby steps, right? Baby steps.
I hope you will go check out Tish’s post today. Whether you are participating or not in the Fire Burst Mystery QAL, her post is full of great ideas about color selection. I really like how she explained it and found it quite helpful.
What do you think of these two choices? Which is your favorite? I would love to know because it is helpful to me for these kinds of projects as they come up in the future. Also, are you participating in the QAL? Hope so, it is going to be a lot of fun. The schedule is very relaxed and the quilt pattern is doable for quilters of all skill levels.
If you have ay questions about the kits, leave a comment and I will get back to you. Both are available in the shop in two sizes, baby quilt (32″ square) and lap quilt (64″ square).